Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 935: This makes Lin Wen have a bold idea.

Chapter 935, this gives Lin Wen a bold idea.

The shoes of the welfare homes donated by others on his feet are obviously small, and he does not scream, so he does not wear it.

He never complains, the quilt stacks better than the adults.

On this child, Lu Xiangsi’s parents saw countless advantages.

On the third day, the report of the paternity test report with Yan Mo showed that the child was not related to them, and the father of Lu Xiangsi collapsed.

Then a big man who wants to be strong, crying like a child in his wife's arms!

The two thought about it day and night. Finally, Lu Xiangsi’s mother and her husband discussed and wanted to bring the ink back to Lujia, and they found their eldest son!

Now Lu’s condition is getting better because he is about to see his grandson. If he told Lu’s father that the child was not his grandson, how could the old man suffer? !

Moreover, the family has been looking for a child for so long, and has not been able to find it. The family’s human resources and resources have not cost much. The most important thing is that the people’s minds have already been found.

Lu Xiangsi’s father hesitated for a moment, reminding Lu Xiangsi’s mother that once she had called back the eldest son of Lu’s family, they would no longer be able to find their own children.

Lu Xiangsi’s mother cried and told Lu Xiangsi’s father that she had a hunch many years ago that their son could never return in this life. They could not see their children in this life...

The couple who were packing their bags and preparing to return to China had been crying together for a long time. They decided to go to the orphanage in the United States to adopt the ink. He brought him back to the country. He said to anyone that his ink is their eldest son and he really intends to bring him really. As a child of his own.

When the couple saw Lu’s father, Mrs. Lu, because of the arrival of the ink, the physical condition improved day by day, and Mrs. Lu even personally cooked the food for her grandson. Even Lu Xiangsi, who is usually whispered, surrounded her brother. Turn, the family feels warm and awkward, and the couple will really look at themselves as if they were themselves.

Lin Wen listened to this story, the heart suddenly jumped, only listened to Song Wei asked her: "Warm, you say ... how can I say this with the ink ink, these years of love has always been the backbone of the ink, if let Yan Mo knows that he is not a child of Lu family, Acacia is not his sister, you say him..."

Song Yu’s words and stops.

Lin Wen calmed for a moment and said: "If you can't say it, then you can look at the ink-printed mother's diary. You talk about the words of the mother-in-law... It's better to let him know his mother's words. His love."

Song Yi’s glimpse, like a sudden opening!

Yeah, why do you want her to say? ! Why can't she give me a look!

Isn't this more intuitive and more realistic than your own retelling? !

Song Yu thanked Lin on the phone and hurriedly hanged up.

Lin warm frowns, squatting in the mobile phone in his hand, thinking of Song Yu... The Alabama Welfare Institute in the United States, the child only remembers his surname Lu? !

This made Lin Wen have a bold idea, but it felt a bit ridiculous.

Lin Wen remembered his mother’s death in the letter before his death, Lin Wen’s lost brother!

Her brother was also lost in the United States. When he was lost, he was two years old, two years old... Will he remember his last name? !

Lin warm does not know!

In her mind, she was inexplicably embarrassed to look like a smile, shaking her head, probably thinking more! She and 岑 ink are really... not at all!


With ink and bluetooth headsets, he walked around in the study room, kept his hands in his pockets, listened to the meeting at the other end of the phone, and asked questions from time to time with fluent and beautiful grammar.

Song Hao did not knock on the door. The diary of her mother holding the ink in her hand was very embarrassed in the heart of the study.

岑 视 视 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫

Song Wei, who stood at the center of the door and bowed his head, was shocked and lifted.

"What happened to stand outside for a long time?!" 岑墨 said that he would help Song Yu to come in and let her sit on the sofa.

Seeing Song Hao holding a baby in his arms and holding something tightly, he smiled and asked: "What baby to hold for me?!"

When Song Song was still in a difficult position, after asking for such a question, it was good to say it. She handed the notebook to her: "Mom's diary."

"Isn't it for you to collect?! You watched it!!" When the ink was talking, the eyebrows were smiling, not like angry.

"Well, I looked at it and found some things. I think you need to look at it too!" Song Wei decided to leave the space alone to the ink, and said, "Look first, I... I will come back later!"

Song Yu said so much, and put the diary in the ink, and opened the study door and went out.

But Song Hao did not go far, she stood at the door of the study, her heart was like a drum.

This big secret is broken, but I don’t know what reaction will be made by ink, is it acceptable or unbearable? !

Song Yu decided to stay at the door wherever he went. When he finished watching the diary, she went in to accompany him and stayed with him...

The ink that was stuffed with the diary was foggy. He opened it with his hand, which was the page with a paternity test inside.

Seeing the paternity test, you can see the ink.

The line of sight falls on the diary, which just records the Lujia couple’s trip to the Alabama Welfare Institute in the United States.

岑墨 put aside the paternity test in his hand, looking backwards one by one, the twilight is heavy.

Song Yu counted the time outside the door, quietly pushed open the study door, but could not see the ink on the sofa...

At this time, the ink was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and ordered a cigarette.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, he looked back at Song Song, extinguished the cigarette, and opened the window smoothly: "Don't come in!"

I don't know if it is because of the sadness or the smoking of cigarettes. The sound of ink is very hoarse.

Song Yu listened to the door and looked at the ink. The two were too far apart and separated by a layer of smoke. She could not see the expression of ink.

"岑墨......" Song Yu whispered the name of the ink.

Yan Mo showed a smile on Song Song, and lifted his foot toward Song Song: "It’s already time for nap, why not rest?!"

"I am worried about you..." Song said that his arm was already wrapped in the waist of the ink.

She looked up at her ink and her eyes were red, so that she could see the dark eyes of her in close quarters, as if he had never seen the diary in his previous diary.

"It's okay!" 岑墨 stretched his hand and licked the top of Song Song, and held Song 窈 in his arms. "What is your business with me?!"

Song Wei nodded: "I never knew how to speak, I am afraid that you can't accept it..."

The third is more... Baby, who do you guess who is the brother? ! Ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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