Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 941: a panic

a flustered one in Chapter 941

Listening to Lin Wen said, the little ones are happy to smack their little heads on the warm neck of Lin, and look at Lin Wen with black bright black eyes: "The group is also happy!"

Little is not a little bit of these words.

Lin warmed his nose and licked his nose, and said: "Well... Mom knows!"

Saihande quickly took the testimony back and gave Lin warm a look and sent it to the study room of Jimo.

Yan ink stared at the appraisal book for a long time, put the appraisal book on the desk, silent.

"Sir, my wife is standing outside the study... I have been listening to the maid for a long time!" Saihande kindly reminded him.

"I know!"

"In addition, Mrs. Fu just received a call to the crew. Xiao Lu said that Mrs. Fu is pregnant now, so she plans to return to the country after taking the next few shots."

Saihande knows how much he used to pay for the sister of Lu Xiangsi. The **** Mr. Jiang of Jincheng Jiang’s family was because he had abused the land of Acacia, and the Jiang Molian’s family did not care about the breeding of Lu Xiangsi. The home ruined the **** family!

Today, Zhai Mo’s biological sister has become Lin Wen...

Saihande thinks this should be a good thing for Yan Mo, at least his sister is still alive!

After Saihande went out, Song Yu came in from the door: "Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an took the group and went to the crew first!"

Ink and ink, the five senses of Lengsu did not see the anger.

"Warm, if you have time... she wants to invite you to go and worship her parents!" Song whispered.

Song Yu knows that the ink is hiding in the forest, because it is!

愧疚 Because of his loss, his parents ended up like that.

It is also because of him that his father sent Lin Wen to the Lin family.

In fact, at the bottom of my heart, my loved ones have always been very soft and soft.

There is no buzz in the ink.

"岑墨..." Song Wei walked to the desk and hugged him from behind. "Are you suddenly finding a sister and discovering your mother and father's experience, feel guilty?!"

The person who knows the most about ink is indeed Song Wei.

He didn't open his mouth, just grabbed Song's slender wrist, and his thumb was slightly mottled around her wrist.

"Ink, you believe me, your parents will never blame you! Because they love you so much!" Song Song whispered in the ear.

There is no snoring.

"When Lin Wen is busy here, I will accompany you back to a country and worship my parents." Song Song thought about it and said, "Go to worship Lujia parents, although they are not you." The biological parents, but they brought you back to the Lujia from the orphanage!"

For a long time, 岑 ink nodded: "Good..."

I don't know if it's because I haven't talked for a long time.

"I think the fate of this kind of thing is very wonderful, Acacia is not your sister, warm is your sister... Acacia has helped warm in Iraq, warm and saved the group!" Song Yi looked at the ink, "In any case, you are so embarrassed... or oh!"

Thinking of the soft little scorpion, snoring and laughing low...

Yes, I thought that I was not a group, I didn’t expect it now... but it was, and the fate was really wonderful.

"After returning to China, we went to Linjia with warmth, and thanked Lin for so many years of caring for warmth. You don't know... Before the warm identity was exposed, Lin's love for warmth did not decrease at all. Dad and the school have taken care of it to keep warm, and Lin’s mother has renovated the warm and rented house inside and out, just to make the warm and comfortable!

Song Yu and Bai Xiaonian came together with Lin Wen. No one knows more about the past than Song Yu and Bai Xiaonian.

"I know!" Nodded, "I have checked the people around you."

"I suddenly felt that my wife's status should be very stable. My little sister is my girlfriend who can't iron anymore. one is even better than me!" Song squatted with the neck of the ink Sitting on the back of the chair, sitting in the arms of the ink.

岑 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝 凝

His heart was tight, and Song Xiao’s little hand was held on the lips and kissed: “Thank you for being the first to stop Li Muyang!”

In retrospect, the ink is even scared.

If at the beginning I really let Li Muyang take Lin Han away, I don’t know what the result is because Lin Wen’s is a small temper who is not a jade.

Because he, has been hurt, Lin Wen can not grow up with his biological parents from childhood, but also to be spurned by so many people! If he wants Lin to be separated from his lover, he really is guilty of sin.

"You don't have to thank me because I always think of warmth as my sister!"

Song Yu’s words are not false. Her age is much warmer than Lin, so she always used Lin Wen and Bai Xiaonian as her sister.



When the director heard that Lin was pregnant, Fu Huai'an wanted to finish the remaining shots as soon as possible. He agreed without any extra words.

The rest of the lens, Fu Huai'an, has been seen, it is safer, and you can show your face!

In the end, Fu Huai'an is the biggest sponsor. He said that money is not a problem. Lin Wen is good at the crew. Other actors are willing to cooperate with Lin Wen to take the remaining shots and let Lin Wen return to China as soon as possible.

The lens that had to be taken at the earliest in the last four or five days was hard to shoot in a day.

Mainly other actors have cooperated, but also worked **** the props group, to remember what props were used in that play, and wait for other actors to make up the shots when they need to re-play.

Lin warmed a sigh of apology, but the director and the staff did not dare to accept it...

And let's not say that Lin Wen's husband is an investor, or the biggest!

Lin Wen’s reputation is there, and he is pregnant, and everyone can understand.

In addition, Lin Wen is so polite and apologetic, everyone is comfortable.

The filming was carried out until the evening, and I finally finished shooting the scenes of Lin Wen.

Lin Wen asked Xiao Lu to buy the night and coffee snacks for the whole crew, and left again after apologizing.

Lin Fu Fu Huai'an group of three family members to the family, when the ink and Song Yi have not slept, two people in the living room waiting for Lin warm back.

When I heard the sound of the wheel outside the door running over the gravel road, Song Hao got up and looked out from the floor-to-ceiling window. Looking back at the four flat and steady sitting on the sofa, "When the warmth comes back, I go to the kitchen to see the bird's nest for warmth." No!"

岑墨颔首: "Well!"

Don't look at the performance of the ink, it seems to be very calm, in fact, a heart flustered...

I didn’t know that Lin Wen was my own sister, but I’m just looking at Lin Wen as a benefactor.

The third one, suddenly became a pro-sister, swearing with ink and sorrow... Hahaha, asking for a monthly ticket for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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