After her mother's death, aunt Fu treated her best and almost regarded her as her own daughter. However, in her previous life, she believed that Aunt Fu, a servant, was in charge of her affairs and wanted to control her.

After that, she was very indifferent to Aunt Fu and begged aunt Fu not to call her name directly, but to add the word "Miss" to show her superiority and inferiority.

Even so, aunt Fu still treated her very well. After her imprisonment in her previous life, she visited her several times.

"Aunt Fu, come in!"

Gu jiuci holds a pillow and stares at the door, and agrees with a guilty tone.

"Miss a CI, the eldest young master said that you hardly ate anything this evening. This is just my hot time..."

as soon as aunt Fu came in, she said with enthusiasm. She was afraid that Gu jiuci was bored and stopped talking carefully.

"Thank you, aunt Fu. I'll drink it hot now."

Gu jiuci climbed down from the bed, took the milk from Aunt Fu's hand and drank it obediently.

Aunt Fu widens her eyes and stares at Gu jiuci in disbelief? How did you suddenly become so smart?

"Miss a CI, you...

" Auntie Fu, please call me ADI later. I didn't know anything before. You were good for me. I know that. "

Aunt Fu was stunned, looking at today's light make-up exquisite Gu jiuci, she seemed to see the smart, polite and clever little girl before.

Gu jiuci knows that Aunt Fu may not be able to adapt to her changes for a while, and she doesn't intend to overemphasize it. As time goes on, aunt Fu will know.

"By the way, aunt Fu, these sheets and carpets are really ugly.

Tomorrow, you can ask someone to help me change them all, as well as those messy accessories on the shelf and those strange clothes in the cabinet,

change them all for me, and you will have a cool and normal home style... Aunt Fu? What are you thinking? "

Gu jiuci said half, found that Aunt Fu was staring at himself in a daze. She stretched out her hand in front of her, and the other side suddenly regained consciousness.

"Well, well, I'll do it in a minute! A CI is small... A CI, you are really grown up and sensible. "

Aunt Fu said with red eyes.

"People always have to grow up to be sensible and understand who is worth cherishing and who is worth loving."

Gu jiuci gently smile, meaningful said, not only to answer aunt Fu, but also to say to her own.


that night, aunt Fu helped Gu jiuci change all the sheets, covers, carpets and even curtains.

Snow white bedding, and pale pink curtains, finally let her room look like a normal girl living place.

Gu jiuci took a bath and was enjoying the brand-new room with satisfaction. Suddenly, he heard the sound of the porch. Xu yun'er directly pushed the door and walked in.

"A CI, did you sleep..."

as soon as Xu yun'er entered the door and saw a completely different bedroom, she was surprised to forget to speak.

Gu jiuci frowned at her: "cousin yun'er, don't you know to knock first when you come in?"

Xu yun'er is used to Gu Jiu's insolent and direct tone and doesn't notice anything wrong. As usual, he walked in directly, pulled out Gu jiuci's chair and sat on it.

"A CI, we have always been like this ~"

all the time...

Gu jiuci sneered in his heart. He really regarded himself as the master of his family!

It seems that she has to find a way to drive Xu yun'er out of the family first...

Gu jiuci, as usual, sat down by the bed with a towel in his light voice.

"What can I do for you so late?"

"Ah Ci, why are you so indifferent to me? Are you still angry with me?

I can swear to God that I have nothing to do with Jiang Yutang. We are innocent! "

In order to show her sincerity, Xu yun'er kneels down to the ground. She thought that Gu jiuci would react, but Gu jiuci didn't stop at all.

Four eyes relative, Gu nine words do not speak, so light looking at Xu yun'er.

Xu yun'er is half bent in the air, and the atmosphere is suddenly extremely awkward.

"ADI, do you really want me to kneel down for you?"

Xu yun'er looks at Gu jiuci with tears in her eyes, and says pitifully and wrongly.

"You want to kneel, but I don't want you to kneel."

Gu jiuci did not give face to say, in fact, the heart is fast nausea and vomiting.

There are only two of them here. She has to show the appearance of white lotus flower, which is not appreciated by the audience.

Xu yun'er gnaws her teeth in her heart, but pretends nothing happens on the surface and sits back on the chair.

"Seriously, do you really have no feelings for Yutang? He will take you away in front of Huo Mingche today!He is sincere to you

It was to test her!

"I'm engaged now, and you know what a wonderful man Huo Mingche is. Ah... Maybe Jiang Yutang and I are destined to have no relationship. "

Gu jiuci deliberately pretended to be sorry and sighed. There seemed to be some sadness on his face.

"No! You and Jiang Yutang are a perfect match. As long as you insist, no one can break you up. ADI, you should be brave

Looking at Gu jiuci's expression and reaction, Xu yun'er breathes a sigh of relief. It turns out that Gu jiuci still has Jiang Yutang in her heart. She is only playing in front of Huo Mingche today.

Xu yun'er tries her best to persuade her, and the more she talks, the more excited she gets.

Gu jiuci didn't want to hear her beep at all. He pretended to be very sad and buried his head in the pillow to cover up his impatience and waved.

"Cousin yun'er, I'm too tired. Don't talk about it. Let me be alone."

"A ci..."

Xu yun'er wants to say something more, but Gu jiuci has stopped talking. She was also afraid of saying too much to arouse Gu jiuci's suspicion, so she stood up and said.

"Then I'll go first. ADI, don't be sad. I'll help you find a way."

The porch makes a sound, and Xu yun'er closes the door and leaves.

In the corridor, Xu yun'er's innocent eyes were gloomy for a second. She immediately took out her mobile phone, dialed Jiang Yutang's number, and walked towards her room.

In the room, Gu jiuci raises his head and stares at the direction of the porch with a cold smile.

If you tell the truth directly and sweep Xu yun'er out of the door, it's too cheap for her!

His last life has suffered, this life should let Xu Yun Er ten times a hundred times return!

"Xu yun'er, I have plenty of time. I will play with you slowly."

Gu jiuci subconsciously touched his chest, habitually looking for the tears in front of his chest, suddenly touched an empty.

"No! My heirloom is still with the great devil

Gu jiuci exclaimed, his face turned white! She immediately looked for her mobile phone everywhere, and then she remembered that she had thrown it away , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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