Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 940: But her brother is the best brother in the world!

Chapter 940 can be her brother is the best brother in the world!

岑 唇 唇 唇 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ......"

The two words of Acacia have not been exported yet, and the ink has already felt sore throat. He smiled and smiled: "I know that you have taken care of Acacia, I am very grateful to you!"

Song Wei did not expect that by the time of the identification results, it became the time for Lin Wen and Yan Mo to talk about each other.

"Acacia is the most kind and tough girl I have ever seen. In Iraq, she took care of me. I took care of her." Lin Wen thought about it and stared at him. "In Iraq, Xiangsi sister told me." I mentioned that she has a brother. I was not familiar with you before, so I never told you..."

Unexpected Lu Xiangsi actually mentioned him to others. He thought that Lu Xiangsi must have died very much and would never forgive him.

He stared at Lin's warm eyes and seemed to be waiting for Lin Wen to tell him... What did Lu Xiangsi say?

"Auntie did not produce before, and I said that she hopes to have a son in the first child! I asked her why, she said... she also has a brother, but she has not been able to contact her brother and disappeared these years, but she Brother is the best brother in the world!"

Therefore, Lu Xiangsi is giving good hope to the group. She hopes that her child will grow up to be such a good person as her brother, and hope that her child can worship her like her brother!

More importantly, it is the idea of ​​land phase to make up for regrets...

In the early years, my brother lost, and later the family changed his brother to go abroad without news, but she hopes that she can give her children a complete home!

Let their brothers and sisters, brothers, grow up together, brother to protect his brother or sister, sister or brother to help his brother!

She had hoped for a better life, she could not get it, so she hoped that her children could continue...deductive, instead of their happiness.

The ink-stained atrium was attacked by a heat stream, and he couldn’t help but see his face sore.

So, Lu Xiangsi... never hated him, didn’t you have it all day? !

"Acacia has not blamed you for a day!" Lin Wen seems to be able to know what he thought in his mind, and said this sentence easily.

The more silent the ink.

In the living room, the phone rang, and Song Xin’s heart jumped. She walked over and connected, and the phone was Saihande.

Lin Wen, Yan Mo and Fu Huai'an all stared at Song Wei, who answered the phone, waiting for Song Wei to say the result.

Song Yu was stared at the palm of his hand and was sweaty.

He said: "Mrs., the result came out. Mr. and Miss Lin are really brothers and sisters. I will come back with the appraisal report!"

Really a brother and sister!

Song Yu’s heart suddenly jumped up, and she couldn’t think of her best friend, actually her husband’s sister!

Generally speaking, it is a normal phenomenon that girlfriends become their own little aunts...

However, she first married Yumo, and later learned that Lin Wen is the sister of Yan Mo, which can not be described as "smart" and "accident".

Hanging up the phone, Song Yi looked at the ink and looked at Lin Lin warmly: "The result is out, you... really a brother and sister!"

Lin Wen’s heart has just swayed, but he gradually became more peaceful after hearing the news...

Her feelings are right, 岑 ink is really her brother!

Finally, still found!

Lin warmed back and looked at Fu Huai'an, his eyes were wet red!

Fu Huai'an walked to Lin Wen's side, raised his hand and licked the warm top of the forest, sat down on the arm of the sofa, grabbed the shoulder of her little hand and took the person in his arms: "This is a good thing!"

"Yeah!" Lin warmed.

The ink that the ink originally jumped at an extremely fast speed, the fierce thought at this time was to knock out the chest.

Therefore, he was accidentally lost by the nanny, his mother loved him deeply, and he was crazy for him forever!

His father was forced to leave the United States because he lost his high-paying job!

After he lost, their family was so poor because their parents used almost all their income to find him...

Therefore, his parents love him!

Therefore, his parents have never given up on him!

The ink fingertips clasped the armrests of the sofa, and the surface was quiet, and the heart was already a sea of ​​waves.

Song Yu looked at the ink, and saw that the whole person was stiff and sitting like a stone could not help but worry.

She sat next to her ink and whispered: "岑墨..."

"When I see the appraisal book, let me say!"

Zhai Mo said that he got up and went upstairs, and he did not return.

Heart, calm down...

Yan Mo shut himself in the study, holding his hands on the desk and his hands were very scary.

He hates himself!

At first, I felt that I might not be a child of Lujia, but he was afraid to find out that he was abandoned by his biological parents, so he dared not to scrutinize it!

My own sister was at my side!

My mother was still alive!

If he can be brave and dare to accept any reason for his loss, it is possible to find the whereabouts of his mother before his mother's death!

But he dare not!

Because he didn't dare, he missed his mother and couldn't see you again in this life!

The ink sticks to the teeth, and the mouth is full of blood.

He checked Lin Wen and knew what his mother was.

Crazy, huh, huh...

Zhai Mo once laughed at Lin Wen’s mother as a madman. This madman is not his own mother, or crazy because of himself. How ironic it is.

Song Wei stood outside the study door, and she did not take the opportunity to knock on the door.

In fact, even if he does not look at the appraisal report, he has already admitted that he is the child that Lin Wen’s biological parents have lost. The reason why he has to say the results of the appraisal is nothing more than to conceal his uneasy heart.


Downstairs Lin warm did not worry about going upstairs, she snuggled in Fu Huai'an's arms, the heart can not tell what the taste, but coveted to see the photo of the corner of the letter on the knee, but the lips are hooked up: "In the end still found ... ”

Fu Huai'an beheaded: "Well! Found!"

Xiao Lu accompanied the group to sleep upstairs. The first thing that didn't wake up was to ask for a mother. He didn't worry about Lin Wen and Lin Xiao's little baby in the belly. Xiaolu couldn't take the group downstairs.

Little is not a little confused, did not wake up, rubbed his eyes with his hands, went to the stairs to see Lin warm red eyes, immediately ran over, hands on Lin warm knees, looking up at Lin warm, eyes Seriously: "Mom!"

Lin warmed and smiled and held the group in his arms. He whispered: "Mom is very happy, group..."

Second more...

(End of this chapter)

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