"What's the matter?"

Jiao tries to calm down her mood. Ziwei swallows her saliva nervously. On the contrary, she is more nervous. Boss is really. Why should she throw this hot potato to him!

"Well, Miss Li, we boss has more important things, so he needs to go abroad recently."

"What are you talking about? Going abroad? "

Hear Ziwei's words, Gillian's mind immediately "buzz" for a moment.

"As far as I know, Gu's overseas projects are not as important as those of the Li family, are they?"

Of course not!

Ziwei answered in his heart, but on the surface, he could only pretend to be stupid.

"We have recently changed our development plan and intend to focus on overseas projects this year, so it's normal that you don't know, Miss Li."

Ziwei's expression is strange to answer, the tone of speech is particularly guilty.

"At present, I am in charge of the project with Mr. Li. If there is any problem or request from Li, Miss Li can contact me directly."

"Ah ~"

Ah Jiao sneered. She already understood it completely and looked at Ziwei with sarcasm.

"It's not that you Gu has changed some bullshit development plan, but Gu Qian is hiding from me, isn't it?"

Zi Wei's lies were uncovered by a Jiao impolitely, and her face suddenly became ugly.

"Miss Li, you misunderstood our boss. In fact, we are...

" OK, don't talk so much nonsense to me! You tell Gu Qian, I am really interested in him, that is to pursue him! If he is a man, you let him stop running away!

If you really don't like me, what do you feel guilty about? "

Before Ziwei finished speaking, Gillian opened her mouth with sarcasm, and her anger mixed with grievances surged into her heart.


Ziwei, a big man, faced with Ah Jiao, who was about to cry out, did not know what to say. He moved his mouth for a long time, but did not say anything, so he had to worry.

"What's more, the problems I raised today should be solved by you tomorrow. Don't let me look down on you!"

A Jiao picked up the bag on the table, after Ziwei, cool eyes swept over his body. Ziwei was worried for a moment. It is not clear that he is looking for trouble. Many problems need technical improvement to solve. It is not a matter of a day.

He quickly and painstakingly looked at a Jiao pleading.

"Miss Li, it's boss who makes you unhappy. Why do you bully me?"

Jiao, who has come to the door, looks back coldly.

"Who told you not to persuade him, but to help him? I tell you, I will catch up with your boss. You can decide what to do by yourself. "

Jiao is angry, deliberately said this to frighten Ziwei, not wait for Ziwei and what reaction, she angrily turned away.

The moment she walked out of Gu's mansion, all her confidence was wasted. She sat back in the car, and all her tears fell down. In fact, she was not sure how to catch up with Gu Qian.

Before she started, Gu Qian turned her away and declared her death.

"Miss, today, my hometown said... Are you all right, or I...

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