Angry voice in the radio rang three times in a row, even has always been noisy lawless F class are quiet down.

"Gu jiuci, listen to Liang's abnormal tone, you should be removed this time?"

Huang Lili looks at her with her hands around her chest.

"Don't worry, you're fired, I can't be fired."

Gu jiuci even a look is not to be served, she slowly stood up, hands in the pocket, out of the classroom.

At the teaching office,

all the teachers in class F were present. Director Liang was sitting in front of his desk, and even Xu Yuner was sitting on the chair beside him.

Gu jiuci curled her lips coldly,

sure enough, she mentioned the exam yesterday, and Xu Yuner immediately had a move. It's just in time. She's afraid this guy won't come!

Xu yun'er, you're really hooked...

"a CI! How can you do such a thing! Apologize to director Liang

When Xu yun'er sees Gu jiuci, a trace of schadenfreude flashed through her eyes. However, she soon turns into an expression of concern and says in a hurry.

"What have I done? Why apologize to him? "

Gu jiuci raised his eyelids and his eyes fell on Xu yun'er.

"Because of you...

being looked at by her eyes like this, Xu yun'er is flustered for no reason, as if her secret has been seen through by Gu jiuci.

No! How can Gu jiuci, such a fool, see through his plan!

Yesterday, when she heard that Gu jiuci had taken the exam seriously, she felt something was wrong in her heart, so this morning she called out Gu jiuci's test paper on the pretext of helping the teacher correct the examination paper.

As a result, even she was startled. Gu jiuci's three answer sheets were all approaching the full mark! Mathematics directly is full score! All of a sudden, he became the first in the whole grade.

How can a fool like Gu jiuci get such a high score? The only explanation is cheating!

So in her unintentional move, the teaching director saw Gu jiuci's paper in advance.

As expected, the teaching director was furious, and now, with a few words from her, Gu jiuci was stimulated, and the other party followed her provocation and said something that made director Liang more angry.

"Xu yun'er, you don't have to speak for your cousin any more. A student with bad morals like her will not know how to repent!"

The teaching director stood up with a livid face, pointing to Gu jiuci's nose and swearing.

"The shame of s high school! You are the shame of s high school

Gu jiuci has been fighting three times a day and fighting once every three days since he was in high school. He is absent from school and pursues Jiang Yutang in spite of the school rules. He has made a lot of trouble all over the city!

His time as a teaching director was wasted by this dead girl! His brilliant teaching career was also written by this girl a lot of failures!

How can he bear such a student, but she did not cross the most important bottom line, so that he could not fire her!

Today, the dead girl finally ran into the muzzle of a gun. What he said today was to find a way to fire her!

"Shame? What have I done? "

Gu jiuci set off a cynical smile and coolly swept director Liang's face.

Her attitude further infuriated director Liang, who slapped the table angrily.

"You don't want to ask! A year last first, suddenly become the first grade, you this red Luoluo cheating, you take me as a fool?

I've already called your parents and I'll fire you no matter what I say today


Gu jiuci sneered and even took a seat.

"I didn't touch any of the expulsion regulations of s high school. What right do you have to expel me?

If you don't have any evidence to plant me for cheating, I think it's almost as good that you, the teaching director, should be dismissed! "


Before director Liang could finish his speech, the door of the academic affairs office was opened again, and a dignified middle-aged man stepped in. It was Gu Qingyuan, Gu jiuci's father.

Gu Qingyuan swept his daughter coldly, and his face showed a look of hatred for iron and steel, and opened his mouth to director Liang.

"Director Liang, what trouble has this girl made?"

Gu jiuci sneered in the bottom of his heart. Sure enough, the father's first reaction to her was so bad.

As soon as director Liang saw Gu Qingyuan, he immediately began to complain.

"Mr. Gu, your daughter is a giant Buddha. We can't hold this small temple of s high school!

Now even the grade test is so important, your daughter will cheat! "


Hearing this, Gu Qingyuan's angry face suddenly appeared a trace of astonishment. He turned his head and looked at Gu jiuci.

"Did you make the paper? You still need to cheat? "Gu jiuci raised her eyes to her father's line of sight. He didn't let her fall to the bottom of a heart.


before Gu jiuci could answer, director Liang couldn't wait to draw out Gu jiuci's test paper and handed it to Gu Qingyuan.

Everyone did not notice the subtle change of Gu Qingyuan's expression, nor did they notice what was wrong with Gu Qingyuan's words.

Xu yun'er looks at Gu Qingyuan's green muscle burst out face, in the heart a burst of pride, Gu jiuci, after this time, I think uncle will be completely disappointed with you!

"Here's your daughter's paper. Look at it yourself! A whole grade penultimate first, suddenly all the questions can be answered correctly, and even more standard than the standard answer, once became the first grade! Isn't that a joke? "

Director Liang said indignantly, not to Gu Qingyuan any chance to refute.

"ADI, don't be stubborn. I know you don't want to be fired, but you can't do such a thing!

You lose not only your own face, but also your uncle's face! Apologize to director Liang. Let's take the exam again. "

Xu yun'er grasped the right time and tried to persuade him by pretending to be concerned. However, all his words intentionally or unintentionally incited Gu Qingyuan's anger.

Gu Qingyuan, with a black face, looked down at Gu jiuci's test paper without saying a word. The atmosphere was tense and embarrassing. All of them are waiting for Gu Qingyuan to get angry and watch Gu jiuci's jokes.

Gu jiuci lowered his head and sneered in his heart.

Why didn't she see it in her last life.

Just as everyone was waiting to see the joke of jiuci, suddenly, the porch was pushed open again, and all of them felt a strong pressure instantly.

A pair of long straight legs, such as people's eyes, followed by the man's unparalleled face.

For a moment, all the people in the room were stupefied and looked at the man coming in like the emperor of heaven.

"Huo Shao..."

Xu yun'er subconsciously read out a voice, and suddenly returned to her mind. She quickly turned to block Gu jiuci and pretended to protect Gu jiuci to plead for mercy.

in fact, she skillfully raised her head and tried to use her most beautiful angle to face Huo Mingche, and spoke with a sweet and soft tone of crisp man's heart.

"Huo Shao, although a CI cheated, it was not a big mistake. She just delayed her study because of Jiang Yutang. She is very smart. As long as she studies hard... Please hold your hand high and don't hurt her!"

Xu yun'er deliberately confuses, but the logic between the words is that Gu jiuci cheated for Jiang Yutang, which stimulates Huo Mingche's nerves! Deliberately intensify the contradiction between him and Gu jiuci!

The man straight toward Xu yun'er, the invisible air pressure almost forced Xu yun'er to gasp. She almost looked at the man in front of her!

He is so high, so extraordinary, like an emperor, such a man, is the man she should have Xu yun'er!

Gu jiuci, such a fool, is not worthy of him!

"Go away."

Man cold spit out a word, even a look are lazy to give.


Xu yun'er's eyes widened in amazement. She planned to inform him and dressed up all morning. But he didn't even look at her, so she told her to go away?!

"Huo Shao, I......

before Xu yun'er could finish her words, she was impolitely pulled aside by Zhan Ying.

"Which onion are you? Our master is talking to Miss Gu. What can I do for you

Xu yun'er's face was blue and white, but she didn't dare to say anything. She could only look at Gu jiuci and Huo Mingche in silence.

Gu jiuci, anyway, you must be fired today, Huo Mingche's impression on you will be even worse!

"Why did you come?"

Gu jiuci subconsciously stood up, fingers inexplicably nervous grip one corner of his school uniform.

I didn't expect that the big devil was also called over, which made her unexpected.

Because Jiang Yutang's misunderstanding has not been solved, now let him see himself like this...

"the school told me that you cheated and intended to dismiss you."

Gu jiuci raised his eyes. The demon king's face was cold, and his deep eyes were also wrapped with coldness, which seemed to be the same as other people's attitude towards her.

Is it in his heart, he is a liar, only cheating bad woman?

"I didn't cheat. Do you believe them or me?"

On top of that, he was misunderstood by the great Demon King yesterday. Gu jiuci's heart was filled with sadness and injustice. His red eyes looked at him straight and asked stubbornly.

No matter what the result is, she will listen to the man himself! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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