"Master, I heard that you are an immortal cultivated by mortals. Why do you want to be a mortal again now?"

Alan asked curiously.

"If you had known that immortality was such a price, it would have been better not to do it."

Yi Deng's eyes flashed deep desolation and regretted the beginning.

Ellen didn't like the sentimental atmosphere and yelled deliberately.

"Xing Xing Xing Xing, this man of benevolent navigation, I've become the old man in the clouds. Tell me, master. What else do you want to explain that you haven't explained? Let's talk about it now. "

Eden picked up a carved silver mirror on the table and threw it into Allen's arms. Allen subconsciously caught it. The silver mirror immediately emitted countless golden lights.

"This is the mandarin duck spectrum of Liuhe and Bahuang for tens of thousands of years. In other words, the rules of the world have gradually returned to the hands of human beings. We can do very little except enjoy the spirit of marriage. "

Alan looked at the mirror carefully and chuckled when he heard Yi Deng's words.

"So I'm quite free."

"But there's one important thing you need to do."

Eden picked up the sachet on the table and threw it to Alan.

"Gu jiuci's family, there is one last doom in this life. When her child's full moon wine comes, you give this to Huo Mingche."

"The things in the sachet are not ordinary things. Master, why don't you think about me, master?"

Ellen was joking on purpose, but Yi Deng's face became serious and sighed with a meaningful sigh.

"It's just that... The return of things to their original owners has fulfilled the doomsday of the law of heaven and earth."

Ellen didn't quite understand the master's words. He shook his mandarin duck mirror and asked.

"This mirror is simply a super large disk. Can I see someone's marriage in the mirror?"

"It has recognized you as the Lord, and you can see who you want to see."

With the last word, Yi Deng picked up his luggage bag, put on his sunglasses, and walked towards the door.

"Master, where are you going before you are born?"

Then Alan remembered to ask the master where he was going.

"First go to the west to see how old God is doing, and then go to India to find Sakyamuni www.uutxt.vip ]Moni has Curry! Don't worry, your master won't die so soon

With a hearty little voice, Yideng, who was still in the room just now, disappeared in Allen's sight in a flash like all the smoke.

Allen just blinked his eyes, and there was no more sad mood. For hundreds of millions of years, most of the immortals had already become the most merciless creatures in the Six Harmonies and eight wastelands.

At the moment, he was playing with the mandarin duck mirror, eyebrows raised.

"I'd like to see what kind of love there was between Su Nu Di and jiuxiao Zhanshen, which shocked the world and sobbed ghosts and gods!"

His mind moved, and the mandarin duck mirror glowed fiercely, projecting huge Dharma images in the room, which made Allen feel like he was on the scene...

(looking back at the previous article, I love that this pair of CP has experienced ups and downs, but it has not been so sweet. Next, I will draw a short story about previous generations to make up for some regrets, and explain some of the puzzles in the previous article. After that, the other couple of CP will give a short story, which is no longer as long as jiuche. As for the story of whether jiuche has children, it depends on the situation.)

Tens of thousands of years ago, there was a decisive battle between the gods and demons, which caused heavy casualties on both sides. The ancient gods and demons of both sides dissipated in this catastrophe. Before the last ancient god in the divine world sat down, he left a prophecy.

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