
Ah Jiao couldn't help choking, but she still had no way to give up.

"Aunt Fu, is brother ah Qian at home? Can I talk to him? "

Aunt Fu's face was embarrassed, her hands folded her apron, and she refused in embarrassment.

"I don't know what happened between you and the eldest young master. Now the young master has ordered me to take your luggage with me. He also said..."

"what else did he say?"

Jiao's heart a cool, clearly know that Aunt Fu said the answer, will let her extremely sad, but she still want to listen.

"The eldest young master said that he didn't want to see you again in other occasions except work."


Aunt Fu's words are like a sharp knife, which is extremely accurate and stabbed in her most lethal position!

Brother ah Qian, do you have to be so cruel?

"Aunt Fu, please tell me where brother ah Qian is!"

"Miss Ajiao, you'd better not embarrass me."

Aunt Fu frowned, did not directly give the answer to Jiao, but she subconsciously looked at the position of the study or betrayed her.

A Jiao looked at the study, lift step to go toward the direction of the study, she is not reconciled.

Even if this pursuit finally failed, she should at least make it clear to Gu Qian in person and apologize in person.

"Miss Ajiao, the eldest young master said that he didn't want to see you at home. I'd better take you to get your luggage."

Fu aunt a brisk step in front of Jiao, the tone euphemism said.

Jiao looked at the study on the second floor and the embarrassed aunt Fu.

She has cheated Gu Qian. Aunt Fu is so good that she can't make aunt Fu difficult to do any more.


She clenched her fist. She didn't know how much effort it took to give up. Like a walking corpse, she followed aunt Fu upstairs to her familiar room, but everything inside had changed.

All the furniture was covered with white cloth, only her luggage was arranged in the trunk, which was suddenly put there.

"Why cover it with cloth?"

"The eldest young master said that after you left, everything in this room should be disposed of and redecorated."

Aunt Fu hesitated for a moment, and finally frowned to explain.

She didn't want to say these words, but Gu Qian specifically told her that if a Jiao asked about it, he had to tell her exactly what she said.

"Has he got so sick of me?"

Jiao difficult to pull out a smile even worse than crying, Gu Qian, you are cruel, you always know how to make me the most painful!

"Well, aunt Fu, please tell him, I'm sorry about the previous events. I'll try my best to do what he wants."

Jiao suddenly picked up the luggage, turned to go outside, the moment he turned, tears flew out of her eyes, endless desolation.

"Miss Ajiao, I'll see you off!"

Aunt Fu or can't bear to chase out, Jiao just want to leave this place quickly, because every more stay a second, those happy memories will burst into her mind.

How sweet memories are, how cruel the reality is.

"Woo Hoo Hoo Hoo!"

As soon as she came out of the courtyard, the little milk dog ran out and howled around her like last time.

How familiar this scene is!

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