Early the next morning, the news further reported the Zhongshan couple's incident.

Gu jiuci and Huo Mingche specially read the whole report in the car.

"It is reported that in addition to the Zhongshan couple, their apprentice Wenhua also mysteriously disappeared on the same day. What's more, the Chinese vaccine left by Professor Zhong Shan in foreign laboratories also disappeared! "

"Culture is missing, too?"

Gu jiuci looks at the screen and frowns.

"Originally, I doubted whether the disappearance of Mr. and Mrs. Zhong Shan would have something to do with Wenhua. I didn't expect that he was also missing. It's really puzzling for me."

"I have arranged for the New Zealand branch and Vincent to investigate. If necessary, they can use some extraordinary means."

Huo Mingche meaningful mouth, homeopathy turned off the screen.

"Now, let's finish today's project, gliding."


Gu jiuci nodded heavily and took a deep look at Huo Mingche.

"Brother Che, I'm ready. How about you?"

"Of course."

The man hooked his lips, and the answer was rebellious.

Soon the program team arrived at the gliding site. This time, the program team was extremely cautious. Before the start, they repeatedly checked the equipment and specially communicated with the owner of the gliding field for a long time.

After confirming that everything was ok, the director group started shooting.

Jiuche and his wife put on the gliding equipment and stood on the edge of the cliff.

At this time, cloudless sky, suddenly floated a few thick clouds, blink of an eye, it became a black cloud pressure city. In the clouds, there was even lightning!

"The weather doesn't seem very good! Shall we suspend the project today? "

The director of the program group asked uneasily, but Gu jiuci shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, we just fly to the opposite hillside, and the rain will not come for a while and a half. Let's hurry up!"

"But in case of danger..."

after yesterday's event, the program group became hesitant...

"don't worry, let's finish work before it rains, and we can finish work earlier. But my brother and I are both good at gliding before

After Gu jiuci's firm explanation, the program team can't insist any more, so they have to start.

"Three two one!"

With the staff's order, jiuche couple ran towards the cliff at the same time and jumped down at the same time.

The picture is absolutely like a couple dying for love.

"My God

Host egg tarts looking at the monitoring screen, a heart is hanging up.

"Shouldn't they...

just before she finished speaking, two gliders rose again and slowly flew in the valley.

"Great! Take off

"I was scared to death just now!"

The staff cheered immediately, but...

"my God! Look

A staff member screamed. The next second, the dark clouds came over. In a flash, it began to rain heavily, and the wind changed suddenly.

Gu jiuci and Huo Mingche's paragliders are tottering in mid air!

"Come on! Tell them to make an emergency landing! Team a, drive to pick them up! Come on

The director immediately arranges, is responsible for directly and nine Che husband and wife's communication staff unceasingly through the interphone, is shouting at two people, but!

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