Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 969: There is a saying called selling miserable. Have you heard of it? !

Chapter 969 has a saying called selling miserable. Have you heard of it? !

In Lu Jinnan’s ear, only Bai Xiaonian’s sentence is left...

"I will change your identity to ask you questions. I will ask the M government as the wife of Mr. Lu Jinnan, the president of the Kaide Group. In the end, the reason is that the evidence is insufficient and the husband is detained!"

Lu Jinnan's heart jumped twice, and a heat flow spread to the limbs with the blood...

Monitoring Lu Jinnan's heartbeat, Jack Selmer's voice came from a colleague: "He saw the video heartbeat faster!"

"Mr. Lu, you don't want your wife to worry about it together!!" Jacksel smiled and said to Lu Jinnan. He took out Lu Jinnan's mobile phone and handed it to him. "Take a call to your wife! As far as I know." Your wife is very upset because of your business!"

Lu Jinnan really couldn't bear to worry about Bai Xiaonian. He didn't tweak the mobile phone directly. He watched Jack Seltan openly say: "You will catch my weakness..."

Lu Jinnan knows that he is sitting here. The active part of the brain and the heartbeat are clearly separated by the mirror. It is not as true as the truth.

While dialing Bai Xiaonian’s phone, he said to Jack Sear: “I have no other advantage, this is the biggest advantage... it’s fear.”

Jacksell’s face is still smiling, but the heart is very speechless...

What is the advantage of fear? !

Jack Sear is also a haha.

Monitoring the other side saw Lu Jinnan put the phone in his ear, the speed of the heartbeat is gradually accelerating.

Lu Jinnan felt that, like dreaming, before he was arrested, Bai Xiaonian threatened Lu Jinnan to divorce her, but now she actually admitted that she is her wife!

If you know that you can let Bai Xiaonian recognize his wife's identity so quickly, it doesn't matter if Lu Jinnan was caught early.

Bai Xiaonian’s phone was connected very quickly. He had a question about opening and a bullet. “Lu Jinnan, can you call or can you come out?! No, you can call, you must be out! Where are you now, injured? No?! Do you want me to pick you up?!"

Lu Jinnan’s throat was slightly swaying: “I’m fine...”

"Where?!" Bai Xiaonian asked politely.

At the end of the phone, Lu Jinnan has heard the voice of Bai Xiaonian taking the key.

He could even imagine that Bai Xiaonian wore clothes in a panic, holding a hand in one hand and holding a shoe in one hand, then grabbed the key on the shoe and went outside.

Sure enough, the next moment Lu Jinnan heard the door closing.

From being caught up to now, I haven’t taken a shower, my clothes haven’t changed, and my body is still hurt. Lu Jinnan doesn’t want Bai Xiaonian to see her like a wolf.

"You don't have to go out, I have a little more to do here, I will go looking for you when I finish it!" Lu Jinnan's voice is soft.

"Where is there less nonsense?!" Bai Xiaonian hurriedly pressed the elevator, because the nervous voice increased several degrees, and even Jackel, who was on the phone, heard the scream of the tigress.

No way, Lu Jinnan is afraid, he looked up and asked Jacksel: "Where?!"

Jack Searle: "..."

Really, fear inside!

Without waiting for Jacksell to open, Lu Jinnan had already handed the phone over: "You are..."

Jack Searle gave the address to Bai Xiaonian, and then handed the phone back to Lu Jinnan. When Lu Jinnan had a phone call and said one or two sentences with Bai Xiaonian, he discovered that Bai Xiaonian had already hung up.

Lu Jinnan: "..."

Jack Searle put the tablet away and asked: "Since you want to see your wife, do you want to take a bath and change clothes? Is the wound handled simply?!"

Lu Jinnan’s nephew said: "You thought I didn't know what you were paying attention to. I was afraid that the reporter would see me like this hanging color?!"

"You don't want your wife to see you like this, worry about you?!" Jacksell put the tablet on the table and arms his arms. "It's all right."

"That is what you need instead of what I need. The more I am miserable, the more my wife hurts... The better my life is. There is a saying that you have heard of it. Have you heard of it?!" Lu Jinnan laughed.

Jack Searle: "..."

"You and your wife are still selling badly!!" Jacksell frowned and did not understand.

"You don't understand this is fun, I guess... you and your wife must have been very boring!" Lu Jinnan was in a good mood and his mouth was not particularly damaged.

Lu Jinnan’s mood was very good. He took the tablet that Jacksell had placed on the desk and opened it. He repeatedly watched Bai Xiaonian say that he was asked by Lu Jinnan’s wife to ask him what the crime was for him.

Lu Jinnan is fascinating. When he is happy, he will ask Jacksel: "My wife is very handsome!"

Jack Searle: "..."

You are so powerful, really have a wife! amazing!

Forty minutes later, Bai Xiaonian arrived at the location where Jacksel said. She got off the bus and couldn't stop on the roadside. She was rushing down the steps.

Jacksel personally sent Lu Jinnan to the door, and said to Lu Jinnan: "You don't forget to say to the chairman of the Capita Group..."

The breeze blew up Lu Jinnan's pre-existing haircut. He looked at Jacksel and smiled and said: "Is the old Fu looking for trouble?!"

Jacksell raised his hand and scratched his nose: "Not too..."

"Oh... that since it is not a hassle, let Lao Fu give you some trouble! This way I can feel a little more comfortable."

Jack Sel's depressed opening: "Mr. Lu..."

"I have said it all the time. Let me find a few people to let me play. You and me are forced to call my wife, which is very disgusting!"

Jack Searle looked at Lu Jinnan, who forced him? !

His phone is very happy to call himself. How come he is forced to go back? !

It was said that Lu Jinnan saw Bai Xiaonian panting and trotting from such a long step. Lu Jinnan swallowed what he had said to Jackser.

Staring at the figure running up the steps, Lu Jinnan’s eyes were hot.

He was close to the thin lips, thinking of the girl who was placed on the apex of the heart for him, and turned into a warrior. In order to rescue him and the spokesperson of the government of the M country, it was inevitable that the emotion could not be overwhelmed.

Lu Jinnan’s throat was slightly swaying, even though the girl with his apex was quarreling with him before he was taken away, and how he divorced him was a liar.

But she still came to save herself, as Mrs. Lu...

Lu Jinnan knows that Bai Xiaonian has his heart!

"Lu Jinnan!" Bai Xiaonian saw Lu Jinnan standing at the door and shouted and ran towards him.

The first one, the first one is even more, thousands have been notified in the group, today I watched an afternoon child in the thousandth afternoon, there is no time code word, and now I am still writing an update, all will be updated before the baby wakes up in the morning. Finish, the baby will go to sleep after reading this one! Promise not to stay up all night!

(End of this chapter)

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