Jones frowned slightly, and then remembered that the yellow girl of the Li family was strange?

He didn't leave anything seamless.

Thinking of this, Jones became rusty again.

"It's the routine that you Oriental people used to do. You can't wash yourself, but you frame others. Who in the industry doesn't know that Jones real estate represents the highest standard in the construction industry and we need to steal your junk? "

"Well, I believe you all know that your company is old, let alone us. In fact, since you took over this company, Jones real estate has been on the decline!

You don't even want to face this time. Before we took part in the competition, you deliberately knocked me out, stole my PPT, and set fire to our hotel. As a result, all our information was destroyed and could not be recovered. In this way, even if we know you stole our things, we have no evidence to sue you! "

Jones - Jones - let's face it straight and let Ben pay the price!

Jones's face sank and he said angrily.

"Are you making up stories to insult me? Little girl, I will sue you

"You are wrong! I want to sue you

Ah Jiao finally walked up to Jones in front of her and said in a cool voice.

"Do you think you're really clean? Even if you have eliminated the surveillance in the corridor for the fire in the hotel, you have forgotten to destroy the surveillance on the opposite road. I just found enough evidence! "


Hearing Ah Jiao's words, Jones was really flustered and his face turned white.

"You can't find evidence. You're framing it!"

Jones thought quickly that they lived on the top floor. How could the surveillance on the road capture anything? So he immediately regained his composure. Although others at the scene noticed that something was wrong, as long as he persisted, the winner was still him!

"I'm afraid you don't realize that your PPT yesterday is the best evidence!"

Gillian swept Jones in disgust and looked at the man on the stage.

Gu Qian just changed the ppt on the stage at this time. It was the PPT used by Jones yesterday. Gu Qian marked one page with a red circle on the spot.

"Jones, maybe your translator doesn't know much about Chinese culture. Some words are used directly. This mortise and tenon structure is a unique design in China. Why does it appear in your PPT

Gu Qian looked down at Jones from above, leaving him nowhere to hide, and the contestants and judges immediately understood.

Over the years, the European construction industry has always discriminated against oriental architecture, especially its unique construction technology, which has been criticized by them, let alone used in their own entries.


Jones was speechless. He did not expect that his carefully prepared plan was destroyed by a small translator!

"Western robbers, the stolen things will never be yours. In fact, the PPT you stole from my USB flash drive is not the final ppt. Our core technology has not been disclosed in it. Are you disappointed?"

After all, she has been in business with her second uncle for many years. She has already developed the habit of being cautious and always keeps a hand.

A Jiao cool sneer way, Jones angry face iron blue, but the good play is still behind! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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