Although it is a grade examination, but in fact only a few words, and the school out of a complete set of papers, a morning test.

At noon, Gu jiuci lies on the desk to have a rest. It's not because of the waste of brain, but because of the sour hands...

she wanted to take a nap at noon, but some people just went to the pole to find their sense of existence.


Xu yun'er came to their classroom again. Seeing her lying on the table, she immediately showed concern.

"What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong? I knew that the devil must have bullied you yesterday!

ADI, if you have something, don't bear it. You'll feel better if you tell me. "

Xu yun'er looks sympathetic and complacent. It seems that Gu jiuci was beaten by Huo Mingche last night! She can't wait to know what happened last night.

Gu jiuci turned his eyes at the bottom of his heart: "you think too much. Nothing happened yesterday. I told you that. "

"But you look very tired now..."

Xu yun'er is trying to stop talking, and deliberately wants Gu jiuci to go on.

"I'm tired in the morning exam. I want to have a rest."

"Examination??? Are you

Xu yun'er didn't control her mood for a moment. She raised her voice and looked at Gu jiuci in surprise.

"Why, is it strange for me to take a test? You don't seem to want me to take the exam? "

Gu jiuci stares at Xu yun'er in a meaningful way and asks in a bad tone.

"No, no, no... it's strange."

Xu yun'er's face flashed a little flustered, but soon returned to normal, calm explanation.

"It's just that you've never cared about exams before. I'm just surprised."

"Well... I'm about to be fired. I can't pay a blank paper for my pocket money."

Gu jiuci sighed deliberately and made Xu yun'er feel that he was really worried about pocket money.

"Oh, don't worry. You are my uncle's daughter. He can't really care about you."

Xu yun'er perfunctorily said some flattery to Gu jiuci, but still had some doubts in his heart.

"Yes, after all, I'm a real family girl. I don't have to worry about these things."

Gu jiuci deliberately followed Xu yun'er's words.

Xu yun'er's frown, which just stabbed her in the heart.

Why does she have to live such a hard life because of her excellent character and learning? Gu jiuci, a mentally retarded fool, can live a luxurious life in the upper class no matter how she dies?!

Gu jiuci mouth with a sneer, sour it, after some of you envy and envy!

She suddenly had an idea, deliberately showed a crafty expression, said happily.

"But this time, I still want to be competitive. After this exam, I will be a blockbuster, and I will be transferred to class A and be in the same class with you!"

"In my class?!! Are you

Xu yun'er opens her mouth in surprise. What kind of joke is Gu jiuci talking about? He is the last one in the whole grade. What does he take to enter class a? Unless... Cheating?!!

Gu jiuci didn't miss the wonderful expression on Xu yun'er's face and sneered at him from the bottom of his heart. The surface is still a pair of imperceptible appearance, doubt asks a way.

"Don't you want me to be in your class?"

"Hope! Of course I hope so I don't have to run around looking for you. But I think it's very difficult for me to take this grade exam, don't you think? "

Xu yun'er quickly put away his real emotions, and then returned to the dripping smile, deliberately testing the words.

"No, I don't think so. You'll know it then."

Gu jiuci deliberately said half, let Xu yun'er feel more cheated this time.

"Well, if we can really be in the same class, that would be great..."

Xu Yuner perfunctorily said, thinking that he must find a chance to look up Gu jiuci's examination paper.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it too."

Gu jiuci stares at Xu Yuner and says with profound meaning.

At this time, Xu yun'er's mobile phone rang suddenly. She took it out to have a look. Her eyes lit up and immediately put it back into her pocket.

Although there was only a short moment, Gu jiuci still saw Xu yun'er's mood change. Things seemed to be very urgent.

Sure enough, Xu yun'er immediately stood up and said.

"ADI, if the student union has something to do with me, I won't have lunch with you."

With that, Xu yun'er rushed out of the classroom without waiting for Gu jiuci to respond.

The moment the other party left, Gu jiuci's smile on his face cooled down.

"Xu yun'er, I give you such a good opportunity, you should make a good performance ~"

near noon, Gu jiuci is not in the mood to sleep, so he simply takes out his mobile phone and prepares to go to the canteen for dinner.She just stood up and suddenly thought of a serious thing!


She forgot that Gu Qingyuan had frozen all her cards. Now she is a pauper!


Gu jiuci scolded in the heart, upset, subconsciously toward the chest to touch, this time she even touched the necklace pendant.

Wait, when did the pendant come back to you?

Gu jiuci looked down and suddenly heard the sound of sleeping in the same bed with the great Demon King yesterday.

She thought and called the demon.

The sound of "Du" came from the receiver. Gu jiuci had already regretted.

"Gu jiuci, are you crazy? Why do you want to call him on your own initiative? "

She just wanted to hang up, but after a brief beep, there was a quick answer.

"Little nine."

From the receiver came a man's deep magnetic voice, wrapped in exclusive Huo Mingche's tyranny and hormones. Gu jiuci only felt an invisible electric current passing through his body, carrying a crisp ma.

"That... Are you busy now?"

"Not busy."

Huo Mingche raised his hand to signal the meeting was suspended and turned to answer the phone.

All the executives are stupid. Today is the quarterly meeting of the group. All the senior executives are present and dare not come out.

Is it raining red today? How could the president of work maniac ask everyone to pause at such an important meeting just to answer a private phone call?

What's more, this tone of voice... We all suspect that they've heard things! So gentle tone, or that cold emperor Huo Mingche?!

Zhan Ying on one side especially wants to cover her face at the moment. Master, you are such a faint monarch!

Of course, Gu jiuci doesn't know about all these things.

"My father has frozen all my cards. I don't have money for lunch. Do you have to take care of your daughter-in-law?"

Gu jiuci lengthened the voice, soft coquettish way.

Huo Mingche slightly a Zheng, the deep pupil shakes violently for a while, after a few seconds just restrained response. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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