Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 972: I want to hug you!

Chapter 972 I want to hug you!

In this case, Bai Xiaonian may only lie to lie to her.

After finishing the bedroom, Bai Xiaonian held his own pillow and thin quilt, and said to Lu Jinnan: "If you take the medicine, you take a bath and go to bed early. You sleep in the room, I sleep on the sofa, and the sheets are replaced. If you still I am absolutely dissatisfied to go to the hotel! I have absolutely no opinion!"

Originally, Lu Jinnan’s plan was to sell miserably. He could go to the hospital and check the results. Bai Xiaonian knew that Lu Jinnan was actually a skin trauma. It would not be credible if he sold it again. Lu Jinnan’s original plan could only be shelved.

"Good!" Lu Jinnan knew that he and Bai Xiaonian could not compete for any results.

To the extent of his current physical injury, he either went to sleep in the bedroom or was driven out. If he wanted to go to Lu Jinnan, he still felt that it would be best to have a room with Bai Xiaonian.

In short, it is still good to develop slowly, just... let Bai Xiaonian sleep on the sofa Lu Jinnan, I can’t bear it. I thought about Lu Jinnan’s opening: “It’s better for us to live in the apartment next door.”

Bai Xiaonian, who put the quilt and pillow on the sofa, was preparing to lick Lu Jinnan. When he reached the mouth, his face sank, like a sudden reaction: "Have you bought my apartment next door or rented it?!"

Lu Jinnan’s ears were a little red, and the brows were slightly tightly pretended to be a deliberate dagger: “Well, bought it...”

Bai Xiaonian raised his eyebrows: "When is the matter?!"

I didn't plan to lie, but Lu Jinnan couldn't help but get more and more red ears: "The second day you moved."

Bai Xiaonian: "..."

Seeing Bai Xiaonian’s scorpion for a long while, with a slight anger, Lu Jinnan added: “Every day there are aunts to clean, there are clean three rooms, do you want to live together!”

"Hello neighbors, goodbye neighbors! Go back yourself! Go slowly and don't send..." Bai Xiaonian smiled.

This is angry...

"My injury is still very painful. Since I decided to take me over to take care of it, it is better for us to be a little more comfortable. Let's live together! Also..." Lu Jinnan's line of sight surrounds Bai Xiaonian's living room, "clean."

So three minutes later, Lu Jinnan was driven out of the unclean apartment by Bai Xiaonian, but he stood in the door of his clean apartment but could not get in.

The key... is still in the hotel, his apartment is clean and can't get in!

Lu Jinnan looked at the door closed by Bai Xiaonian's apartment. In his mind, Bai Xiaonian just slammed the door and made a "jingle" sound.

Lu Jinnan wanted to call the assistant to send the key to himself. This reflected that his mobile phone was still in Bai Xiaonian's house. He went to the front of Bai Xiaonian's apartment and raised his hand...has not had time to knock on the door, Bai Xiaonian's apartment. The door is open.

Seeing Bai Xiaonian holding his jacket and something, Lu Jinnan originally wanted to show a smile to Bai Xiaonian. He did not expect Bai Xiaonian to directly put things into his arms, and the strength was somewhat big...

Lu Jinnan had to step back two steps and licked his chest: "Hey..."

Bai Xiaonian glanced at the door and asked, "Is it all right?!"

"Pain..." Lu Jinnan licked the position of his chest, as if he had a painful waist.

At the beginning, Bai Xiaonian still felt that Lu Jinnan was lying. However, he could see Lu Jinnan’s forehead and smashed out the fine sweat. Bai Xiaonian bit his lip and came out from the door to help Lu Jinnan: “How do you look at the high horses... so delicate? !"

"What about the key?! I will help you in." Bai Xiaonian is worried that Lu Jinnan is still very hard.

"At the hotel..." Lu Jinnan answered honestly.

"Then you dare to say let me live next door with you!" Bai Xiaonian helped Lu Jinnan while walking inside and complaining.

After entering the door, Lu Jinnan dared to open: "I originally expected you to turn over from the balcony and open the door from inside..."

Bai Xiaonian: "..."

"Brother, here is the 12th floor! You let me turn the balcony?!" Bai Xiaonian snorted, and dropped the clean towel on Lu Jinnan's face. "New towel to wash it! After washing, I will help you apply the medicine, apply the medicine early. Sleeping!"

Bai Xiaonian is actually tired now, who can’t sleep for almost two days and two nights...

Therefore, when Lu Jinnan took a towel into the bathroom to bathe, Bai Xiaonian could not help but fall asleep on the sofa.

Lu Jinnan rubbed his hair and came out of the bathroom full of water vapor. He saw Bai Xiaonian sleeping on the sofa with his ointment in his hand.

Lu Jinnan put down the towel and looked at Bai Xiaonian through the wet ink, full of distressed.

He was arrested and started now... Bai Xiaonian must be extremely worried!

Lu Jinnan walked to Bai Xiaonian, carefully removed the ointment in the hands of Bai Xiaonian, opened the quilt to help her cover, and caress the long hair of Bai Xiaonian.

Lu Jinnan originally wanted to see Bai Xiaonian at such a close distance, but I don’t know why... I want to hold Bai Xiaonian to sleep peacefully.

With this in mind, Lu Jinnan reopened the quilt, picked up Bai Xiaonian on the sofa, carefully walked back to the bedroom and placed her on a soft bed.

Bai Xiaonian is too tired. He feels that someone is moving himself, but Zhang does not open his eyes.

Bai Xiaonian's newly-changed sheets were covered with a softener fragrance and a white Xiaonian atmosphere, which was particularly good.

Lu Jinnan covered Bai Xiaonian and lay down beside her. She watched her thick eyelashes tremble and whispered in her ear: "Sleep... I am here!"

This seems to be able to appease people, Lu Jinnan looked at Bai Xiao's young twitching eyelashes slowly quieted down, lips smacked on her cheek and fell a kiss, holding Bai Xiaonian closed eyes to sleep.

Let's take a long vacation...

Lu Jinnan can't help but tell himself that this woman who belongs to her is firmly in her arms, for a lifetime!

Under the quilt, Lu Jinnan opened the palm of Bai Xiaonian's hand, and the ten fingers were interlocked. He wanted to sleep peacefully for a while, but the fragrance of Bai Xiaonian was rushing to Lu Jinnan's nose.

Lu Jinnan is a normal man, especially in the arms or a girl she loves, and it is inevitable that there will be a reaction.

He restrained, wanting to let Bai Xiaonian rest well, but couldn't help but bury his head in the neck of Bai Xiaonian. The hot lips clung to the shoulder bone of Bai Xiaonian. Her curvy neck and shoulder curves... the delicate touch is almost To have Lu Jinnan's life, he couldn't help but kiss Bai Xiaonian's neck and breathe involuntarily.

Bai Xiaonian is very exhausted, but the body's reaction can't deceive people. He makes a low voice: "Don't make trouble..."

This is going to defeat Lu Jinnan's reason. He propped up his body to avoid pressing Bai Xiaonian, kissed Bai Xiaonian's cheeks and lips, and restrained the hoarse voice to Bai Xiaonian: "Dawn Year... I want to hug you! Clothes, the kind of hugs that are close together..."

Pre-existing Jun: Today is the pre-existing Jun to serve everyone, because thousands of people think that men are unreliable or pre-existing Jun is reliable, then this is the first day of today, and then help thousands of thousands of tickets for the little fairies!

(End of this chapter)

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