"Believe you."

Her voice dropped, and the man answered without hesitation.

Almost to Gu jiuci are stunned, so easy... Believe her?

Huo Mingche gently pressed her shoulder, motioned for her to sit down, looking at the girl's red eyes, his heart out of the anger, eyes even rose a burst of cold and fierce murderous spirit.

"Huo Shao, a CI went from the bottom of the whole grade to the first in the whole grade..."

Xu yun'er didn't expect that Huo Mingche still chose to believe Gu jiuci. Jealousy made her confused. She said without any cover up and deliberately reminded people of Gu jiuci's abnormal performance.

Gu jiuci carefully observed the expression of the great demon king. Even when he heard Xu yun'er's words, the expression on the man's face did not fluctuate at all.

Eyes are not deceiving. Gu jiuci even sees a kind of natural emotion from his eyes.

He thought he was first for granted?

"All of a sudden it became number one?"

Zhan Ying, who stands next to the big demon king, is surprised to open his mouth. Gu jiuci, a student of this kind, has no other way but to cheat? No wonder the teaching director called angrily.

Zhan Ying looks at Gu jiuci. As soon as this stupid woman calms down, she makes trouble. She has to make a joke about being expelled. Even he feels headache for the master.

But master son all arrived this degree, still want to protect this woman!

At this time, the president of the news rushed to the office of academic affairs, a door to see Huo Mingche also in, scared all stuttered.

"Huo Huo... Huo Shao?! Why are you here? "

S noble high school can develop so far, completely rely on the investment of several aristocratic families in the imperial capital, among which the largest shareholder is Huo family.

Huo Mingche didn't even bother to look at the headmaster. Suddenly he stretched out his finger and slowly approached Gu jiuci's face. He hesitated slowly.

Seeing that the girl didn't dodge, he finally stroked Gu jiuci's red eyes, and his eyes flashed a gray that he couldn't understand.

Gu jiuci took his hand and laughed at him.

"I'm fine and I'm not crying."

It can even be said that she is in a very good mood now, because Huo Mingche unconditionally believes her!

Even yesterday's grievances have been swept away.

Huo Mingche holds the girl's hand and commands Zhan Ying coldly.

"Send a message to the school board to remove the teaching director and all the invigilators of class F

"Is it..."

Zhan Ying instinctively said that, but completely understood the master's words, and let him surprise ah.

"Master, you..."

"Huo Shao, it is Gu jiuci who cheated. Why do you want to dismiss me? For what? You are covering the sky with your own hands and turning black and white!

Even if you are a major shareholder, the president's board of directors will not approve of it! "

Director Liang said with full confidence that he could become a teaching director in s noble high school, and the background was not simple. He also naively thought that Huo Mingche could not do anything to him.


Gu Qingyuan, who had never spoken, suddenly sneered, his face sank like water.

"My daughter Gu Qingyuan, as long as she is willing to do this paper, she must be the first in the whole grade!"

When Gu Qingyuan said this, his voice was full of pride. The reason why he didn't speak just now was that he was looking at his daughter's perfect answer paper. After all, he had not seen her shining for three years...

until now, Gu Qingyuan has not regained his mind.

"Mr. Gu, how can you...

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