Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 998: Girls seem to like it very much.

Chapter 998, the girls seem to like it.

Yesterday evening, because Gu Qingcheng gave the time to eat, the little girl went downstairs to eat.

This morning, Gu Qingcheng has been busy working without paying attention to the cloud, and the glass glaze has been waiting for breakfast in the room.

Gu Qingcheng's family rules, Gu Qingcheng busy work, even if the meal time butler will not bother, the food has been hot until Gu Qingcheng downstairs said to eat, the food immediately served.

The butler has become accustomed to this arrangement...

This morning, Yunlili has not gone downstairs. The housekeeper thinks that the children of Yunlili are sleepy on Saturday and Sunday. They don’t go up and want to let the children sleep for a while.

Gu Qingcheng had breakfast early, so he broke open with the cloud.

Lunch Gu Qingcheng went downstairs into the restaurant but did not see the cloud glaze. Asked, I realized that Yunli Glass did not eat down.

The housekeeper had to go up to ask for the cloud, and Gu Qingcheng thought about it or knocked the door himself. I didn’t expect to open the door and saw the child sitting there in a daze.

"Eating!" Gu Qingcheng said.

The little girl obediently put down the doll and got up and walked towards Gu Qingcheng. A small face was better than yesterday's color, and the red fluttered...

After lunch, the little girl returned to the room. Gu Qingcheng changed clothes and went out. Everyone had already gone downstairs. After reminding the assistant, I remembered that there was a little girl at home.

At this time, Gu Qingcheng realized that this little girl was indeed too quiet, so that Gu Qingcheng worked hard and completely forgot the existence of this little girl.

As Yun Shoushan said, the child can talk without speaking. He has not said anything to him until now. If you don't know... Gu Qingcheng thought that the child could not speak.

Gu Qingcheng took over the suit that the assistant handed to him, and took care of the cuffs and buckled: "You go up and talk to the cloud house, and say something to the kitchen at noon!"

The little assistant nodded and was about to go upstairs. He listened to Qingcheng and called him.

Gu Qingcheng frowned, while finishing the sleeves and said: "Forget it, I will go up and talk to her!"

The parents of Yunlili handed people to the hands of Gu Qingcheng, and Gu Qingcheng always had a bit of distraction.

Going to the door of the room, Gu Qingcheng was ready to knock on the door and found that the door was not closed. It was only after seeing the door slit that the little girl was still sitting back to the position, holding the doll and looking out the window. The whole person was quiet like a puppet doll.

Gu Qingcheng knocked on the door gently, and the little girl turned back in the direction of the door...

See Gu Qingcheng holding the doorknob in one hand, inserting a pocket with one hand, sweeping through the dilapidated doll held in the arms of Yunli Glass, staring at her faintly open: "What do you want to eat at noon and the kitchen, do you know?!"

Yun Liuli understands that Gu Qingcheng is going to go out. She nodded and bungee.

Gu Qingcheng is a child who has never seen a cloud like a glass, his brows are wrinkled and he wants to stop and talk. He finally shuts down the door and goes down...

Before getting on the bus, Gu Qingcheng told the housekeeper: "The child doesn't like to talk. When you eat, remember to call it up!"

The butler nodded: "I know Mr., you can rest assured."

After noon today, the butler has already known that the child of Yunlili is quiet and quiet. If you don’t call her, she will not leave the room, so I have a number in my heart.

Gu Qingcheng beheaded, got on the bus, the housekeeper closed the door for Gu Qingcheng, and then retreated to the side to see Gu Qingcheng leave.


Upstairs, the cloud glaze sitting in front of the window heard the car started, the black eyes moved, and a black car gradually drifted away.

She clung to the little doll in her arms.

Tomorrow, it is the birthday of Yunlili. She guessed that this time the father...has no reason to avoid his birthday, so he will give himself directly to others.

Her mobile phone on the table only has a message from Dad, which is especially simple...

[Tomorrow's birthday, Dad can't come back, happy birthday! 】

Nothing else.

Happiness is still not happy, cloud glaze does not feel, but she knows that Dad must be unhappy...

Because her biological mother died on her birthday.

Later, when Yun Liuli was four years old, the father of Yunlili was another.

The stepmother is particularly good at cloud glaze. It is totally unreasonable to say that it is completely out of my mind. The fathers of these years and Yunlili did not have any more children. Especially after they noticed that the personality of the cloud glaze is flawed, they all said that the glaze is their only one. Child.

They all love cloud glaze, cloud glaze can feel, but every year birthday... The father of Yun Liuli will avoid all kinds of excuses.

Cloud glaze is holding a small doll in his arms. This is the mother of Yun Liuli gave it to her. These years, the glaze is very cherished, but it is inevitably old.

After dinner, Yunli Glass asked the housekeeper for candles and matches, and the housekeeper gave the cloud scented wax.

That was the first time the butler heard the sound of cloud glaze, especially soft and clear.

Worried that the cloud glazed fire caused fire, the original housekeeper was to accompany, but the cloud glaze kept the housekeeper out of the door, and the butler was gnawed at the door to prepare, in case it really ignited something, Good deal in time.

In the room, the cloud glazing stared at the time displayed by the mobile phone. From 1 to 12 o'clock, she lit the scented wax and sat in the chair, staring at the slightly swaying fire in front of her, and said for a long time: "Happy birthday, cloud glazed!"

She blew out the candle, and the whole room was in a darkness. Only the dark light of the street lamp in the courtyard of the house was reflected in the small face of the cloud and white.

There was only a light breathing sound of cloud glaze in the room. The lonely one was scared. She hugged the little doll in her arms. A pair of clean and calm scorpions couldn’t see any look.


Gu Qingcheng is busy the next day.

When he came out of the elevator, he heard the driver press the voice down and listened to it as if he was talking to his sister and talking about the cake.

"How do all of your girls like to eat so sweet and greasy things, sweet and greasy will not say, the heat is so high... Go back and lose weight, you say what is this for you?!"

The tall Russian driver supported the body with one hand and made a phone call. He turned around and looked at Gu Qingcheng from the elevator.

The driver was busy saying "I hanged" and then hung up the phone. He ran over and opened the door for Gu Qingcheng: "Mr. Gu..."

Gu Qingcheng beheaded, sitting in the car, frowning and asked: "What do girls like?!"

The driver stopped and didn't understand Gu Qingcheng's meaning at first. When he thought about the phone he had just said, he was embarrassed to say: "The sister at home said that I want to eat matcha cake, and the girls seem to like it."

First, I will update one more... Thousands of thousands of things are delayed today, so I can only update one more for the time being, sorry for the babies! There are two more updated before noon tomorrow, baby children don't stay up late to sleep early!

(End of this chapter)

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