Gu Qian is the leader of this industry, and this ppt preparation is even more refined and wonderful than that stolen by Jones.

Those foreign architects, especially those with a critical attitude at the beginning, gradually put down their arrogance and gradually became serious in Gu Qian's introduction.

"I didn't expect that the architectural designers in the east also made rapid progress."

"Although their technology and yesterday's Jones real estate are very similar, but I think they pay more attention to details than Jones real estate, and even their technical level is far better than theirs."

The murmur of a few more authoritative industry experts was introduced into Jones' ears, which was very harsh.

"Finally, I would like to state that the above technology is the original technology created by Gu's real estate and Li's group. At present, no one in the world can surpass us.

At the same time, we have achieved a breakthrough in dome technology, and that's all we have to do

Gu Qian said indifferently, and the audience immediately burst into warm applause, especially one of the Chinese judges of the contest, who was choked with sobs.

"In my lifetime, I am really happy to see the development of our country's construction industry so strong! Gu Qian, you are Xu Liao's student! No, it should be said that you are better than the blue

"Thank you for your praise."

Gu Qian nodded his head slightly and responded with a smile.

A Jiao just at this time, arrived from the scene, saw the full house to Gu Qian's applause, her heart also finally let go.

Jones looked around and everyone praised him. It was not the result he wanted.

He immediately motioned to the organizer, got the microphone and asked politely.

"Mr. Gu, don't you think it's very humiliating that you openly plagiarize our Jones real estate's creativity and say it's your own creation?"

Jones kept asking so loudly that some people suddenly reflected.

"Indeed, the key technology used on Gu's PPT is exactly the same as that of Jones real estate yesterday."

"Well, it's plagiarism! Chinese people just like to copy! "

Those foreigners quickly defected to Jones. Jones looked at Gu Qian with pride.

"Gu Qian, this is the most authoritative architectural competition in the world. You should give us an explanation. I suggest that the jury immediately cancel the qualification of Gu's real estate!"

"Yes! They will be disqualified! "

"The easterners don't deserve to participate in this competition!"

As soon as Jones's voice fell, several Europeans immediately echoed him. Bei looked at Gu Qian with an embarrassed face and a grudge against iron.

"Gu Qian, what's going on here? Don't you give me a good explanation!"

"What can be explained! Such obvious plagiarism, Mr. Bei, as an oriental, do you want to cover up your Oriental people? "

Gu Qian was about to open his mouth, Jones immediately saw the opportunity to refute, he would never give Gu Qian a chance to refute!

"Are we plagiarizing, or is Jones real estate stealing our ppt?"

All of a sudden, a clear voice sounded behind the crowd, and they all followed the reputation. Gu Qian's deep eyes also crossed the crowd and fell quietly on the girl. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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