"It's OK."

Huo Mingche warm voice answers a way, turn a head, the eye cold sweep those who just peek at small nine son of executive.

The executives were so scared that they immediately looked down at the computer in their hands.

After observing for a while, Gu jiuci saw that they were meeting again without being disturbed. She lowered her head and continued to toss her iPad.

At this time, wechat suddenly popped out a message, which was sent by the second elder brother.

Second brother: a CI! Were you all right yesterday? Dad locked me up and didn't let me go to you!

Seeing this news, Gu jiuci suddenly remembered that she had been arrested and imprisoned by Huo Mingche in the previous life. Her second brother, who knew the news, had to rush to Huangju to save her, but her father Gu Qingyuan found out that she was under house arrest.

With this in mind, Gu jiuci quickly replies to the second elder brother's message.

[CI]: second brother, I'm fine. Huo Mingche really didn't do me any good. I'm playing in his company now. I'll come back to see you at the weekend.

Second brother???? You are playing in the company of the great devil??!!!

Second brother: don't you like that monster?

A CI: in the past, compared with Jiang Yutang, I found that Huo Mingche was much better than Jiang Yutang. I used to be too stubborn myself.

Gu jiuci seriously typed this paragraph. Of course, she didn't confess with her second brother. Now she seems to have some different feelings for Huo Mingche.

She was afraid that her second brother would be more crazy when she knew.

Huo Mingche is not a monster, she turned him into a monster.

Soon the second brother's big stabbing message pops up again on the screen.

[second brother]: as long as you like it, if that monster dares to bully you, second brother will take you away!

Gu jiuci has not had time to be moved, but a peace elite game application appears on the screen.

[second brother]: now, second brother will take you to the airport for the steel gun first ~

Gu jiuci smiles helplessly, and follows the link point to open the gun with the second brother.

One afternoon, Huo Mingche's eyes from time to time swept over the girl on the sofa. It seems that the whole process of focusing on the meeting with the subordinates, but Zhan Ying knows that the master's mood is getting better and better.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the meeting was barely over, even though the top management of the company was highly efficient.

The meeting was too long. Gu jiuci didn't know when he fell asleep.

Huo Mingche waved back all the people, and his eyes fell on the girl's face.

He and she seldom have such a quiet and peaceful time. It is very rare to put it in the past...

suddenly, a series of messages pop up from the wechat group of mobile phones.

[ye Kan]: is the boss really engaged to the ugly Gu jiuci?

Ye Kan: is the boss crazy? What's good about Gu jiuci? Ugly, bad grades, blind eyes!

Ye Kan: I really don't understand. What is Jiang Yuan better than Gu jiuci?

Xiang Heng: as a friendly reminder, the boss is still in the group.

Ye Kan: lying trough! How come you haven't removed the married man from the group!


on the other side of the earth, ye Kan shook his hands and frantically withdrew the news, but it was too late...

before he could withdraw all the messages, a message suddenly popped up on the screen.

Huo Mingche: picture.

Seeing the girl in the red dress in the photo, ye Kan was almost stunned. He immediately typed down a line of words.


Ye Kan: lying trough! This girl is too beautiful! Boss, you are finally enlightened!

Xiang Heng: ye Kan, this is your sister-in-law, Gu jiuci.

After this sentence appeared on the screen, the group chatted for three minutes and no one spoke.

After that, ye Kan flashed a series of the same news.


Ye Kan: how can Gu jiuci be so beautiful! Xiang Heng, are you even bewitched by that stupid woman?

Xiang Heng: Little sister-in-law has changed a lot. I heard Zhan Ying say that she has broken off relations with Jiang Yutang. Should be able to live with the boss?

Ye Kan: a sneering expression.

Ye Kan: @ Huo Mingche, boss! Is it not enough for you to be cheated by Gu jiuci? This time she's just lying to you in a different way! When you relax, she will run away from you and elope with Jiang Yutang! Wake up!

Huo Mingche, who was about to enter the message, saw a series of words from ye Kan, and his face sank quickly.

Just at this moment, Zhan Ying leans in.

"Master, you can go."


Huo Mingche finger to put out the mobile phone, went to the sofa, looking at the sleeping girl, he slightly bent over and stretched out his hand, was about to hold her, the girl suddenly issued a shallow nonsense.

"Jiang Yutang..."The air pressure dropped suddenly, and the temperature immediately dropped by more than ten degrees. Zhan Ying, who was nearest to him, cried out in his heart that the whole room had become a hell.

He looked indignantly at the stupid woman who was sleeping like a dead pig and clenched his fist.

Gu jiuci! You really did not forget Jiang Yutang, finally exposed in the dream words!

Gu jiuci, who was in a daze, dreamt that Jiang Yutang held Xu yun'er in his arms and laughed at her blatantly. She wanted to scold him coldly. Just as she called out a name, she suddenly felt cold and cold. She opened her eyes in drowsy eyes and faced the fierce face of the demon king.

Suffocation suddenly surrounded her tightly. Gu jiuci sat up from the sofa and looked at him in horror.

"What's the matter? Why do you look at me like this

But her panicked reaction made things worse. The man's face sank like water, and even set off a violent storm.

"Miss Gu, it seems that you can't forget Jiang Yutang. You call his name in your sleep!"

Zhan Ying's strange tone mocked, looking at Gu jiuci's eyes again become disdainful, he should not have a trace of hope for this stupid woman!

Gu jiuci's brain "buzzing" burst, bad! The big devil misunderstood!

"No! I dream that Jiang Yutang and Xu yun'er conspire to kill the family property. Can't you hear that I'm biting my teeth and scolding him?

It's true! Brother Che, you believe me

Gu jiuci looks at Huo Mingche's explanation with trepidation, but he can't believe her...

"can't you feel my performance these days? If I really had Jiang Yutang in my heart, would you not know? "

Gu jiuci asked anxiously.

"Miss Gu, who knows if this is your trick?"

Zhan Ying does not trust the opening, the man immediately looks at the past coldly.

"Zhan Ying!"

"Master, there are some things I have to say..."

Zhan Ying is unconvinced and wants to persuade again, but he is interrupted by a man raising his hand.

"Brother Che..."

Gu jiuci was so anxious that she didn't know how to make Huo Mingche believe that he was going to leave. She immediately grabbed the corner of his clothes and called him in a soft voice.

Huo Mingche's eyes complex staring at the girl, thin lips tightly pursed into a line, around the quiet needle can be heard, Gu jiuci only feel suffering.

"Zhan Ying, send her back."

In the end, the demon king only said this, but didn't go back with her.

Gu jiuci didn't sleep well all night. He didn't know what Huo Mingche thought.

In the morning, she tried to find out with aunt Ming whether the big devil came back, and aunt Ming only said she didn't know.

However, Huo Mingche did not prohibit her from going to school, perhaps the situation is not so bad.

At the same time, she went to school and continued the life of an ordinary senior three student.

According to the usual rule of calculation, the results of today's grade examination will be revealed.

After the morning reading class, director Liang's sharp voice suddenly came from the radio.

"Senior Three F class Gu jiuci! Get out to the dean's office at once

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