"In the great calamity, the aura will wither, the divine world will wither, and man will dominate the world. In ancient times, yin and Yang could be transformed into heaven and earth

The ancient gods did not even have time to explain the prophecy, so they were in a hurry. At this time, jiuxiao Xingjun of the Dragon nationality took over the post of God Emperor. From then on, all the Six Harmonies and eight wastelands were under the jurisdiction of the God Emperor. Except for the remaining evils of the demons hiding and resisting, and several ancient deities were detached from the world, other ethnic groups were subject to the jurisdiction of the divine world.

The divine emperor jiuxiao deduced the prophecy with his divine power and came to a conclusion of "speaking human words":

the divine world will soon be cold, but the two children born ten thousand years later, with the power of ancient times, may be able to change the tragedy.

These two children, a large probability in the dragon clan, a large probability in other ancient Protoss.

At this point, in order to find these two children with ancient divine power, the divine world set up jiuxiao school in the Heavenly Kingdom. All descendants of the ancient Shenzu came to jiuxiao school for further study. Apparently, it is to cultivate the descendants of the ancient Protoss, but in fact it is to find and firmly control the two children in the hands of the divine world.

One day, 40000 years later, three red meteors shot straight into jiuxiao and crossed the gate of Nantianmen with lightning speed and landed at the gate of jiuxiao University.

Outside the door gathered countless fairies and fairies, who stood on tiptoe and looked up. The immortals were also gossiping. Everyone's chatter was the same as that of men and women in the world.

"Why is jiuxiao school so busy today?"

"Are you the new rising God? Jiuxiao academy recruits the descendants of ancient Protoss once every 3000 years, which is more extraordinary than before! All of them are ancient gods of the most noble lineage

"Yes? What are the descendants of the ancient Protoss

The newly rising fairy asked with a confused face.

"It is said that there are three Royal Highnesses and nine words of the Suhu nationality, and the most beautiful Phoenix forest in the Phoenix. The final play is coming. His highness Mingche, the future God of war, is the son of Weiyang, the dragon's God of war."

Speaking of his highness Mingche, the fairy was very excited.

"It's said that the God Emperor has been looking for two children who have possessed ancient divine power for tens of thousands of years, but they haven't found them for tens of thousands of years, but this time, they have a look!"

"Really? In the fairy's opinion, who are these two children

"In my opinion..."

before the fairy had time to finish speaking, suddenly, the sky was cloudless, and suddenly the sky was full of colorful clouds. A strong blue light and a slightly weak red light lit up one after another. The Dharma of the dragon and Phoenix immediately floated between heaven and earth. In a moment, two tall and slender figures fell from the sky.

The girl's beautiful eyes look forward to, gorgeous and unusual.

The youth is noble and cold, which is fascinating. But the sharpness and indifference between his eyebrows is like a natural barrier. No one dares to approach him within five steps. Those who have a sense of thieves have no courage to steal. All the people look at him and walk away.

Only that young girl can be brave enough to get close to the youth and say a few words occasionally.

As soon as they appeared, all the fairies and fairies immediately closed their mouths and watched them enter the school.

"In my opinion, of course, it's his highness Lin and Mingche of the Phoenix clan."

The fairy said excitedly that he was optimistic about this pair of dragon and Phoenix for a long time.

"Then why can't it be the three Royal Highnesses of emperor Su Hu?"

The newly rising fairy asked.

"He? Can he compare with his highness clarity in divine power? Can he compare with his highness Lin in beauty? He is not as good as a man in everything. How can he be turned over? "

The fairy laughed scornfully, and at this time, three red meteors fell from the sky and hit the God brick in front of the school. In an instant, they raised layers of magnificent red fog, which attracted everyone's attention.

When the red fog dispersed, three beautiful and amazing figures appeared in the middle of the fog.

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