Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 971: Warming now is pregnant when you need your care

Chapter 971 Warmth is now pregnant with the time you need to care

Waiting for Fu Huai'an to open, Lu Jinnan was anxious again: "You should have something to do with Lao Fu. I can't take care of the group's affairs these days. Lin Wen is pregnant again. There are a lot of things in the group. If you can't wait to deal with it, don't be here!"

Lu Jinnan, this is already a naked and bare naked to give his good brothers a message, let Fu Huai'an quickly go.

Fu Huai'an, holding the car door with one hand, looked at Lu Jinnan's lips and smiled. He asked Bai Xiaonian: "Are you alone to take care of him? No, let Xiaolu follow the past to prepare for the occasion?!"

"I don't care about this little injury, Xiaolu still follows you more!" Lu Jinnan pushed Bai Xiaonian to the direction of Bai Xiaonian.

Fu Huai'an did not stop. If he knew that Bai Xiaonian would come to pick Lu Jinnan, Fu Huai'an would not come back today.

The original meaning of M country here is to release Lu Jinnan in the face of the media in a few days, to make a look, but Lu Jinnan’s injury is not very good to explain...

Fu Huai'an worried about Lu Jinnan's injury, and endured the anger, letting the children quietly let Lu Jinnan not give media information. Looking back, the official microblog of the Kaide Group will issue a statement, proving that Lu Jinnan has been released. Of course, Fu Huai'an will also be with the domestic side. The children's government communicated and let the sons of the consuls of their M countries.

In Fu Huai'an's view, nothing is more important than Lu Jinnan's safety.

Therefore, the last M country decided to release Lu Jinnan quietly.

Fu Huai'an understands the feelings of his brother, and his deep vision looks toward Bai Xiaonian: "The Kaide Group does have a lot of things to deal with here, if not trouble..."

Bai Xiaonian has always compared the gas field of Fu Huai'an. In her opinion, Fu Huai'an, who is the one who killed the decision in the mall, must be very indifferent to others except his wife.

But today, I feel that Fu Huai'an is actually a very soft person. Otherwise, Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan will follow Fu Huai'an.

Bai Xiaonian nodded and asked Fu Huai'an: "If you are busy, don't neglect the warmth. Warming now is the time when you need to care."

Fu Huai'an beheaded: "Okay, then you have to work hard to take care of Lao Lu!"

Bai Xiaonian’s ear is a bit red, nodded...

Want to bring Lu Jinnan back to her? !

Really bring it back? ! Bai Xiaonian was a little hesitant, fearing that Lu Jinnan would go up and down with her as soon as she entered the door.

Fu Huai'an looked at Bai Xiaonian's eyes and his eyes were red and red. He smiled and sat down in the car. Xiao Lu closed the door for Fu Huai'an, and also to Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan: "Reporter media, Miss Lu and Miss White don't have to worry, The group will handle the fact that these Tianlu’s general physical condition is not very good and it is not suitable for seeing the media, so it’s hard to miss Miss White!”

Bai Xiaonian nodded unconsciously, and Lu Jinnan’s ten fingers were pulled out of a thin sweat.

"Then we will leave first..." Xiao Lu was very polite and bowed to Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan. He walked around the front of the driver's seat and sat in the driver's seat.

Soon the car carrying Fu Huai'an left, Lu Jinnan also smashed the hand of Bai Xiaonian: "You have to work hard during this time..."

Bai Xiaonian took Lu Jinnan and tried to break away from the failure and said to him: "How do you drive me like this?!"

Lu Jinnan nodded: "Let's release after getting on the bus."

However, Lu Jinnan, Bai Xiaonian can only open the door for Lu Jinnan, worried that Lu Jinnan’s injury will help Lu Jinnan to sit on the co-pilot, which will close the door and sit in the driver's seat.

Fasten the seat belt, Bai Xiaonian looked back at Lu Jinnan and reminded: "Safety belt..."

Lu Jinnan’s serious hand reached out and tried to pull the seat belt, but he hurt and sucked a cold breath.

"Oh... forget you don't move!" Bai Xiaonian untied his own safety list, propped up and crossed the storage box between the driver's seat and the co-pilot and reached for Lu Jinnan's seat belt to tie him.

Bai Xiaonian held the backrest of the passenger's seat with one hand, and half of the body pressed against Lu Jinnan. The fragrance of his body broke into his nose, stimulating Lu Jinnan's heart and lungs. His throat swayed and he pulled his seat belt down in Bai Xiaonian to buckle him. I only feel that the back of the brain is heavy...

The heat on the face of Bai Xiaonian blew open, and Lu Jinan was pushed away by panic. When the head hit the roof of the car, he heard Lu Jinnan’s snoring sound.

She rubbed her head with one hand and couldn't take care of herself and asked: "Is it all right?!"

Bai Xiaonian’s excitement just seemed to be really pressing on Lu Jinnan’s wounds. Lu Jinnan’s thin lips were in a straight line, shaking his head but not snoring.

"Is it very serious?! Let's go to the hospital to see it! What if the fracture is done?!" Bai Xiaonian stared at Lu Jinnan's chest, fearing that Lu Jinnan was hit by a rib fracture or a fracture of the bone, but he did not say .

In the past, Bai Xiaonian’s father was also hit by a bicycle handle and had a rib fracture. He couldn’t bear to say it. Later, he went to the hospital on the third day to take a film to know that it was a bone fracture. Bai Xiaonian felt that this kind of thing could not be done, and he could not care for Lu Jinnan’s kiss. For her business, sit back in the driver's seat and start the car: "Let's go to the hospital first..."

"Dawn Year!" Lu Jinnan rubbed his chest with one hand and grabbed the hand of Bai Xiaonian holding the gear in one hand. "I really have nothing, you believe me!"

"I believe you are stubborn?!" Bai Xiaonian couldn't help but regained his height.

Lu Jinnan was finally stunned by Bai Xiaonian and was taken to a private hospital. Private hospitals were relatively more confidential.

After Lu Jinnan had checked and tossed, Bai Xiaonian took Lu Jinnan back to his apartment. Before the key was opened, Bai Xiaonian warned Lu Jinnan: "This time let you go in. If you dare to come, I will definitely call you out! Did you hear it?!"

Lu Jinnan nodded: "I have absolutely no power to fight back..."

After entering the door, Bai Xiaonian Lu Jinnan sat in the living room to rest, she was as hot as a gyro, and then went to the bedroom to change the sheets.

Bai Xiaonian’s apartment is not big, only one bedroom, now Lu Jinnan is injured, she can’t let Lu Jinnan sleep on the sofa...

When Bai Xiaonian was busy, Lu Jinnan stood in the living room of Bai Xiaonian and did not know what to do.

Seeing Bai Xiaonian's living room sofa and coffee table and the carpet are all information, he struggled to sit down on the sofa, looked at ... almost all about the immunity.

Therefore, Lu Jinnan really does not believe that Bai Xiaonian said that he has not loved him since he came to the United States!

In this case, Bai Xiaonian may only lie to lie to her.

The third is more... finally put the three more all up, the man's words are not credible! Today is the coach! I don't believe anyone else to call me up later! I must finish writing and go to sleep... Hey! Then ask for a wave of daily monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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