Hearing a Jiao's words, Anthony suddenly covered his stomach and laughed.

"What a surprise! Miss Li, your design ability is not up to standard. I didn't expect that the basic mathematics would be even worse. Don't you know that there are twenty shareholders in our company?

I've agreed with you by 11 to 9. Do you understand? "

At the end of the day, there was a sharp flash in Anthony's eyes.

"Please roll down from this position honestly, and don't blame me for using extraordinary means!"

At this time, Ajiao looked up, just saw two strong men behind Anthony came over, a pair of to throw her directly out of the posture.

"Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Anthony, but your basic math is not very good."

With that, Jiao bowed her head and looked at her two precious children.

"Every year, these adults are choosing who can be the president of this company. Do you think?"

"I choose hemp! This uncle is fierce and a bad man

Tuan Tuan immediately opened his mouth freely, and his brother's eyes were still on his tablet computer every year, and he did not raise his head.

"Ma Ma is the person in charge of this company."


Anthony obviously had no patience. He raised his hand to the security guard to force Ah Jiao out. Unexpectedly, a Chinese shareholder stood up and said.

"Mr. Anthony, the result of this motion is obvious. 12 to 11, you have lost."

"What international joke are you playing? What is 12 to 11? "

Anthony sneered at the Chinese shareholder coldly, but then he found that other Chinese shareholders had the same expression. Things seemed to be wrong.

Gillian slowly hook lips, hands carelessly playing with a pen on the table, even don't bother to look at Anthony.

"Let me remind you, Mr. Anthony, there are 23 shareholders in this company. Why don't you guess who the other three shareholders are?"

"The other three shareholders..."

Anthony's face sank, and he couldn't believe that he focused on a Jiao and his two children.

Are these two children who were ridiculed by him at the beginning, actually shareholders of this company?

"Your guess is right. Except for me, the major shareholder and President, who has two votes, my two children are both major shareholders and have the same right to vote.

At the beginning, I have reminded you not to deceive young people who are poor. It's a pity that... You just refuse to listen to my advice ~ "

Anthony's face was blue, and he couldn't speak for a moment. He didn't expect that his carefully prepared plan would be defeated by two children who didn't have the same hair.


He was unwilling to clap his hands heavily on the conference table, his eyes were red with anger.

"Why? Li Jiao made such a big mistake and brought so much loss to the company. Are you all indifferent? Why do you have to put up with people like this to continue to stay in this position and cause us more trouble? "

Anthony tried to lobby several shareholders in China, but instead of being convinced by him, they showed sympathy and mental retardation.

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