Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 968: Bai Xiaonian with a pony tail

Chapter 968 Bai Xiaonian with a pony tail

In the phrase, the beautiful woman’s forehead blue ribs jumped and restrained her expression: “Mr. Lu, my personal affairs should be irrelevant to you...”

Lu Jinnan's line of sight slowly moved away from the traces left by the ring on the beautiful woman's hand. He smiled and said: "Is your husband feeling that you are too boring, and you have to make a high-level gesture all day, so there is a lover outside. And first file a divorce with you?!"

Looking at the beautiful woman's expression, Lu Jinnan snorted.

"It seems that I was really in the middle!" Lu Jinnan laughed. "I will guess again, your position should not be low... All day busy with work, work is more like your partner than your husband, you have not been a year Secondary life?!"

The beautiful **** the opposite side smashed.

"Oh... it’s been said again!" Lu Jinnan casually ordered some ash and shook his head. "If my husband must have divorced you, it’s too boring to say, and I like to have all the expressions that I have mastered. Is it in your hands?!"

The beautiful woman on the other side wants to smoke Lu Jinnan, but she still resists it. She is a professional and laughs at Lu Jinnan: "So what kind of information did Mr. Lu, Mr. Yu Chaoqian bring to you?!"

"Speaking of this, I also want to ask, how many advanced engines have you created in our country by bringing the technical talents of our country to your country?"

Lu Jinnan made it clear that the oil and salt did not enter, mainly because the oil and salt did not enter, and you can still say a lot of you to die.

"Mr. Lu seems to like us here, want to live here for us..."

"If you like me, you can just say it. Although I don't like this type of you, I can still do it for his ugly eyes!" Lu Jinnan answered quickly, and his lips and eyes were not smiling.

Sitting next to Lu Jinnan, the lady finally lost her patience and got up and walked outside. The sound of the chair and the floor rubbed out.

The sound of the high heels is followed by the sound of the door being smashed. Lu Jinan’s lips are more smiling, and the sling is a breath.

"I don't think it's enough time, I need to deprive him of more sleep time..."

After coming out of the interrogation room, the lady who had just asked Lu Jinnan’s words looked at Lu Jinnan across the glass.

When the voice just fell, their colleagues came in from the outside and said: "The Secretary of State’s office called over and said, let us let us know if there is nothing to judge!"

"Let's let go!!" The lady was very surprised.

"Yes, that is to let go..." The person who spoke up nodded.

"Just because a consul's son is going to let people go?! This Lu Jinnan is definitely a problem, he is definitely a spy!"

"Is the evidence?!" The lady's boss said calmly. "We have no evidence in our hands!"

"Old way!" Ms. Road.

The old way is to have no evidence to fabricate evidence.

"The above will not be allowed! Now they Chinese demonstrations demanded the release of this Mr. Lu, even the people of our own country are involved, I heard that the chairman of the CapitaLand Group Fu Huai'an has arrived in the United States, it seems that even Germany Ronnie also came out, the pressure on it was too great, and there was Lu Jin’s wife Bai Xiaonian, and our consul’s consul son was in their hands, forget it... let go!”

Although the woman who was troubled by Lu Jinnan was still unwilling, but their heads were all uttered, who dared to buckle Lu Jinnan.

"But now Lu Jinnan has a wound on his body. His identity and special media are paying attention to it. This will cause him to get hurt, but it will also bring us trouble."

"I have already started, I will send someone back to Lu Jinnan to apologize and send people respectfully!"


The lady still wants to fight again, but their head has turned and left.

Lu Jinnan sat leisurely and sat there, took a cigarette, and used his thumb to point his mouth. He found that too many corners of the mouth had bleed.

Since Lu Jinnan was brought back to this interrogation room, Lu Jinnan’s heart has been released...

He will definitely go out from here. According to the habit of M country, it must be that Lu Jinnan personally admitted that he is a spy to come out. Otherwise, Lu Jinnan’s situation in the interrogation room that he could not ask for death cannot be sustained for a long time.

As Lu Jinnan expected, some people came in soon. They told Lu Jinnan that they had caught the wrong person and re-arranged the room to Lu Jinnan, so that Lu Jinnan could clean the wound and handle the wound.

Lu Jinnan sat still in the same place and casually took a cigarette from the cigarette box: "You got the wrong person, is this finished?!"

He threw the cigarette box back on the table and sneered: "You caught the wrong person, but I slammed it, or tied it up and unilaterally beaten... Is this appropriate?!"

"Mr. Lu, we are very sorry about this, of course we will give you some compensation..."

"Compensation?!" Lu Jinnan raised his eyebrows and lit cigarettes. "Talk about it..."

This talk about the little brother who came to Lu Jinnan to give up, most people do not hear this, they nod and then go out and negotiate with their leaders? ! Why is this Mr. Lu not playing cards in the routine? !

"The news I received was that I would give you compensation, but how to compensate for this is the upper level. I will take you to take a shower to deal with the wound, and then our team leader will come to interview you!" Little brother Still very professional.

"When you tell your team leader, let the few people who used to hit me in the chair and come over, let me hit them and let it go! I know you have to consider the injury on my face. How do you write outside media, just... you said that I and some of them volunteered to discuss each other. Anyway, we were hurt when we arrived, and we couldn’t say clearly..."

Little brother: "..."

"Mr. Lu, please don't be hard for me, I am just responsible for taking you to the wound and taking a shower and changing clothes!"

"Isn't this a beautiful woman coming over?! How do you have a big man and a big man to take a shower and change clothes?!" Lu Jinnan smiled and looked at the little brother.

Little brother: "..."

The door opened again, the little brother looked in the direction of the door, the whole person stood straight, Lu Jinnan also turned back.

This time, Lu Jinnan saw the head of their group, Jack Searle.

Jacksell’s eyes are extraordinarily quiet because of the Westerners’ sake.

He gestured to let his subordinates go out, walked to Lu Jinnan, sat on the table and took out the tablet, and played the picture of Bai Xiaonian’s angry questioning speech...

Bai Xiaonian wore a ponytail, and the glamorous facial features were calm. He stood there heroically like a warrior.

The third is to go to 12 o'clock to ask for a wave of tickets! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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