Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 986: The most beautiful girl in the world!

Chapter 986 The most beautiful little girl in the world!

Although he did not say that, Fu Huai'an did not intend to let Lin Wen suffer this crime again.

There are rounds and circles. He and Lin Wen have children and women who are more successful than others.

When Lin warmed and rounded out from the delivery room, Yan Mo heard that Lin Wensheng had a daughter who was envious and broken, but still sincerely congratulated Fu Huai'an on his congratulations and harvested a little lover...

I have already had the experience of holding my own child, so I am very skilled when I am a little girl.

岑墨 holding the child, seeing the little bit, the big eyes dripping, and couldn’t help but look at Lin Wen’s saying: “Long is like a mother...”

Fu Huai'an agreed to nod.

After sending Lin warming back to the ward, Yan Mo did not go outside the ward and only told Fu Huai'an what to do.

After tossing for a while, Lin Wen and his children all slept, and Fu Huai'an came out of the ward and accidentally saw that the ink had not gone.

Fu Huai'an took the door and looked at the ink on the bench: "How have you left yet?!"

I looked at my watch, didn't answer, just asked: "Small warm and round sleep?!"

Fu Huai'an beheaded.

There is a lot of envy in the heart of the ink, he loves Song Lun’s hard-working Lunlun, but the heart is really wanting a little lover! Nowadays, the daughter of Fu Huai'an and her sister Lin Wen is white and tender and cute. She thinks that she is also perfect. No daughter has a niece!

"The child's name is also called a round?!" 岑墨 asked, he always felt that the nickname is round and harmless, but is the girl's name still called elegant? !

"Well, reunion... take a good dear!" Fu Huai'an is full of kindness.

Because Lin’s time for children was in the middle of the night, Liang Shu’s news was already the early morning of the next day.

I learned the lesson from the last time that Song Yu sent soup to Song Song to block the milk. This time, Liang Shu simply smashed the fragrant rice porridge.

When Liang Shuyi entered the ward, he couldn't complain about Lin Wenhe and Fu Huai'an. Why didn't he call when Lin Wensheng was born!

When a woman has a baby, almost all of her feet are in the gate of the ghost. As a mother, Liang Shu naturally wants to accompany Lin.

Fortunately, Lin Wen’s labor process was relatively short, and he did not suffer too much toss. Liang Shuo took care of Lin Wen after he was busy, and he was reluctant to let go with his little granddaughter.

"Your father and your brother are both male. You just finished being inconvenient! Lin Biao just called me for a while!" Liang Shuo sat in the small circle and sat by the window, laughing and talking to Lin Wen. After I finished speaking, I couldn’t help but start to read Lin Biao. "You said that your brother, you really want to kill me! Let him go to see the daughter of Xu’s family. He just won’t go! I don’t ask him to marry and have children immediately. Love, what I have to say now, say that your big brother likes men!"

Although Liang Shuming is complaining, it is probably because the granddaughter is pregnant, so the tone is extraordinarily soft: "Your elder brother is mad at me. If I look to your eldest brother to hold the grandchildren, it is estimated that the teeth will be lost! We are warm and sensible, now... Mom also has a granddaughter!"

Lin warmly sat on the hospital bed, because it had a side cut wound, so it was very difficult to sit. She looked at Liang Shuxiao and smiled: "When the brother meets the favorite girl to get married, Mom, don't be too fast!"

"Your brother just brought back a girl and said that she wants to get married. The girl is innocent as long as her family and her life. I will give them a drink the next day!" Liang Shu looked at his little granddaughter.

For Lin Biao, Liang Shuming’s current requirements are already very low. He does not require any door-to-door counterparts. He does not require anything to do... Age is not a problem. As long as a girl’s family’s innocence is simple, then she can get married!

Lin Wen only smiled. In the past few days, Lin Wen heard a little news, saying that it is the famous city of Lujia... The youngest girl, Lu Yunfan, seems to like Lin Biao very much, and the news of Lin Biao is everywhere. Lu Yunfan wrapped up Lin Biao and said that he would eat together.

Lin Wen didn't know what happened to Lin Biao and Lu Yunfan's little girl, so she didn't tell Liang Shu, I was afraid that when the two of them had nothing to do, Liang Shubai was happy.

On the afternoon of the same day, the group couldn’t wait to come to the hospital. Seeing Liang’s arms holding a round and careful use of disposable hand sanitizer to disinfect his hands, then licking his toes, a pair of bright eyes staring at the small circle, some carefully Some excitement.

When the little group arrived, the round was still asleep. He quietly stared at the small, round, tender and tender face. When Lin warmed up, he saw the group laughing and smiling at the round.

Seeing Lin warmed up, the group came to Lin warm, and reached out and grabbed Lin Wen’s neck and hugged Lin.

The group heard that the birth of a baby is particularly painful. He loves his sister very much and is very distressed by his mother!

The group is not a child who is good at expressing, but this embraces Lin Wen and knows the meaning of the group. She kisses the group and kisses her group: "Do you like your sister?!"

Holding Lin Wen’s reunion nodded: “Like! Like... like mom, like it!”

Lin Wen was to be germinated by the group. The group hands loosened the neck of Lin Wen’s neck and asked: "Mother’s pain does not hurt?! The group yelled at her mother..."

Said, the group raised their toes, hands holding Lin warm cheeks, small face drums into a small steamed buns, facing Lin warm face.

Lin Wen couldn't help but kiss his face on the group, saying: "Mom doesn't hurt, it's a bit thirsty. Can you work hard to bring a glass of water to your mother?! The cup is on the coffee table..."

The group nodded, and ran over to take the straw cup on the coffee table to Lin Wen and handed it to Lin Wen.

Lin warmed the gap between drinking water, the group went to Liang Shuo to see his beautiful sister.

Lin Biao came over after the group. He didn’t hear the opening of the door and turned back nervously. He pressed the lips with a chubby little index finger: “Hey...”

Lin Biao nodded, gently closed the door, squatting and walking inward, and the group returned to look at the beauty of his sister's heart bubble!

I used to say that my sister would be like Dad. The group thought that my sister is the serious face of my father. I am somewhat afraid of it!

But now I am still looking at my sister who is still in my arms. I am not a little soft and soft. I have seen the most beautiful little baby in the group. He is so happy, so I like my sister!

Lin Biao walked over to support Liang Shuo's shoulder, gazing at the small corner of Liang Shui's arms and whispering his voice: "Really a very white little sister!"

Liang Shu looked back at Lin Biao and smiled and said: "No, we are the most beautiful little baby, better than you and warm... and your brother is beautiful when you are born! We are round The most beautiful girl in the world!"

"Yes! It is best for your baby grandson!"

The first is more...

(End of this chapter)

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