"Boss, do you really not give Miss Ajiao a chance?"

Ziwei tried to be brave and brave.

Gu Qian didn't answer. He just looked out of the window.

No one knows how scared he was when he heard her scream on the phone. His heart seemed to explode in that moment.

When he immediately called back, he got the cold machine girl voice, despair filled his heart.

He has just decided to start with her, he has not even started action, fate began to torture him like this?

That day in the temple, in the night of the meteor shower, he wanted to challenge the fate once!

But this time, he found that he could not afford to lose.

Gu Qian, really in love with Li Jiao.

He did not dare to let her, because he suffered a trace of injury, he can no longer afford to bet!

When he rushed into the hospital, he saw the girl lying on the bed dying www.biqugex.co ]The blood in his body seemed to solidify in an instant. He didn't care what she set up, and he didn't care about her little lies.

He only cares about his delicacy and safety.

If she is not with herself, she will be safe all her life.

He's willing to let go!

This time, it was time for him to leave...

in the hospital,

Ah Jiao was carried back to the ward by her sister, like a doll without any thoughts, lying on the bed.

"You have a good rest, and we'll try to find a way. Gu Qian is so angry this time, which shows that he cares. He has real feelings for you, and you are still very hopeful. "

Sister Li Wan'er tried her best to comfort her, but she could not hear a word.

She did not notice, at the moment outside the ward, a woman with a thick mask and sunglasses, looking at her in distress on the hospital bed, showed a smile.

Then, the woman walked out of the ward, in a deserted corner, took out her mobile phone and dialed a phone.

"You've done a good job this time. We've got what we want most."

On the other side of the phone, a man's voice with an exotic accent sounded, and the man's tone was very proud.

"Don't forget what you promised me. You won't succeed without me. Don't try to tear down a bridge."

The woman's voice threatened, and the man at the other end seemed to have expected it.

"I'm so happy to cooperate with you, of course I won't break my promise, but I'm really surprised that you betrayed Gu."

"What I want is Gu Qian. This person belongs to me. As long as he belongs to me, I will bring back the double for Gu Qian's benefit in the future."

The woman raised the corner of her mouth with pride, and did not rush to any shame for her behavior.

"Then I'll wait and see. Congratulations on driving away another rival in love!"

The man deliberately said Yin and Yang, while the woman's face was lazy, hung up the phone directly and strode out of the hospital.

A few days later, Gu Zhai.

Jiao's head wrapped in bandages, looking at the villa door in front of her, took a deep breath, and her eyes were dim.

These days, she lived in the hospital because of concussion. For a few days, she never saw Gu Qian again, or even sent any wechat to Gu Qian. He did not reply. To this day, her news has no way to be sent out.

Because, she was deleted by him.

Whether it's the Internet or reality, Gu Qian told her again that they would never meet again.

The door creaked and opened. She looked at the past subconsciously, but only saw aunt Fu come out from inside, looking at her with heartache.

"Miss Ajiao? Are you... Are you here to pick up your luggage? "

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