Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 938: I have no opinion on this decision? !

Chapter 938 I decided that you have no opinion? !

Fu Huai'an originally wanted to let the servants buy it, and felt that it was too late to delay the time. In addition, if Lin Wen did not have a pregnant servant, the person who bought the pregnancy tester would be aware of it. I will be embarrassed!

Therefore, Fu Huai'an made a phone call to Xiaolu, and he ran **** a small land.

Soon, Xiaolu Fengfeng fired a bunch of pregnancy test sticks and rushed to Fu Zhai. He didn't say anything, and he was on the second floor and knocked on Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an's bedroom door.

At this time, Lin Wen is sitting at the window and holding his arm to bite his nails, it is difficult to cover the tension.

Fu Huaian opened the door and took the pregnancy test stick from Xiaolu. He listened to Xiaolu and said, "Maybe you want to congratulate Mrs. Mr.!"

Fu Huai'an has a smile in his eyes: "It's hard! Go back!"

Holding the pile of pregnancy test sticks, the warm figure is the warrior who is about to go to the battlefield. A serious question to Fu Huai'an: "That... I went!"

Fu Huai'an solemnly decapitated: "Go!"

Lin Wen put all the pregnancy test sticks on the sink according to the instructions, time...

The time has not yet arrived, Lin Wen has seen a pregnancy test bar showing the parallel bars.

Her heart thumped.

Look at that row of pregnancy test sticks one color, and see that one of the pregnancy test bars showing the number of weeks of pregnancy shows that one pregnancy, one week, Lin warm heart beat faster!

She is holding her heart, but what is going on when the heart is plopping? !

Are their little angels finally coming? !


Fu Huai'an knocked on the door and suppressed his feelings and asked: "Well?!"

Fu Huai'an was also taking time outside the door, feeling nervous.

Lin Wen picked up the pregnancy test stick that showed the time, took a deep breath and walked to the bathroom door to open the door.

Four eyes are opposite, Fu Huai'an eyes are eager.

Lin warm couldn't help but smile, and couldn't help but redden his eyes...

Fu Huai'an didn't know what the result was, first to comfort Lin Wen: "It doesn't matter, we can do it without this..."

When Fu Huai'an's words were not finished, Lin Wen raised the pregnancy test stick.

Seeing the pregnancy test stick, Fu Huai'an was not happy because of the confusion: "Other pregnancy test bars?!"

Lin warmed nodded: "It's all parallel bars!"

She turned the door sideways and let Fu Huai'an come in.

Seeing the pregnancy test stick consistently showing the parallel bars on the sink, Fu Huai'an calmed and couldn't hold the smile of his lips. He turned and hugged Lin.

"The wish of the group has been realized!"

Fu Huai'an said that he was extremely restrained, but the tremor in his voice still exposed his excitement.

Lin warm lips and lips evoke the old high: "The wish of the group, then what about you?!"

"Implemented! Realized!" Fu Huai'an eyebrows are all happy and nervous smiles.

That night, Fu Huai'an carefully held Lin warm in his arms. There was no such thing as a slighter act. At least three months later, this common sense Fu Huai'an has.

Fu Huai'an almost never sleeps for a night, he did not dare to ring his arms around the Lin warm waist as usual, afraid to press the warm belly.

He was also the father for the first time, and the knowledge knew more. Suddenly he became a father who was still somewhat ecstatic and helpless.

In this life, Fu Huai'an is more eager to love than anyone else.

Therefore, after agreeing to Jiang Ming'an to take care of the regiment, he did not hesitate to be the father of the regiment.

He was missing from childhood and he didn't want to let the group disappear.

Now that he has his own children, he will definitely keep the forest warm and the children!

In the darkness, Fu Huai'an stared at the black radiance of Lin Wen's sleeping face. He bowed his head and kissed the top of Lin Wen's hair. He sniffed the fragrance of Lin Wen's long hair that was exclusively for her, and closed his eyes.

Early the next morning, when the group knew that there was already a little brother or little sister in the mother’s stomach, the little happy eyes were bright. He volunteered to be the mother’s knight, protecting the mother and the little baby in the mother’s belly. !

Aunt Li looked at the group of "Knights, Knights" shouting in the warm legs of Lin, and his eyes were full of smiles.

Aunt Li and Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an discussed it. Now Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an have more people to take care of. The situation of the group is getting better every day. She is also relieved, so I want to retire.

Fu Huai'an took it down and prepared a year's salary for Li Auntuo. Li Ayi shirked away. Later, Lin Wen urged Aunt Li to accept it.


From the country to Morocco, the plane just fell from the window and saw Song Song and Yan Mo have been waiting for their family at the airport.

When Song Wei saw Lin warmed down the plane, Xiao Lu flustered Zhang Zhang first went down the stairs and looked back. Lin warmed by Fu Huai'an to help him walk down the ladder, and then he went backwards, not like a forest in the protection forest. warm.

The group was not a little behind, and after Lin warmed up, he was taken by the pilot and got off the plane. He was nervous and shouted: "Be careful! Be careful!"

"What's wrong?! Is it warm and sick?! Or is it airsick?!" Song Wei felt that the situation was wrong and his brow was wrinkled.

岑 眸 眸 眸 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林

Look at Fu Huai'an and the group and Fu Huai'an's special help Xiao Lu, a cautious look, it will not be Lin Wen pregnant? !

The ink-collecting conjecture was quickly confirmed, and it was really warm!

Song Yi did not mention more happiness, she excitedly took Lin Wen's hand: "warm! Our children will be a doll if a man and a woman, if they are the same sex, then let them or they become good brothers and sisters! ”

When I heard Song’s words, Lin Wen did not respond, but instead looked at the ink...

Song Wei thought that Lin Wen was worried that he would mind if he would pay attention to it. He was busy asking questions: "I am not sure if you decide this?"

Holding a group of smoky smiles and nodded: "No opinion!"

"Let's go! Let's settle down first!" Fu Huai'an took the big hand of Lin warm shoulders and squeezed Lin Wen warmly.

Lin warmed nodded: "I will have something to say when I arrive at the house!"

岑墨颔首: "Go!"

Song Wei is a person who can't hide things in his heart. On the way back, he talked with Zhai Mo about the weird performance of Lin Wen just now.

If it used to be, Lin Wen should always say it, but this time...



When I got off the bus, Lin Wen said to him: "I have something to say to you..."

"Well, you said." Yan Mo is very polite to Lin.

"Small land, trouble you to take care of the group!" Lin Wen said to Xiaolu, looking back at the ink, "Go to your study..."

The group was handed over to Xiaolu, and four people were sitting in the study room. Lin Wen first handed the photo of the letter left by Ji Yun to the ink.

"what is this?!"

"Look at it!"

岑墨 low reading...

The latter thing Lin Wen does not say, Yan Mo also knows what Lin Wen is. After he finished reading, he did not know why, the heart also jumped with the plop.

The third is more... ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! Welfare on the 5th, the baby who voted for the monthly ticket can go to the administrator for welfare!

(End of this chapter)

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