You fool! The Heirloom is so muddleheaded that it is given to others! "

Gu jiuci angrily smashed himself with a pillow for several times, but in his mind, she was hugged by the big devil in his arms and almost kiss him.

Just a little bit, she was...

in her previous life, she was afraid of him as if it were a great beast. On the first day of this life's rebirth, she actually fell in love with him?

Gu jiuci's face appeared a confused and tangled expression. Although she devoted herself to Jiang Yutang in her previous life, she had never felt this kind of feeling. Perhaps the obsession with Jiang Yutang can't be called love...

No, what's the heart? Huo Mingche is the first handsome man in the imperial capital. She must be crazy about flowers!

"No! Gu jiuci! It's not the time to be crazy

Gu jiuci clapped his hands on his face and calmed down.

"We must cherish the opportunity that we finally got, change our way, and change all the people who love you..."

in Huo's study,

the man wore a black shirt integrated with the dark night, with a noble and aloof temperament, just like a blood sucking aristocrat who has survived for thousands of years.

He leaned lazily on the leather chair, his deep eyes focused on the exquisite Necklace in the jewelry box on the table.

The blue gemstone glitters in the light, like the tears of mermaid, which makes people cherish and amaze.

Just like Gu jiuci...

at this time, the video phone of the computer in front of the desk lights up.

"Master, Miss Gu has arrived home safely. We will continue to follow her for 24 hours."

In the video, assistant Zhan Ying said respectfully.

actually he was crazy about Tucao, and what was good about the nine girl? He told him that he couldn't make complaints about his family.

Also do not know the master is under what Gu, still must she.

What's more, the girl didn't want to be the number one high-quality man in the world. She even liked Jiang Yutang's rubbish!

"Master, don't worry, I will keep an eye on Miss Gu for you, and I will never let her do anything sorry for you!"

Zhan Ying vowed to say.

"No need."

Huo Mingche opened his lips lightly.

"What? Are you serious, master? Even if Miss Gu behaved well at the dinner party today, who knows what kind of intrigue she is playing!

You can't trust her any more! To give her freedom is to connive at her... "

Zhan Ying is anxious to persuade her. Suddenly, she feels the man's extremely dangerous eyes and cold killing intention across the screen. She stops in fright and replies in cold sweat.


When he looked up again with a pale face, the screen was already dark. Zhan Ying was relieved and had a kind of rebirth like happiness.

The next morning,

the next morning,

the sun passed through the translucent curtain and fell on the bed, kissing the girl with an angel face.

And the girl frowned tightly, pale, distressed and tangled.


Gu jiuci suddenly wakes up in the nightmare. She grabs the sheet tightly and stares at the ceiling for a long time. Only then can she control her shaking body and calm down.

In the dream, she was still in the hot and humid cell, and the space mixed with bad smell and bad smell. She slowly decayed like a corpse.

She pressed her temple into the bathroom, turned on the faucet and washed her face hard before she felt sober.

For a long time, she slowly looked up and looked at herself in the mirror.

The person in the mirror is not a lifeless female prisoner, but a vigorous and amazing girl.

"Gu jiuci, you are reborn, you will live a new life!"

"Adieu! Are you up? If you don't get up, you'll be late! "

The second elder brother's voice sounded at the door, and Gu jiuci quickly raised his voice.

"I'm up, I'll be ready in a minute!"

Now she is only 18 years old, and she is only a senior three student.

That year, all she wanted was to pursue Jiang Yutang, so her academic performance... Was a mess!

"Alas... It's better to save one's indescribable academic achievements first..."

Gu jiuci sighed, quickly sorted it out, and came downstairs.

At the table, only the eldest brother and the second brother are still eating.

Gu jiuci vaguely remembered that his father, Gu Qingyuan, had regular work and rest. His brothers were also very busy. The whole family could only get together when they had breakfast every day.

But in her last life, she always sleeps until the sun goes up, and she doesn't eat breakfast with everyone.

On the contrary, Su Furong and Xu yun'er will appear at the table every morning to accompany Gu Qingyuan to dinner. Gradually, they are like a family of three.

At this point, Gu jiuci has already got up late, Gu Qingyuan has finished eating and went to the company. As for Su Furong and Xu Yuner, their mother and daughter go to do body yoga every morning.In order to maintain their beauty, their mother and daughter are very self disciplined...

however, Xu Yuner has been advocating a happy life in front of her.

It is said that people only have a lifetime, eat what they want, and indulge should be indulged.

Now think about it, it's all bullshit!

Gu jiuci took a deep breath and stepped downstairs.

The brothers at the dining table heard the footstep and looked at the stairs at the same time. Their faces were full of amazement.

Gu Qijue even blinked desperately.

On the second staircase, the girl who wears the white dress with soft light effect, with her long hair like ink, naturally hangs behind her. She is lazy and noble, just like an angel who just wakes up in the kingdom of heaven.

Is this really his sister Gu jiuci?!!!

Gu Qian was not as surprised as his younger brother. His eyes flashed with astonishment, and then showed a soothing look.

"ADI, it's going to be cold. Come here."

Gu Qijue, the second elder brother, said repeatedly.

"Coming, coming!"

Gu jiuci smiles and quickly goes to sit down. Her mother and daughter are not there. She is in a good mood.

"Eat more prawns and add protein."

The second brother immediately put the peeled prawns on her plate.

"Drink more milk, grow up."

Before she could thank her, a cup of warm milk was pushed in front of her.

Gu jiuci looks up at the past along the hand with distinct bony joints. Elder brother Gu Qian still looks at himself tenderly as always.

Her eldest brother, who was almost as famous as Huo Mingche, was also a male god that the imperial women flocked to.

He should have inherited Gu's family and had a bright future, but...

in Gu jiuci's mind, he had a bright future ]Gu Qian's face was pale, and he was sitting at his desk coughing and bleeding.

In her last life, she listened to Jiang Yutang's instigation and misappropriated the family's public funds to fill the hole for Jiang Yutang. Her elder brother did not pursue the case, but tried to help her to deal with it. Finally, she developed gastric cancer. When she was less than 30 years old...

"a CI, why did you cry?"

The elder brother reached out and waved in front of her, staring at her worried.

"No, I just yawned. Brother, you should also drink milk. No matter how busy you are, you must eat on time. Have you had a physical examination recently? "

Gu jiuci immediately poured a glass of milk for his elder brother, saying in a very serious tone.

"Physical examination? The group has a physical examination every year, and I am in good health. "

Gu Qian was slightly surprised to pick eyebrows, or habitually answer any questions raised by his sister.

"A CI, why don't you care about your second brother?"

Gu Qijue, the second elder brother, put the shelled shrimp into her bowl and said with jealousy.

"You've been in good health all the time, and there's no problem at all..."

Gu jiuci patted his second brother on the shoulder at will, but his expression was gradually darkened.

The second elder brother is in good health, but in his last life, he killed people for her, and finally became a prisoner of death...

this life! She will never let these tragedies happen again! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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