"Yu Gu!"

As soon as Si Chen sees Yu Gu, the smile on his face immediately enlarges.

"Sichen! I didn't expect you to be such a shameless man

In Gu's face, iron green strode to Si Chen's face and scolded fiercely. He even wanted to slap her!

"Why do you say that to me? What did I do wrong? "

The smile on Si Chen's face froze for a moment and looked at him sadly.

"Scum! What are you crazy about? In the morning, I find my cousin's trouble, and in the afternoon I come to see Si Chen's unhappiness? "

Gu jiuci does not move to block behind Si Chen, she deliberately raised the voice, this is the time for school, come and go many students to hear the voice, have intentionally or unintentionally stopped and looked at this side.

"It's you. What can I do for you! Get out of the way

Yu Gu is almost mad and grabs Gu jiuci's shoulder and pushes her to one side.

Gu jiuci did not notice for a moment, and the whole person fell to one side. She stretched out her hand to support the ground and did not let her face touch the ground directly.


Si Chen is startled, hastily comes forward to pull Gu jiuci up.

"ADI, are you ok?"

"Nothing, hiss..."

just after Gu jiuci finished, her hand was touched by sichen, and she showed her teeth in pain. Sichen quickly opened her palm and saw that the palm was full of blood and dust.

A stream of anger rubbed against Si Chen's heart.

"Yu Gu! What are you doing? A CI is my best friend. Even if you don't like her, you can't beat people! "

"Hum! I didn't hit her at all. She fell down because she couldn't stand still

In Gu's cold mouth, his eyes stare at sichen fiercely, just like staring at his enemy.

"Sichen, I can't believe that you are such a insidious person, even posting black rhyme son on the school forum. Now your goal has been achieved. Yuner has become the laughing stock of the whole school because of you! Are you satisfied? "

"What post? I have never made such a post at all. Yu Gu, you misunderstood me. I really don't

Si Chen a face muddled to clarify, she quickly took out the mobile phone, to Gu see.

"You see, I don't even have an account for the school forum."

Gu jiuci really can't look down, she let Lu Xiaosang post exposed to Gu's face, but not to let sichen be hurt.

"Yu Gu! The post is not sent in the morning. I am with Chen Chen all day today. I can testify for her! "

"Hum! You testify? Do you think you are a good man

In Gu scorn a smile, cool stare at Si Chen.

"Sichen, you have finally exposed your essence, haven't you? Seeing that she's going to marry me, she's going to revenge yun'er with such a mean? "

"No, I really don't, I don't have to do that at all!"

Si Chen keeps shaking his head. Even at this moment, she does not blame Gu, but blindly he is hoodwinked and wants to let him see the truth.

"Stop pretending! Si Chen! To tell you the truth, you make me sick! I have wronged myself to marry you. Why do you just refuse to let yun'er go

At this time, the crowd is surrounded by onlookers. Many people take out their mobile phones to record videos.

Sichen's tears fell down in a second. She had never been so unbearable. A sincere heart was taken out by Yu Gu and fell on the ground severely and stepped on a few feet. Dirty and broken!

"In your eyes, it's wrong to marry me. You were forced to marry me? "

"What a fool I am! You can't do without Xu yun'er. You don't want to listen to my explanation. I thought you loved me! "Ah..."

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