Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 985: Only staying with Lin Wen’s side

Chapter 985 can only be accompanied by Lin Wen’s side.

On the third day after Song Yu’s birth, the children told him about Liang Shu. After knowing Liang Song and Lun Lun almost every day, he would give Song Yu a good taste from Lin’s family. Liang Shuming really regards them as family members. From a young age, he lacks maternal love and has a feeling of envy of Liang Shu.

So how does Liang Shuo toss, he is a good-tempered obedience.

In the expected date of birth in October, I want to take advantage of the last few days to eat something that I can't eat when I sit on the moon. When the food is just on the table, I have to move the chopsticks. I feel that something is wrong. She feels the heat is afraid of breaking the amniotic fluid. I went to the bathroom and looked at it. I saw it.

From seeing red to living, there was still some time. Lin Wen was not in a hurry. She gave a voice to Fu Huai'an and gave Liang Hao a sigh of relief. Liang Liang helped to take care of the group.

Liang Shusheng had more experience in children, and he did not need to worry about Liang. He prepared the supplies for Lin Wen early, and called the domestic servants directly to the hospital.

Fu Huai'an originally meant to be in Jincheng, and the most famous obesity in the obstetrics was Su Nian.

Lin Linwen felt that Su Nian was already busy enough. He did not intend to add trouble to Su Nian, and decided to wait for the birth in Haicheng.

Fu Huai'an arranged the best private hospital in Haicheng for Lin Wen, and Lin Wen was also very relieved.

Production is imminent, Fu Huai'an is still nervous.

Younai has production experience, but the experience of Unina is really not too good!

At the time of production, half of the child was born, and I couldn’t get it down.

Younai saw Lin Wen holding a big apple in one hand and holding the tablet in the first hand. He couldn’t help but remind him: “In case, I’m saying, in case, the doctor said that there is some If you have difficulty trying to give birth, you must not try it, you can directly switch to the section and save you two crimes!"

Lin warmed nodded and smiled at Younai: "Well, I know, you can rest assured!"

There was no movement in the hospital for a whole day.

Fu Fufu was also very anxious there, and he called to ask Lin Wensheng no.

Originally, Fu Shufu was coming to Haicheng. Fu Huai'an didn't let him come over and said that when the children were born, Xiao Lu would pick them up.

On the second day, Lin Wenhe and Fu Huai'an said: "All said that the boys will report in advance, the girls will postpone the report, and our family will not be as wrong as Lunlun?"

Fu Huai'an accompanied Lin Wen to take a walk under the shady woods in the back garden of the hospital. He gently squeezed his hand with Lin Wen's hand: "Whether it's a man or a woman, it's our baby!"

"Also, the name of the round, both boys and girls can be used!" Lin warm cognac gently stroked his stomach, "Yeah!"

"What's wrong?!" Fu Huai'an brows a tight support for Lin Wen.

The little bit in the belly doesn't know if the little hand or the little foot is fluttering inside, and the action is a bit big.

"The round seems to be a little bit moving..." Lin Wen was a little bit painful when he was round and round, and it was very uncomfortable for her to frown on her stomach.

Fu Huai'an helped Lin Wen to sit down in the shade of the trees, seeing Lin Wen did not ease, his brows wrinkled: "I hugged you back to the doctor!"

At the end of pregnancy, Lin Wen did not dare to carelessly, nodded and let Fu Huai'an take a stride to the hospital building.

Fetal heart monitoring, umbilical blood flow and B-ultrasound, to determine that the child is okay is probably the frequency of activities for a while, Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an just let go.

In the afternoon, Liang Shuo saw Lin Wen, and at 7:30, Lin Lin began to suffer.

Fu Huai'an was holding a face and staying beside Lin Weng, and Lin Wen still had no special pain to feed Lin Wen with some high-calorie food.

When Momo settled his son and Song Hao came to the hospital, Lin Wen was the beginning of a round of contractions...

Fu Huai'an only wore a shirt, and the cuffs rolled up to the cuffs, constantly rubbing his face with a towel.

Yan Mo saw her clenching her teeth and screaming, her hands slamming the fence raised by her bed, her hands slamming her hands, her expression was painful and uncomfortable, and her heart was not a taste.

After a round of contraction, Fu Huai'an helped Lin warm to add honey water to Lin Wen, and let Lin warmly sit in his arms. When a new round of contractions came again, Fu Huaian bit his teeth to Lin Bing. Waist to ease the pain of Lin warm.

Yan Mo sees Fu Huaian's anxiety in the bottom of his heart, and helps the forest to relieve the pain. Then he remembers that he was at a loss when he was a month ago, and he was slightly uncomfortable.

In this respect, Fu Huai'an is stronger than him.

Yan Mo called Song Hao and said that Lin Wen was going to be born. He was going to guard Lin Wen in the hospital. Song Yimo called her at any time to report the situation!

Song Zhen remembered that when she couldn't hold it in the hospital, she called Lin Wen to guide her to breathe. She looked at her sleeping son and sat on the bed waiting for Lin Wen to call herself. Be able to keep mother and child safe!

At one and a half in the morning, Lin Wengong mouth opened to two fingers. After the fetal heart monitoring, the doctor came over to prepare for the forest to be painless. Before the painless examination, it was found that Lin Wen had already reached the five fingers. Will open all fingers!

The doctor felt that there was no need to use painlessness. After repeating his opinion with Fu Huai'an, the inspection has already reached the seven fingers!

The doctor quickly asked the nurse to push the person from the VIP waiting room to the delivery room. The little nurse pushed fast along the way, and said: "Mr. Fu, don't force yourself, you will force the child to live in the hallway! Hold on!"

On the bed, Lin Wen listened to the doctor and said that Fu Huai'an was changing clothes and coming in. Lin warmed his head and shook his head: "Don't let him in!"

But Fu Huai'an has come in, he is standing next to Lin Wen, holding Lin Wen's hand, whispering to Lin Wendao: "Don't be afraid of small warm, I am with you!"

Fu Huai'an caressed Lin Wen's long, wet hair and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

Lin warms the pain and collapses, Fu Huai'an's lips are also trembling, and even the big hand holding Lin Wen's small hand is also sweaty.

This is probably the first time Lin Wen has noticed the tension of Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an looked at Lin Wen's suffering, distressed and what it looked like. Every time Lin warmed down, she looked so painful that her face was pale, and Fu Huai'an was more painful than Lin.

He knows that Lin Wen doesn't want him to see her child's appearance and is afraid of ugliness. But Fu Huai'an wants to come in and stay with Lin Wen, Lin Wen is fighting for life to give him a child. He can only do it at this time. That's all around me.

Probably Fu Huai'an gave Lin Wen's strength to her side. It was born at 2:16, and it was a girl. Lin warmly inevitably cut sideways.

Fu Huai'an looked at the little bit of the softness of Lin's chest. The eyes were wet and messy. He bowed his head and kissed Lin Wen's hand. He smiled and smiled at Lin Wen: "Working hard!"

The little round is not born, but after a little bit, there is a brother who is a pet madman... What can a brother-in-law do? Hahaha... ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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