Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 942: He has never been so flustered in his life!

Chapter 942 has never been so flustered in his life!

Now that I know Lin’s relationship with myself, I don’t know how to talk to Lin Wen.

Before I thought of it, I talked with Lin Wen repeatedly and sarcasm...

"Oh..." 岑 ink sucked a breath, annoyed and raised his hand to support his forehead.

At that time, how could he keep his mouth on the map and leave nothing left? !

This is good, how do you show it? !

In the view of Yan Mo, Lin Wen’s feeling for him is not as good as an ordinary friend, let alone Lin Wen’s brother Lin’s brother Lin’s close friend...

How did he push himself to this point? !

In the past, Lin Biao always said to Zhai Mo, to be a person to stay in the line... I will meet each other in the future, and I will always say that I can see each other. For those who can’t keep their eyes, there is no need to leave a line. People who are better than him don’t need him. Leave a line!

But now...

He used his ink to hold down his temples. He has never been so flustered in his life!

How did you see Lin Wen in a while? !

岑 Ink straight up, frowning exercise: "Come back?! Eat bird's nest porridge?!"

After whispering, the ink brow wrinkles more tightly, so that it is not too blunt and serious? !

"It’s hard, come and eat bird's nest porridge..."

Yan Mo said that his face is darker, and his people do not match, there is a kind of dog leg suspicion, his hands cover his face.

Adjusted the mentality, snoring and whispered: "Your scorpion makes you a bird's nest porridge, you taste it?!"

How can you feel wrong with this?

From beginning to end, Lin Wen only said to find the child lost by her biological parents, did not say that she is his sister!

The ink brow wrinkles and bites his thumb. This is an action that can only be done when the ink is tense. He has not done it for many years.

No matter how mixed feelings in the heart of the ink, how can the smell be mixed, Lin Wen still came in...

Fu Huai'an shoulders the thin shoulders of Lin Wen, holding the group in one hand, the suit is open, and the white shirt neckline is crisp, and the temperament is more and more calm.

岑墨站 got up and looked in the direction of the doorway, a pair of words and thoughts did not want to say how to say.

"Come back!" Song Yu came out from the restaurant. "Warm you, your brother will let you and the bird's nest stewed. Pregnant women should eat more baby in the belly, baby skin born later." White and tender, children eat more healthy!"

Song Yu naturally said the word "you brother", and the fist that smashed into the trouser pocket was tightened. The heart was afraid of being rejected by Lin Wen, and even refused to admit that he was her brother.

Lin warmed off the cap on the head of the group, smashed the head of the group, and watched Fu Huai'an put the child down: "Is there something else to eat?! Recently it seems that the amount of food is particularly good!"

"Saihand! Let the kitchen be ready!"

Lin Wen’s voice just fell, and the ink was ordered to Sai Saide. The voice was quite majestic. The expression of Lin Wen’s expression could not be said to be majestic. The nervous nephew was slightly flashing, and the panic made Sai Saide look. It won't go any longer.

"Pregnant is like this!" Song Yan took Lin Wenhe and went to the restaurant. "I have just slept in the middle of the night and suddenly I was hungry. Can you believe it?! Just when I found out that I was pregnant! I was especially able to eat at that time. I also want to eat especially. I sneak up and go to the kitchen to find food in the middle of the night. Your brother thought that I ran, and shouted that Saihande’s pajamas were not changed and I would go out and catch me!”

After Song Yu’s words were finished, he realized that he seemed to be obscured in the face of Lin Wen’s exposure to her way of getting along with her.

Lin warmed his brow and looked at Song Wei.

"Exaggerated narrative method!" Song Xiao smiled and held Lin Wen's arm. "How about taste the bird's nest!"

Yan Mo keeps his hands in his pockets and looks at Fu Huai'an, who is smiling and smiling. This feeling of Fu Huai'an suddenly becoming his brother-in-law is very weird.

"Let's have a bite together!"

Fu Huai'an is still a highly sophisticated leader, dagger: "Good!"

Yan Mo and Fu Huai'an walked to the door of the restaurant and saw the group standing on the chair, cleverly pushing their small bowl to Lin Wen, a serious saying: "Mom eat!"

The group just listened to Song Wei and said that it is good for the baby, so I want Lin Wen to eat more...

"Oh... we are really sensible!" Song Yu looked at the group and couldn't help but change his mind. "Because I know this is good for my baby, I want to give my mother to my mother?!"

The group vigorously nodded: "Mom is hungry!"

"Where are you looking for a cute and sensible child!" Song Yu is more and more fond of the group. She reached out and smashed the small head of the group. "Let's eat it! You don't have any family, there are many bird's nests! If you want to eat, mother wants to let The kitchen is just fine!"

The group was happy, next to Lin Wen, holding his own small bowl and sent a sweet bird's nest to his mouth, happily shaking his small head.

Soon, he is going to be a brother, Kaisen.

Hemo hesitated to stand at the entrance of the restaurant. When Fu Huai'an lifted his foot, he reached out and grabbed Fu Huai'an's arm: "I have something to discuss with you!"

"Well, you said..." Fu Huai'an was very decapitated, and he looked very patiently at him.

"Lin Wen is pregnant now. Just after flying, I went to the crew to take the shot. You told her not to worry about going back tomorrow to worship the parents, staying for a few days, then we will return home to worship the parents. I am not so anxious!"

"I also mean this, Xiao Wen is afraid that you are in a hurry." Fu Huai'an said.

"I am not in a hurry. I have never seen my parents come over for so many years. Now my parents are no longer... or Lin Wen and the children in her stomach are important!"

How much do you care about the children in Song’s stomach, how much do you care about the children in Lin’s warm belly!

Because I have no family feelings since I was a child, although this person’s mouth is poisonous... I don’t seem to care about it. In fact, my heart is more eager for this kind of feeling than anyone else.

Fu Huai'an smiled and smiled at the ink: "Why don't you discuss it with yourself?! Don't know how to make a small warm opening?!"

It’s said that the central thing’s smudges are stunned, and there’s no mouth to confess: “Somew...”

"It’s normal to talk like this. It’s impossible to say that brothers and sisters have such a thing overnight, but there is a blood relationship, and your feelings will be faster than others!"

Fu Huai'an said that he was slightly relieved and went to the restaurant with Fu Huai'an.

Saihande personally let the kitchen prepare dinner, and the kitchen is ready.

Staying up late is very good according to the nutrition of pregnant women, because knowing that you want to accompany you to eat together, Song Hao has the habit of eating late at night, so the kitchen is prepared a lot.

First, the benefits have already come out in March, and the babies can look for administrators to change their benefits! ! ! ! ! ! Ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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