Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 934: What do you think is sweet?

Chapter 934 feels that what is sweet is how it happened.

This saying, 岑墨一脸 does not understand: "Improve personal charm?!"

"Sir, I have been with you all the time, but the people below have always been afraid of me. No one wants to be close to me. I see that Xiaolu is very popular after coming to our house. Everyone likes Xiaolu, so Ask Xiaolin how to improve his personal charm! Xiaolu is my teacher..." Saihande scratched his head and explained to him, "So don't guess!"

The face of the ink-stained face suddenly nodded, and then he returned to drink the soup of Song Yu.

Although the taste is not as good as that of the chef at home, it can win in Song Min’s heart...

"Good to drink?!" asked Song.

Seeing the ink and opening your mouth, you have to answer. Song Wei is busy: "I have to listen to the truth! Don't lie to me!"

I nodded, and I said it straightforwardly: "Small and sly..."

Song Wei: "..."

Let you straightforward, you are really straightforward!

Song Wei was not happy to sit back in his chair, and listened to the ink to drink a comment. A foodie, staring at the chicken soup in front of him, said: "When the soup is too hot, the meat is old, the pot is out. When I didn't remove the oil, I tasted a bit tired. Maybe because you did it for the first time, so the salt is not bold enough, the taste is not enough, the salt is the first of the taste, and the taste of the whole dish or the soup is more and less! I can understand the pepper in it, I don’t understand it when you put this pepper..."

Song Hao sat in his seat, it was already glaring!

The evaluation of the four words of the horse and the tiger has been completed, and there is no end to the derogatory, what does it mean? !

"But..." 岑墨 said that he would look up here. "I’m doing this with your own hands. I said it’s not too much for humans!”

Song Yi, who had just stretched his face, couldn’t help but bite his lip and laugh.

what is this? !

I played so many sticks... I finally gave a sweet date? !

But this sweet date is given after so many sticks, and Song Wei still feels how sweet it is.

Song Yu looked at the ink and bowed his head and almost finished the soup of Song Yu. Even the chicken ingredients were left, so don't mention how happy.

She looked at the ink that she was laughing at now, and thought that she was following the guilty things in her heart. She said that she would not swear by anything, but Song Zhen did not know how to tell him about his mother’s diary. The secret of the book.

After having lunch, I have a job to be busy, and Song Yu stayed in the bedroom and was guilty.

On that day, I was sympathetic to the ink, and I should have seen that Song Hao had something to do with her. He was waiting for Song Yu to confess, otherwise he would not be working all the time, instead of sleeping with himself at night.

According to the truth, it is not difficult for Song Wei to do such a thing. It is not a normal person. He has problems in his heart. Song Yu is always afraid of any more psychological trauma to Yan Mo.

She picked up the phone and wanted to consult Lin Wen. Now Morocco is noon, and the country is at 9 o'clock in the evening...

Lin Wen should have been busy!

Thinking of this, Song Yu dialed the phone of Lin Wen.

Lin warming is going back on the way, she is already asleep in the nanny car, and she is awakened by the vibration of the mobile phone.

Enduring a headache, Lin Wen looked at Song Hao’s call, straightened the back of the chair and got up and connected: “Hey...”

"Warm, are you busy now?!"

"I have already finished work, on the way back!"

"There is something that you can't decide to discuss with you!" Song Yan frowned and said hesitant.

"Well, you said..."

"Before I came to Morocco from the country, I found a relic of his mother from the country, and it was his mother's diary!" Song Wei had almost no difficulty in the face of Lin Wen, and he was brief and simple. "When I helped organize things, I didn't know that it was his mother's relic. I didn't put it down on the shelf, broke the lock of the diary, and dropped a thing from it. It was when I returned. Lu Jiashi's paternity test..."

Lin Wen heard this, can already guess the following...

"The above shows that the ink is not the fat flesh of the Lu family!" This sentence was slightly entangled in Song Min's lips and teeth, she said the mouth, "I saw the diary of the mother of the ink, the mother of the ink said... ... She and her husband received news that a child in a welfare home in Alabama had the same age as the son they had lost. Although they were not clear about the previous memories, they remembered their surname Lu! After all, There are very few Chinese lost in the United States. It’s a coincidence that I remember my surname Lu! They were so convinced that they found their son and rushed to Alabama..."

Song Yu’s voice was slow, and Lin Wen listened very seriously.

At that time, Lu’s grandfather was seriously ill because he missed his grandson, and his parents had been separated because of the loss of their son.

When Lu Jia’s father heard about the news, his condition turned better, he worked hard with the doctor, and wanted to keep his life to see his grandson!

Even the Lujia father and the old lady have already identified that the child is their child, because it is too clever to remember that his surname is still found in the United States, and there is no way to doubt it.

Black hair, black coix seed, yellow skin, Lu Xiangsi's mother saw the first sight of 岑墨 can not restrain his tears, holding the ink and crying, age, surname are all right, then the paternity test.

In recent years, Lujia has spent too much time and energy to find lost children!

Lu Xiangsi’s mother wrote in her diary that it was an accident to see the child’s pure and clean voice with stubbornness and tears.

Especially when the child saw her, she saw her with black hair and black eyes. The child seemed to subconsciously think that she was his mother. There were questions in the eyes, sadness, and hunger!

Her heart was a mess.

Lu Xiangsi’s mother said that she could actually feel that this child is not her own flesh and blood. Her biological flesh is probably not in the world, but she has not dared to say it for so many years...

Clearly knowing the answer inside, but Lu Xiangsi’s mother still has a glimmer of hope to make a paternity test, in case? !

At that time, the result of paternity testing, even in the United States, took three days to come out.

In three days, the contact between Lu Xiangsi’s parents and Zhai Mo, the more he found that Yan Mo is a tough and intelligent child!

In particular, the eyes of Yan Mo's eyes are so heartbreaking that he can perfectly manage his daily life. His clothes are worn out than any children's clothes in the welfare home, but they are cleaner than them.

(End of this chapter)

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