"Ma Ma, I want to protect you too!"

At this time, Tuan Tuan and every year at the same time went to Gillian's side, a face firm said.

"OK, it's time to ask my two babies to do me a little favor ~"

Ah Jiao suddenly remembered something, flashed a bit of cunning under her eyes, bent over her arms and hugged her two children and gave her a cruel kiss.

"So now, we [biqu Pavilion] www.sbiquge.me ]Let's go

The conference room on the top floor of Lee's group in Paris.

The entire conference room was full of people. In addition to the senior shareholders, Anthony specially invited a large number of reporters.

He wants reporters to witness his success.

"Mr. Anthony, how sure are you that you can let Li Jiao take the blame and resign?"

A young reporter came up to him and asked.

Anthony's proud smile, in fact, he is 100% sure.

He was fully prepared for today's victory.

The first plan is to disguise as a robot killing accident, let Li Jiao die of her own robot design, only to kill a Gu Qian halfway. It doesn't matter. He has another plan.

Li Jiao is to blame for such a big thing. Half of the representatives at the shareholders' meeting are French, and they will support him without reservation. In addition, he has occupied 11 places among the 20 shareholders.

Apart from other wavering shareholders, he has won a solid ride.

It's right for Li Jiao not to come, otherwise he will let her realize what kind of public humiliation!

At this time, a reporter suddenly called out in the crowd.

"Here comes Miss Li!"

When people heard the reputation, the gate opened to both sides immediately. Jiao took a child in one hand and walked in slowly, still wearing the suit in the morning. In the eyes of shareholders and Antony, she is now looking particularly embarrassed.

Anthony gave a scornful smile.

"Miss Li, do you know you won't win? There's no need to hold on to two children to embolden yourself. "

When he said this, Antony deliberately used arrogant French. All the French present laughed, and the atmosphere and aura seemed to incline to Anthony's side.

"So what? Mr. Anthony, there's an old saying in China, it's called "don't bully the youth to be poor."

Ajiao is calm and unaffected by the atmosphere on the scene. She looks at Antony with profound meaning.

"You Chinese people are hypocritical. When we get to this point, we still struggle for nothing."

Anthony disdains to sweep a Jiao one eye, and then toward everybody way.

"Well, now that all the shareholders have arrived, let's start voting on today's motion!

Everybody! The robot designed by Li Jiao had a major problem, which had a great impact on our company's reputation and interests, and led to our company in a precarious situation.

Now I propose to remove Li Jiao from the post of president! Please raise your hands if you agree

Jiao calmly with the child to the top of the position, the eyes of the wandering circle, careless remember those who raised their hands.

"One, two, three, four... Eleven!"

Anthony finished counting with pride. Although none of the Chinese defected to him, he was satisfied.

There were victorious smiles on the faces of the French, and those French journalists also took pictures of themselves, ready to announce Anthony as president.

"See? Miss Li Jiao, a total of 20 shareholders, a total of 11 passed the bill! "

Anthony said here, strode to Gillian's side, toe high gas Ang's mouth.

"I now officially announce that you are no longer the president. Please give up this position immediately!"

"Don't worry ~"

Gillian's face is not flustered at all, but she opens her lips lightly.

"Aren't there any shareholders who haven't voted...

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