"Danger! Get ready to land


the intercom is full of noise, but I can't hear the answer from jiuche and his wife.

"Maybe they are trying to control the direction of the plane. They don't have time to answer you. Tell them where to land! You "

the director told me in a hurry.


The staff yelled at the walkie talkie again.

"Mr. ah Cihuo, you are now in a thunderstorm. The situation is very dangerous. The recording of the program has been cancelled. Now we will land at the emergency stop immediately!

If you receive it, please answer it. A word is fine! "

The staff yelled repeatedly several times, but the intercom was still noisy.

"Ah! Oh, my God! Look

At this time, the host egg tarts yelled loudly, everyone with her voice to see the past, all scared silly.

I saw a lightning happened to split in the glider of the two people, the two people just like a piece of paper in the air!

"It's over! His parents' lever may be damaged! "

One of the gliders yelled.

"What should we do then?"

The staff asked anxiously.

"It's up to fate now!"

The glider coach's facial features are tightly together. At this time, the nine Che couple's glider is floating around the valley, leaving everyone's sight!

"My God! Where are they going

"Hurry up and take someone to chase you!"

The director is worried. If the guests have a major accident, let alone the program can't be broadcast, all of them should bear the legal responsibility!

"No! That's death valley. You can't go there! "

"What do you mean? You tell me what death valley is

The director was stunned and even lost control of the glider's collar.

"That valley is very dangerous. Even in the best weather, we only dare to walk around the outside of the valley. Now the weather is so bad that you will die if you go in!"

"But they have gone in, you mean..."

hearing the words of the glider coach, the director's hand loosened and his leg collapsed on the ground...

"wait until the rain stops, but you can't have too much hope..."

the glider coach sighed with a sad face.

"No way! It's absolutely impossible

The director gave a dull shout and fainted completely.

Seeing this, the staff immediately went forward to rescue and finally rescued the director.

As soon as the rain stopped, the crew immediately set out with the local police and rescue team to search the valley.


all they found was the wreckage of the glider and a series of bloodstains!

"I'm sorry, your friends, it's very likely that they were given by the wild wolves in the valley..."

the director of gliding took off his hat and said with sad eyes.

"No way! How can it be

The director of the program group has never given up, but they took people to search from morning to night, and found nothing. Finally, they found two fresh bones near the wolf pack!

"So Gu jiuci and Huo Mingche are really dead?"

A seven star hotel, in the presidential suite.

A blonde man, wearing a pale medieval mask, stood in front of the window with the curtain drawn, making a strange laugh.

"Master, it's true that our people also went to the mountains to find a man and a woman with two white bones. Now the police have informed their son to claim the bones!"

"That's great...

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