While talking, Du lelan took out a mini bottle from his pocket, which contained some white powder, with a bad expression on his face.

"Since you can't get his heart, you'd better knock him out and drag him away. Only a little bit of this stuff can make a cow faint. When the time comes, you will treat him like this and that, and you will be able to get him.

Gu Qian is a man of responsibility, and he will be responsible for you

Jiao looked at the medicine bottle a Leng, then fiercely raised her hand and gave Du lelan a chestnut.

"What do you think? Who do you think I am? Is it so bad? "

"It hurts! Auntie

Du lelan took a deep breath and apologized.

"If you don't want to marry him for a night, don't you think you can use this way to marry yourself?"

"What are you talking about?"

Ah Jiao's face became serious, but the light of the club was too dark. Du lelan didn't see it and was still talking about himself.

"It's what the dog blood novel says now. If you can't ask for it, you'll have to have a child of his as a sustenance."

Du lelan said, but also took out his mobile phone, he is recently chasing Meng Baowen novel to a Jiao to see.

"All right, all right, I'm not interested!"

Jiao impatiently pushed Du lelan aside, stood up and ran to him to distract himself, which was to find trouble for himself.

Unexpectedly, Du lelan took advantage of her to stand up and threw the small medicine bottle into her bag.

"Take it, if you can use it?"

Jiao sighed helplessly and suddenly thought of something.

"Gu Qijue's wedding banquet, have you received the invitation?"

"I have some friendship with seven brothers. We still want to have dinner."

Du lelan honest answer, after all, he is also playing video games.

"That's good. We'll go together that day."

At that time, in case of Gu Qian's embarrassment, he can also hide behind Du lelan.

A week later, Gu Qijue's wedding.

Different from the grand wedding of Gu jiuci, Gu Qijue's wedding is small and warm, and all the guests present are acquaintances. A Jiao sits at a friend's table, while Gu Qian, as the eldest parent of the family, is arranged on the main table.

At the beginning of the wedding, the whole hall darkened and began to play the love story of Gu Qijue and Xia cha in the form of sand painting. Jiao looked at it, and she was out of her mind.

Childhood love is really enviable ah, unlike her, never entered Gu Qian's life.

In the beautiful and romantic music, the bridegroom and the bride come on stage and kiss the bride under the coax of the emcee and everyone. Ah Jiao, like everyone else, applauded and blessed.

Just looking at, her eyes or uncontrolled to look at the man under the stage.

When the lights are dim, he is still so conspicuous in the crowd. The warm light covers his delicate face. Ah Jiao quietly depicts his face in her heart. She wants to keep him in mind forever and never forget it.

But now, at last, it's time for her to let go.

How was that song sung?

"Loving you is my luckiest thing. The position in your heart is the most distant luxury. "

" the next step is to throw a bunch of flowers and send blessings to the bride. Please hurry up for single women! "

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