"Zhan Ying will come to pick you up to the company."

"Lunch with you?"

Gu jiuci's eyes brightened and subconsciously asked.

near the battle of the British heard two people's dialogue, in the heart can not help but make complaints about crazy.

The quarterly meeting is usually held all day. Every time, the executives take ten minutes to eat some snacks and then continue to hold the meeting. How can the master put down such an important meeting and accompany you to a little girl's film...


"Zhan Ying, go and pick up your wife. Others, the meeting must end in ten minutes. "

The president hung up the phone and turned to say.

Zhan Ying:...

he suddenly felt that fate had slapped him hard and asked him, do you have a pain in your face?


Zhan Ying responds, turning out of the conference room, leaving only a group of senior executives in place.


not long after Gu jiuci hung up, Zhan Yingzhen came to meet her at school.

When the bus arrived downstairs, Gu jiuci, carrying his schoolbag and high school uniform, passed the hall on the first floor and immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"What a beautiful girl

"Is she still a high school student?"

"Isn't it the mysterious wife of the president?"

People have been showing the expression of surprise, Gu jiuci has some feelings in his heart.

In her previous life, she also came to Huo Mingche's company, but she always wore exaggerated clothes, and made herself and Huo Mingche very embarrassed.

After losing Huo Mingche's face again and again, people can't believe that the man at the top of the imperial power actually married such a wife.

Up to now, she did not understand why Huo Mingche refused to give up her.

"Miss Gu, please."

Zhan Ying pressed to open the president's exclusive elevator and made a sound warning.

"OK, thank you."

Gu jiuci suddenly returned to God and said thanks.

Zhan Ying's eyes are shaking and almost shut down the elevator. How could Gu jiuci be so polite?

He secretly looked at the girl suspiciously, the stupid woman suddenly became so clever, but let him fear, should not be holding what big move ready to break out? What we're doing now is paralyzing the master?

Thinking of this possibility, Zhan Ying's back immediately burst into a cold sweat. He stares at Gu jiuci, trying to find out any clues. Finally, the elevator reaches the top floor, but he doesn't find anything wrong.

"Here we are, Miss Gu."

Zhan Ying said indifferently.

The elevator "Ding" a sound to move to both sides, Gu jiuci raises the eye to look.

As in memory, the entire top floor is Huo Mingche's office, except for Zhan Ying, the assistant, there is no one at the door.

He never has a female assistant or Secretary for himself, even if he is a big aunt.

There was once a restaurant maid accidentally touched his clothes, and he took off the photos and threw them away.

At this point, it is widely reported in the media that Huo Mingche has misogyny, and some even suspect his sexual orientation. However, under the pressure of men, he only dares to put the speculation in the bottom of his heart.

Gu jiuci flattened his mouth. The media didn't know the truth at all. The demon king was holding her and sleeping soundly!

"The master is in there. Miss Gu, you can go in by yourself."

Zhan Ying still stopped at the elevator with a good eye. He didn't want to be a light bulb and was killed by the eyes of the master.

"I see."

Gu jiuci nodded and the elevator closed again. She took a deep breath and pushed the door in.

In the huge space, the man is wearing a pure black custom suit, sitting quietly in front of his desk. His deep eyebrows and eyes slightly frown, and he is listening to the reports of his subordinates carefully.

When Gu jiuci opened the door, his eyes fell on her in an instant and raised his hand to make a pause gesture to the people around him.

"Get out."

"Yes, president."

Several senior executives immediately responded and left in mutual gaze.

As soon as the door is closed, only two of them are left in the office. Gu jiuci swallows a little nervously,

"have I disturbed you? Are you busy now? "

"No, not busy."

The big devil's face was expressionless and serious, and his deep eyes kept looking at her.


Gu jiuci was trying to find something to talk about when his stomach suddenly rang.

"Er... I use too much brain today, I'm a little hungry..."

Gu jiuci's face appeared a embarrassed and embarrassed expression, and said dryly.

"Eat first."

Huo Mingche slightly tilted his head, glanced at the tea table beside him, and then moved his eyes to the computer in front of him.Gu jiuci discovered that there was a four layer box on the tea table, which was now emitting a strong aroma of rice.

Strange, why didn't she find it when she came in just now?

Gu jiuci walked over and sat down. He got tangled in his mind for a moment. Seeing the big devil at his desk, he suddenly thought about it.

It's beautiful and delicious. I'll be honest if I cheat you...

my stomach makes a noise. Gu jiuci quickly opens the food box and smells it. It seems that Aunt Ming of Huangju made it by herself and sent it here. She likes all the dishes, and her favorite prawns are on the top of the food box.

The most important thing is that each prawn is shelled in advance.

Gu jiuci starts to talk. From childhood to adulthood, she likes to eat prawns. It's very difficult to peel them. Before that, she had eaten so many shrimps, but she didn't know how to peel them.

However, there are not many people who know this matter. How does Huo Mingche know her little habit?

Maybe it's just a coincidence...

Gu jiuci didn't think so much more. He picked up the prawns and was about to put them into his mouth. Suddenly, he felt a real eye on her in front of her.

She raised her eyes, the big demon king was looking at himself with a slightly heavy face, bad, patronizing himself.

She quickly took out another bowl, while cooking, while smiling Hello Huo Mingche.

"Don't you mean to have dinner together? Come here! After a day three meals to eat on time! Do you know? "

Someone's face softened. He got up and walked to her side and sat down. Gu jiuci was not used to it because of her strong atmosphere.

Gu jiuci held up his chopsticks and thought about it. He put several South American prawns in the big devil's bowl and pushed the bowl to the man.

"Eat while it's hot!"

Huo Mingche originally looked at Gu jiuci with complicated eyes. He seemed to guess that her concern was somewhat sincere. He did not hold the bowl until Gu jiuci added shrimp to his bowl.


The man's eating appearance is elegant and elegant, and the girl beside him is like the reincarnation of a starving ghost. They even ate a lunch very harmoniously.

Gu jiuci was hungry, and aunt Ming was a super chef. The rice she cooked was delicious. She ate up a whole bowl of rice unconsciously.



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