"Jiao, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you? Tell me, I will kill him for you

"It's your big brother!"

Jiao tried to hold back her tears and said in a loud voice.

There was silence for several seconds, and then Gu jiuci's helpless voice rang out.

"Ah Jiao, do you really want to chase my elder brother? Between you...

in fact, Gu jiuci doesn't understand why she is so persistent to her elder brother.

"Just tell me what kind of girl brother ah Qian likes. I won't force you."

A Jiao heard Gu jiuci tone of the wrong, think the other side also do not like her, in the heart more aggrieved.

"I don't mean that. You are a good girl. If you can be with my elder brother, I will be very happy, but there is a difference of eight years between you. I don't know whether you fell in love with him at first sight or..."

Huang Curie, Gu jiuci walked to the bedside with his mobile phone and frowned.

When she was young, she also couldn't tell what was the real heart and love. Finally, she was infatuated with wrong payment. Now she doesn't want Gillian to make a big joke because of her impulse.

Although her big brother is one of the best men in the world in her eyes, love is not good or not, only the food box is not suitable for her.

Jiao pinches the mobile phone, smart as she, has heard Gu jiuci's implication.

"I really like him, from a long time ago, when none of you knew it. He means to me like Huo Mingche to you. If we always meet someone who teaches us to face ourselves, he is Huo Mingche, and I am your brother

Hearing this, Gu jiuci on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned for a few seconds, and then he began to speak seriously.

"In fact, I used to be confused. I didn't know much about my brother's preferences. He always sacrificed himself. He liked what we liked. Over the years, I always felt that I owed my elder brother too much. If someone could appear in his life, he could be himself, not for me or for his family.

I think I will try my best to help her and hope they can be together

Hearing Gu jiuci's sincere words, a Jiao's heart crossed a warm current, no longer as angry and aggrieved as just now.

"Don't worry, I will never give up."

Brother ah Qian, I will never give up easily!

Jiao secretly repeated it in the bottom of her heart.

"Well, I'll cheer you on from a long distance. In fact, my elder brother sometimes looks cold on purpose. In fact, he has always been a gentle and soft hearted man."

Gu jiuci sold his big brother's biggest weakness in a low voice. Ah Jiao burst out laughing and recalled the picture of the man's soft hearted before, and said immediately.

"I know! I will look and feel with my heart, not just on the surface ~ "

after calling Gu jiuci, a Jiao is in a much better mood. Now, looking back on the scene just now, she suddenly appears and starts to catch up with her as soon as they meet. I'm afraid that the first reaction of a normal person is surprise and rejection?

She had just finished psychological counseling for herself when the door of the meeting room was pushed open from outside. Ziwei came in with a guilty expression.

"Well, Miss Li..."

"what's the matter? Zivico

Jiao immediately adjusts her mood and looks at Ziwei.

Ziweidun was a little flattered and frightened.

"You can call me an assistant. I came because boss asked me to tell you something...

in fact, I came here www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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