Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 997: It’s hard to think about it.

Chapter 997 makes it hard to think about it.

The parents of Yunlili have already greeted the school teacher. After the physical education class, the cloud glaze is going to go.

The cloud-colored schoolbag hangs on the window of the equipment room and hits the security net. The cloud glass is picked up and put into the glasses case. The cloud glass is not myopia, so the big black-framed glasses are just to cover the face. It is not wise to wear glasses today.

She kept her bag on her chest and ran from the playground to the school gate.

Gu Qingcheng, a slender body next to the black car, has no harbinger into the scorpion of the cloud glaze that is more beautiful than the glaze.

Gu Qingcheng's height of one meter eighty-six, standing next to a luxury car, makes it hard to think about it.

Gu Qingcheng wore a white shirt, and the hem was tied into the trousers of the pen. The more the legs were taller and longer, the neckline of the shirt was crisp, the winds were buckled open, and the cuffs were pulled to the elbows to reveal the ribbed arms.

The slender finger clip with a clear knot is a cigarette with a white mist. He took a sip, and the pair of sly scorpions looked toward the clouds.

Despite the thin cloud, the cloud glaze can still see the facial features of the man who stood upright...

After the mist dissipated, Yun Liuli saw him with a high indifference under his eyebrows. The eyes were a wise man who was baptized by the years. Even the eyebrows were engraved with maturity and calmness, full of daunting ambiguity. Expensive temperament.

Although the fog was blurred from the rain curtain at this time, the cloud glaze was not like her parents, but it was not difficult for Gu Qingcheng to guess her identity when she was holding a schoolbag.

Gu Qingcheng saw the first sight of the cloud glaze, and felt that this girl was white.

Clouds of glazed hair and school uniforms were a mess, and the bangs were glued to her little face, and the drops of water followed her delicate and compact chin. The large penguin school uniform is now close to the girl's skinny body, far from looking small to a newborn baby cat, cute and pitiful...

In the rain, Yun Liuli saw Gu Qingcheng biting the cigarette, pulled the driver's seat door and took out the suit jacket, and dropped the donkey to know if he was the man named Gu Qingcheng.

Looking up again, the man with a cold and indifferent expression came towards her, and the cloud glazed with his feet standing in the same place until the black umbrella covered her, and the cloud glazed looked up at the man with deep eyes.

It was because of the rain and the gloomy light was covered by the black umbrella. The cloud and the glass were so close to Gu Qingcheng, but the expression of Gu Qingcheng was more and more invisible...

The gaze is that the man is protecting her shoulders that are half exposed in the rain. The white shirt outlines his strong shoulder curve and is wet and close to his skin.

The man handed the suit to the cloud with the big hand of the cigarette, and opened the mouth: "Go!"

The cloud glaze is protected by a small space under the umbrella. The top of the head is the sound of heavy rain hitting the umbrella face. The rain rushes down the ribs and closes like a bead curtain. The cloud glaze holds the bag on the chest. I didn’t take the suit and didn’t say anything.

Gu Qingcheng's brow is slightly tight, and the situation of the cloud glaze is that he listened to the cloud's father, Yun Shoushan, but he didn't mind.

"Hold an umbrella!"

The man's voice is extremely penetrating, with irreversible deterrence, and the cloud glaze is almost subconsciously raising his hand to cover the handle.

The next moment, the shoulders sank, Gu Qingcheng has put an oversized suit on the body of the cloud.

Not waiting for the cloud glaze reaction, Gu Qingcheng squatted on the shoulders of the cloud glaze, took the umbrella with one hand and protected the cloud glaze, and took the person to the side of the car.

When the cloud glaze sits in the car, people are still awkward.

The most annoying thing about cloud glaze is contact with others, especially physical contact.

Today, Gu Qingcheng took his shoulders and held it in the car. He held the tissue box handed over by Gu Qingcheng, and it was only then that he reacted...

The cloud glazed up, only to see the side profile of Gu Qingcheng focusing on driving, frowning and frowning down the long and thin eyelashes.

The car has a warm wind, not too cold, it is really uncomfortable to put wet clothes on the body.

Yun Liuli put a bag and Gu Qingcheng's suit on the side, took out a paper towel and rubbed his bangs, and pulled the pony tail to stretch the wet hair with five fingers.

Gu Qingcheng really doesn't know how to get along with the children. Yun Shoushan said that the children of the cloud are not only necessary to talk... basically they don't like to talk, even if they are quiet at home, they don't exist, they will never disturb Gu Qing. city! He said... As long as it is not a cloud glass opening request to say what he needs, Gu Qingcheng will let her live quietly for two days.

Gu Qingcheng took the cloud glaze home, and said to Yun Liuli, let her go to the room to wash and change clothes, dinner at 7:30, Yunxiaoli nodded a word, did not say, holding a small bag into the room.

Cloud glaze entered the room, and after showering, she opened her own bag, which was not a book, but an owl doll and diary...

Yunlili never takes notes, and homework is done at school. There is no habit of returning homework with homework.

I opened a small table lamp on the table, and the cloud glass sat there and wrote a diary.

This is the request of the cloud glaze doctor, because the cloud glaze will not talk, always need a vent.

The content of the diary is very simple. The words written by Juan Xiu's fonts do not have any feelings, just like the simple and straightforward way of completing the task.

[Today, I went to my father’s friend Gu Qingcheng’s home. I didn’t go to the class, and finished at 7:30. Gu Qingcheng's home is particularly large, and the bathroom is bigger than my room. 】

Closed to the diary, Yun Liuli took his owl doll and hugged it in his arms. His eyes gazed at the heavy rain outside the window, and his ears were full of heavy rain.

The cloud diary's diary parents want to see, this is like a task for Yunlili. She knows that she must complete it before she can reassure her parents. Besides... Yunlili doesn't know what to do to ease her parents' perspective. When she was in her eyes, she couldn’t open her grief.

The eyes of Yun Liuli are always so empty and empty, and they are so wronged that they are so wronged.

The dazed cloud glaze went down to the baby's doll at 7:30, went out for dinner, and came back with the doll sitting there and didn't know what to think.

Yun Shoushan and Gu Qingcheng said that the cloud glaze is quiet as if it does not exist. Gu Qingcheng did not believe it at first. Later, when he remembered the cloud glaze, it was already the next day of lunch, and he knew that Yun Shoushan was not false. .

He knocked on the door of the cloud glazed and pushed open. Seeing the little girl with a long hair and a long waist, she was sitting on a chair and holding a doll.

The bed was clean and tidy, and there was no trace of being touched. Gu Qingcheng did not know that the cloud glaze was not sleeping all night, or it was already packed up.

Third, ask for a monthly ticket, dear!

(End of this chapter)

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