Standing at the gate of Huangju, Xu yun'er, who was stopped by the security guard with a cold face, clenched her teeth with anger!

Gu jiuci is such a fool. Why is he always so lucky!

Yesterday I saw Huo Mingche angrily rushed to the school to arrest her!

Why did a night pass and nothing happened?

Which link was wrong?

"Go on, little girl. Don't stand here. If you don't go, we'll be very polite."

At this time, the bodyguard in black in the guard room next to him came out to drive people out again.

"I'll go in a minute."

Xu yun'er stands on tiptoe in a hurry and looks at Huang Ju.

She was dazzled by the magnificent scenery. She clenched her fist, turned around and swore secretly.

Wait, she will be the hostess here sooner or later!

In the master bedroom,

after hanging up Xu Yuner, Gu jiuci was in a good mood.

She stretched herself out of bed and looked at the whole bedroom.

There are only three colors of black, white and gray in the whole room. The decoration is luxurious but very simple.

the visible range of the room is cold, which fully shows the master's character, but this is not her style at all.

"We'll have to reinvent this place some time."

Gu jiuci is talking to himself for a while, the alarm ring of the mobile phone suddenly rings.

"No! Late again

Gu jiuci screamed. He immediately followed the memory and rushed into the bathroom to wash. Yesterday's clothes had been torn to pieces. However, the clothes in the cloakroom are always ready for the latest season of Gaoding clothes.

Gu jiuci opened the cupboard door and looked at it. As expected, he still kept up with the first generation, and even the brassieres and underpants were well prepared.

But... How does Huo Mingche know her size?

"There's no time to think about it!"

She grabbed a long white dress in a hurry and rushed downstairs.

In the dining room, the man leaned back on his chair, staring at the food in front of him without expression. When he heard Gu jiuci's voice, he looked at her side immediately, and a trace of softness appeared on his cold face.

"Waiting for me to have breakfast?"

I don't know that it was because he had been lying peacefully for a night with the great demon king. Gu jiuci was no longer so afraid of him as in his previous life. Instead, he calmly said hello and walked over.

"Sit down."

Huo Mingche opens the chair beside him, the tone that cannot be said.

"Good ~"

Gu jiuci sat down naturally and immediately let Zhan Ying, who was standing on the side, stare at him.

How could they have been so peaceful? Isn't Gu jiuci always at odds with the master. When the Master goes East, does she have to go west? How obedient today?

What's more, he didn't understand. Yesterday Gu jiuci made such a big mistake and directly put a big green hat on the master. Why didn't the master get angry and still eat breakfast with her calmly?

In front of Gu jiuci, the master is just a fool!

Gu jiuci, what did you do to the master?

Zhan Ying looks at Gu jiuci with vigilance. Before a second, Gu jiuci is dead!

"Drink this. It's good for your health. My big brother makes me have a drink every day."

Gu jiuci smiles with his own cup to a cup of fresh milk, pushed to Huo Mingche in front.

Zhan Ying and the housekeeper next to her are all bristling up.

Damn Gu jiuci, doesn't she remember that the master has a serious cleanliness addiction?

Once upon a time, when the master was eating out to talk about business, a waiter accidentally touched his cup. He let someone drop the glass on the spot and almost didn't cut off the waiter's hand.

Now Gu jiuci, a fool, let the master use the cup she just drank!

Zhan Ying closed her eyes in cold sweat, ready to meet the end of the world.


The man's calm voice sounded, in the eyes of all the people's eyes were about to fall off, he picked up the cup and drank it gracefully.

Yes! It's over!

Gu jiuci was relieved. She knew that Huo Mingche had a serious habit of cleanliness, but just now they got along so well, she forgot such an important thing.

She only thought about Huo Mingche in her last life. Because of her anxiety and collapse, she did not eat any more. Finally, this living method finally made him run out of oil and light at a young age.

In this life, since she has made up her mind to live a good life with Huo Mingche, she can't have such a thing happen again.

With such an idea, she would make the devil eat at breakfast.

She was stunned to see the big devil use his own cup.

"What else do you want me to eat?"

Huo Mingche's eyes did not move from Gu jiuci's face for a second. He opened his lips and asked.What do you want him to eat, as if eating breakfast is just for her pleasure, not for your good life.

Hearing the big devil's words, Gu jiuci's nose was sour and immediately put the food into his plate.

"Fruit, eggs, these things should be eaten, nutrition must be balanced, three meals a day to eat. You have to take care of yourself. We have a lot more to come. "

This sentence makes Zhan Ying and aunt Ming stunned at the same time.

Gu jiuci, who hopes that the master will let her go every minute, wants to escape to the ends of the earth, and coax the master to keep good health. There are still many days to come?

Zhan Ying stares at Gu jiuci more vigilantly. Does this woman have any new conspiracy?

Would it be to paralyze the master and let him be careless for a while, and then she would create more turmoil?

Huo Mingche is also shocked by Gu jiuci's words. He reaches out his hand and caresses her eyes.

Why, more and more can't understand her?

And why, after she changed her personality, it felt good?

Gu jiuci kept in the same position and let Huo Mingche's hand swim on her face. From the beginning to the end, she looked at him calmly, and the guilt and heartache of her eyes were clearly shown to him.

"Why feel guilty?"

The man suddenly opened his lips. His deep and sharp eyes seemed to be able to see all her heart.

"I used to make too many mistakes, and I made too many mistakes. I just hope that I can correct them now. It's still in time."

Gu jiuci pun, but this second meaning, probably only she can understand.

"Bell, bell!"

The atmosphere is just right, suddenly the mobile phone on the table makes a sharp sound.

"Ah! If you don't leave, you'll be late! "

Gu jiuci glanced at the mobile phone anxiously and stood up.

Seeing her anxious to leave, the man's face immediately sank. Suddenly, his wrist on the table was held by the girl.

"Brother Che, are you free? Send it to me? "

The girl looked at him eagerly, and her eyes were full of trust in him.

Huo Mingche all over the body of the anger suddenly disappeared, she is dependent on him.

"The master has a very important one today...

" OK. "

Zhan Ying immediately answers instead of the master, but before he can finish, he is slapped in the face.

Humble assistant depressed want to hammer the wall! Master, you fool! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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