Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 939: Just rely on your feelings? !

Chapter 939 depends on your feelings? !

If Lin Wen’s biological parents are also the same as the biological parents of Jimo...

He could not imagine that his biological mother was mad because of his loss, and his father lost his job because of his sake.

He frowned and looked at Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an: "Have you found anything?! Evidence?!"

Yan Mo thought that Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an had found his head. But if Fu Huai'an really found his head, his people did not notice it at all. Was Fu Huai's person too terrible? !

"There is no evidence!" Lin warmed openly. "I just think that the yellow-born children lost in the United States, remember that their surname is Lu, not the child of Luxiangsijia, maybe the child that my parents lost! really are The children lost by my biological parents, I feel that they can find you, they can rest in peace!"

Song Wei sat in the side of the ink and ink for a long time and did not slow down. Lin Wen means that her ink is her brother? !

"Without the evidence, it depends on your feelings?!" The photo in the handle of the ink was given back to Lin.

Although I did not say no to believe in ink, but there is no evidence that people think that Lin Wen’s conjecture is a bit bold.

The world is so big, thousands of children are discarded and lost every day. How can she make her meet her own brother? !

What's more, Lin Wen used to see Lu Xiangsi in Iraq before, and saved the group can say that he has a good feeling for Lu Xiangsi.

This kind of coincidence adds up, but it makes you can't believe it.

"So you would like to do an identification with me?! I and my lost brother are the same mother, although the parents are gone, but ... the genes that we both carry should be mostly similar, identification should not be difficult." Lin warmed open.

The ink brows are wrinkled, gazing at the photo of the letter that Lin Wen has already held in his hand.

Or because he just made sure that he is not a Lujia child, suddenly Lin Wen said that he might be her brother, and I am afraid that this is another disappointment!

After knowing that he is not the blood of Lu’s family, Yan Mo has not been looking for a family plan, but now Lin Wen suddenly emerged to say these...

Seeing the hesitation of the ink, Lin warmly and calmly...

"My mother has been crazy for a lifetime, wakes up before the last death, leaves this letter, I believe... she is because she can't put down the child she lost, she wants me to help her find her child, find me. My brother! Whether it is my biological father or my biological mother, they have been living in this life to lose their children’s self-blame. They have spent almost all their lives on finding children. Before they were... they have not been able to Achieved my wish, they are not here now, I still want to find my brother, do not ask for anything else, just want to take him to my parents' gravestone, tell my parents, they can rest, because I have found their lost children !"

If Lin is warm, let the ink eye red.

From the words of Ji Yun, you can feel that the reason for Ji Yun’s madness in this life is because he can’t release his son!

Because of the apology for the first child, they did not want the second child to suffer with them, so it was only after the change of Lin Wen and Lin Biao’s identity happened...

Even though they are so hard in life, they will still take out some of their money to find their children, even if they know that the money may still be squandered.

Zhai Mo feels that if he is really the child lost by Lin Wen’s parents, he should be happy and be able to be ignored by his parents.

I can also think that if it is, then how poor his parents should have been in this life, Lin Han’s tragic life after Lin Biao’s exchange, Lin Wen’s and Lin Biao’s truth, Lin Hu’s resentment, A father jumped to death!

If he is the child, then these are all from him!

"Just take a tube of blood, do an identification, can you?!" Lin Wen whispered.

Yan Mo looked at Lin Wen, this girl has always been obsessed with sex. He was the first time he heard Lin warming and talking to him.

For a long time, the ink ink dagger: "Good..."

Don't expect it? !

Do you really want to find your own family at all? !


He is just afraid of disappointment!

I am afraid that my loved ones will not find themselves again, fearing that they will abandon themselves!

But now, seeing this letter left by Lin Wen’s biological mother, I’m afraid of it!

He is afraid that he is really the child that Lin Wen’s biological mother lost...

He was afraid that his father would have lost the job of treating Wall Street because of his loss!

I am afraid that my mother has been crazy for so many years because of her own loss!

I am afraid that because of myself, I will make a happy and beautiful home become fragmented.

What he had thought before... I was afraid that I was thrown away by my family, and it would be especially ridiculous to start with them.

When the family doctor came to draw blood, Song Yu stared at the ink, and she rarely saw the ink so silent.

For a long time, Song Yu’s hand did not hold the hand of the ink, and it was discovered that there was a layer of fine sweat in the palm of the hand.

Song Yu did not loosen it. Instead, he tried to give him strength by squeezing his hand.

"Mr. Hey, you can get results in three hours!" The family doctor put two tubes of blood into his own box and smashed the ink.

岑 Ink and hold the elbow of the medical cotton swab and nod to the family doctor.

Fu Huai'an also wore a jacket with a cotton swab.

These two blood vessels were escorted to the laboratory by Saihande accompanied by a family doctor.

In the big mansion, only the sound of the floor pendulum, Lin Wen is silent, and the ink is more silent.

"In fact, I am very nervous..." Lin warmed first.

Yan ink looked in the direction of Lin Wen.

I saw Lin Wen’s low smile: “I used to hate you. I suddenly came to you for identification, saying that you might be my brother, this feeling is very strange!”

The ink throat was fretting, and there were some smiles in the dark and deep scorpions.

Fu Huai'an was looking at the drizzle outside with one hand, and he felt that there were ten out of ten... The ink was Lin Wen's brother.

This is probably the father of Lin Wen in the sky, blessing his pair of daughters to recognize it!

"I feel very strange..." Song Hao couldn't help but open his mouth. "I am warm and have a good year, but my best friend. This blink of an eye may make me become a warm scorpion. It feels like... It’s amazing too!”

Lin warmed nodded.

"I didn't like you at the beginning!"

Lin warmed his head and said that he knew that the first time they met was at the Lin family, and the attitude of the unruly, and his words were not inferior to Lin Wen’s memory.

The first is more... ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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