"What do you think? He's not formed yet. What can you hear? "

"OK, but you and Huo Mingche are really happy this time, like the happy ending of the prince and princess in the fairy tale."

Ah Jiao enviously said that among her friends, Gu jiuci and Huo Mingche's love is the most legendary and beautiful.

"Not only I am happy, but my second brother is also very happy. This time it happened that he and tea sister, who had been in love for many years, confessed that the other side also liked him. They met their parents and decided to get married.

I'm here to send you an invitation today

Gu jiuci curved lips a smile, handed the flaming envelope to a Jiao.

"I didn't expect that Gu Qijue's action was so fast that he would have been married for a long time."

Ah Jiao took the invitation in surprise. Looking at the wedding photo of Gu Qijue and tea sister, she couldn't help but show her admiration.

Unfortunately, she and Gu Qian will never have such a day.

"Ah Jiao."

Gu jiuci suddenly called her name meaningful.

"Do you know what is the most terrible thing in love?"

"What is it?"

A Jiao subconsciously looks at Gu jiuci.

"It's the misunderstanding accumulated by countless details, and the people who didn't solve it in the end parted ways."

Gu jiuci's expression becomes dignified, Jiao shakes her head.

"I don't understand you."

"I mean, my big brother is quite different from the devil. Brother Che does things regardless of any cost, as long as he achieves what he wants. "

"I can see that Huo Mingche is the only one who can make dreams for you to survive and exchange life for life."

Jiao nodded with approval. Sometimes she envied Gu jiuci very much.

"But my big brother is different. He is too considerate of other people's feelings. He is afraid of those painful costs, and all of us are afraid of those painful costs. So he always put himself in a shell and the people he cared about in a safe shell.

If a thing is very risky, the great devil will accompany me, but the elder brother will choose to use all kinds of ways to prevent me from being hurt, or directly skip this risky thing. Do you understand what I mean? "

Jiao nodded solemnly.

"I understand that he is the most responsible and kind man in the world."

Otherwise, which man will insist on not getting married all his life for the sake of his fiancee who has never been married? What man can keep his heart in the long years?

"So, I have a request."

Gu jiuci fixed looking at a Jiao, slowly opened his mouth.

"I hope that no matter what kind of misunderstanding happens between you, you must let my elder brother explain it personally. No matter how far you can go, I hope you are not separated by those small misunderstandings, do you understand? "

Gillian's heart trembles, Gu jiuci's words obviously mean something, but does she really want to ask him face to face? Ask him what's going on with his fiancee? Do you still love the dead fiancee?

A Jiao frowns, can too cruel?

After Gu jiuci left, Ajiao asked Xiaoming to go to Gu's for a long vacation. For several days, she stayed at home and became a shrinking turtle. Even small Du lelan couldn't look down and dragged her to the bar to relax.

"I said," is this still the brave and resolute sister? You see what you look like now

In the bar, Du lelan disliked the opening way.

Jiao's decadent embrace oneself, too lazy to answer Du lelan's words.

"You can't let him go, but I have an idea..."

Du lelan suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, obviously he didn't hold back any good fart...

he was not holding his breath www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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