All the people present were stunned. What happened to Mr. Gu? How did he tell a lie in front of so many people.

Xu yun'er is stunned. She tried hard to do a bureau, Huo Mingche to protect Gu Jiu CI is just, why uncle is also such a reaction?

Isn't he always worried about Gu jiuci's grades? Even cut off Gu jiuci's pocket money to force her?

"No way! The whole s noble high school knows that Gu jiuci is a learning slag! The last three years

Director Liang patted the table to protest. He didn't believe that in front of the obvious facts, how could these two people be blind!

"It's just that I'm too lazy to write papers. All the papers I've handed in these three years are blank. My IQ test is 220 when I'm seven.

You just saw that I got the first place in the exam and didn't even check it, so you gave me the label of cheating. With this kind of handling ability, you really are not qualified to be a teaching director or a teacher. "

Gu jiuci, who was silent for a long time, leaned on the back of his chair and spoke lazily. The tone of light clouds and gentle breeze surprised everyone.

"You have an IQ of 220?"

The teaching director looked at Gu jiuci, and couldn't believe it.

"Hum! You are right! You are really not very good as a teaching director. If you want me to say, the whole school teachers should be changed!

Didn't you read my daughter's resume before high school! She never came down from the first! I will complain to the board of directors of your university now! "

Gu Qingyuan said without good breath, and glanced at Gu jiuci.

"I told you to be more serious before. You didn't, but now it's OK! I'm a disgrace for you because I've been questioned after the first place in the exam

Although the words seem to be full of dislike, but Gu jiuci can still hear the pride of Lao Gu's tone.

"Lao Gu, I know I'm wrong."

Gu Jiu's words are awkward.

This is also the first step she took to ease the conflict with Gu.

Xu didn't expect that he would apologize to him. Gu was stunned for a moment. Pretending to be serious on the face, or can't hide the flash of a trace of awkward embarrassed.

"But when she came in as a freshman, her grade was not the first, and she was already the last one in the first class examination..."

director Liang said unconvinced. He also said Xu yun'er's voice.

Xu yun'er stands in the corner, clenches her fist, and stares at Gu jiuci in disbelief.

She entered Gu's family from senior one and became a classmate with Gu jiuci. She never noticed the genius of Gu jiuci! She knew Gu jiuci was smart, but she didn't know that Gu jiuci was so smart!

She also thought that Gu jiuci was just an ordinary person with good academic performance. She thought that she only needed to support and kill Gu jiuci day and night, and sooner or later she could raise and abolish Gu jiuci...

"that's because I had a fever on the day of the exam, and I missed two exams. As for the class test, I handed in the blank paper.

Your paper is too simple for me to write. "

Gu jiuci explained faintly that in front of the great demon king, she certainly did not dare to say that she was a pure flower maniac Jiang Yutang at that time, so she was too lazy to write.

She glanced at Xu yun'er, who looks iron and blue beside her. Unexpectedly, the Bureau you carefully planned just made a wedding dress for me!

Is this feeling worse than eating excrement?


director Liang and the president were speechless.

"Hum! I said how my daughter didn't want to study when she went to high school. It's all about you teachers!

Headmaster Du, I warn you that your school must give me a statement! My daughter can go to any good school in the world!

S noble high school? I don't like it! A word! Go home

Gu Qingyuan was really angry. She broke a corner of her desk as soon as she raised her hand. The spatter of sawdust directly cut Xu yun'er's hand, which made her cry out in a low voice.

Xu Yuner's voice is not small, even Gu jiuci has noticed it. To her surprise, her father Gu Qingyuan didn't notice it, and even didn't give Xu Yuner a little extra light from the corner of his eye , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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