"Do you believe me now?"

Gu jiuci breathed a sigh of relief, blinked at Huo Mingche with big, watery eyes, and his face was full of "I'm really innocent".


Huo Mingche light should a, but the person still pressed on her body, did not intend to leave.

But the smell of bloodthirsty just now disappeared. At this moment, the evening glow through the window, falling on the bed, shining on two people, there is a kind of movie lovers nestling in the taste of each other.

"Xiaojiu'er, don't lie to me, you know what the consequences will be...

the man buried his head in Gu jiuci's neck and shoulder, and his hot breath swept her Mingan's skin for a while, and he whispered a warning.

Gu jiuci did not dare to breathe, like a prey held down by a beast.

In her last life, she knew the consequences.

After a while, Huo Mingche's long and calm breath came from his ears.

The great devil fell asleep on her?!!!

Gu jiuci subconsciously moved for a moment, the man immediately tightened his arms, star eyes suddenly open, dangerous staring at her.

It's as if she only moves for one minute, and he'll tear her apart in the next second.

Gu jiuci was scared and immediately raised his hair. He Qing, she heard a man's voice in her ears.

"Xiao jiu'er, don't make any noise."

"Good, good, you sleep."

Gu jiuci quickly lay down and made a posture of standing at attention, obediently did not move.

Huo Mingche stared at her for a while, then buried in her neck and shoulder again, closed his eyes.

Gu jiuci looked at the big demon king and found that the man's eyes were full of crow green.

Think of her elopement with people yesterday, and today such a thing happened again, no one is bothered to sleep?

She bravely stretched out her hand and stroked the man's deep eyebrows and eyes with her fingertips. She remembered that when she first saw him,

he was young and rebellious. He was admired by all people, but he became a monster for her.


Gu jiuci sighed and his heart was filled with sorrow.

In her previous life, she and the great demon king have always been in a state of tension. She was imprisoned by Huo Mingche, but also fought with him. He was also tortured by her wounds, and finally she forced her to die before he was forced to agree to divorce.

I still remember that when she left Huangju, Huo Mingche couldn't stand up and insisted that Zhan Ying push him out in a wheelchair to see her off...

thinking of this, Gu jiuci's tears fell.

That short life, she and Huo Mingche did not have time to understand how to love a person.

Until now, she is willing to marry him, but also out of deep guilt and moved.

The next day,

when the morning light fell on her face again, the fragrance of flowers came from the air, and everything was so peaceful and peaceful.

Gu jiuci slowly opened his eyes. She had no weight on her body, and she was the only one left on the bed.

She lay there for a while, remembering what had happened yesterday, but she still couldn't believe it.

She even lay peacefully by the side of the devil, and fell asleep with relaxed nerves!

This was impossible in a previous life!


The prompt tone of wechat came from the mobile phone. Gu jiuci touched it and found that it was a long string of text messages sent by his father Gu Qingyuan.

The main idea is that since she is engaged to Huo Mingche and they are going to get married after graduating from high school, she is now the daughter-in-law of the Huo family. She should live with Huo Mingche to deepen her feelings.

The most important thing is that what happened in the school yesterday was really distorted by Xu yun'er and spread to Gu Qingyuan's ears. Now all her financial resources are really cut off!

After reading this, Gu jiuci gave a complicated smile.

"Xu yun'er, I really can't belittle you..."

in the previous life, she was forced to live in Huangju, and began the bloody days with the great demon king.

In this life, although different paths lead to the same goal, her mood has changed a lot.

"Bell, bell!"

The voice of the mobile phone rings again, and the caller ID shows... Xu yun'er.

Gu jiuci's cold words aroused the corners of his mouth. How fast he came!

As soon as she got through the phone, Xu yun'er's seemingly concerned voice rang out immediately.

"Adieu! I heard that you were captured by the devil yesterday? Did he do anything to you? Shall I come and see you? "

Listen to this word and grab away...

"it's OK, I'm fine."

Gu jiuci light reply way, can't help but think of the last life, she was Huo Mingche strong, Xu yun'er also made a phone call to come over to look after her.

At that time, she only felt that she could not be loved and needed a person to talk to, so she immediately agreed to Xu yun'er's request. Huo Mingche saw that she was her cousin's share, not only gave her own access to Huangju qualifications, but also sent Zhan Ying special car to pick her up.From then on, Xu yun'er ascended the stage in Huangju, and also increased more opportunities to get close to Huo Mingche.

But she was foolishly kept in the dark and lost in a mess.

Now, she will never give Xu yun'er such a chance!


Xu yun'er can't control her mood for a moment and raises her voice. Obviously, she can't believe it will be such a result.

After she sent that recording to Huo Mingche, shouldn't he be furious? Shouldn't the contradiction between Gu jiuci and Gu jiuci be intensified and Gu jiuci hate her more?

"Cousin, why do you want me to do something?"

Gu jiuci half jokingly opened the way, Xu yun'er scared out of the cold sweat, pinched the phone quickly explained.

"No way! I'm your cousin. Of course I hope you're safe.

It's just that yesterday the big devil's face was so bad. I'm afraid that he will do something special to you?

We are a family. If you are wronged, you don't have to bear it. No matter how late, I can come to accompany you immediately! "

Gu jiuci is keen to capture the horse feet in Xu yun'er's words.

"Cousin, how did you see that the big devil's face was not good? Were you there? Why didn't you rush out at that time? "

There was a brief silence on the phone, and Xu yun'er was choked.

I didn't expect that Gu jiuci suddenly became smart and caught such a small detail in her words.

"Ha ha... I heard that. If I were on the scene, I would have rushed up! Hi, are you really OK? "

"It's really OK."

Gu jiuci repeated it on purpose, and suddenly he opened his mouth.

"This time, a villain filed a complaint in front of Huo Mingche. Fortunately, I was witty and had cleared the misunderstanding. But don't let me know who that villain is,

If I do, I will make her worse than death! "

She said the last sentence, deliberately accentuated the tone, the other end of the phone Xu yun'er heard, immediately panic.

Does Gu jiuci already know what?!!

"But I know my cousin is the best for me. You won't hurt me, will you?"

Gu jiuci suddenly turns his words and asks with a smile.

Xu yun'er's heart, like a roller coaster, rises high and falls heavily. She is even busy.

"Yes, of course I will not harm you!"

"Then if it's OK, I'll hang up."

Gu jiuci then perfunctorily, without waiting for Xu yun'er to say anything, he hung up the phone directly.

She wants to let Xu yun'er choke to death in her voice.

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