"Dad, for so many years, the cooperation between Si Jia and Yu Jia has been entangled. If Si Jia doesn't support us, their own loss will not be small. I don't believe they will cut off contact with us immediately. If you help me to make peace, I'll just apologize, just like before. "

"Hum! Are you so sure? "

General manager Yu gave a cold hum.

"Of course, I'm sure that sichen has been infatuated with me since I was a child. As long as I have a few good words and keep them for a few days, she will kneel and lick me like a little dog."

In Gu complacent hook up the corner of the lip, in the mind already had the picture.

"Well, I'll call sichen's father right away. You must seize the opportunity this time! I said that when the financing is successful, you will divorce Mr. sichen, and we have no objection. But now, you must act like a little bit, and don't show your horse's foot! "

"Don't worry, Dad! This time I'll never show up again! "

As Yu Gu said, his expression gradually became grim.

"This bitch, this time let me lose so much face, how can I give up, I must let her pay a huge price, I slowly play with her!"

At the same time, Gu jiuci followed the three members of the sichen family back to the Si family.

Si Chen's father smashed the vase in the living room with an angry fist, and his face was livid.

"What a surprise! Yu Gu is not a real thing! Damn it

Gu jiuci first saw such a gentle uncle Si swearing. It seems that uncle Si is very interested in Chenchen.

She was afraid that the matter could not be solved completely, so she hurriedly followed her family from school.

"Calm down. You have to deal with our daughter's affairs in the end."

Division mother red eye ring advised way, but she is more calm than father division.

But Gu jiuci prefers to be impulsive.

"Uncle Si, in fact, Gu has always been so excessive. In the past three years, he has not been good at morning and morning in school, but you don't know."

Gu jiuci seized the opportunity to speak.

"Hum! This asshole! I must let him have a long memory this time, and see if he dares to treat my baby daughter like this in the future

Si Chen's mother scolded angrily.

Gu jiuci listened, frown fiercely, still have later?

In the heart of sichen's mother, this matter is not serious enough, she does not want to cancel the engagement?

"After that? My precious daughter will never marry at home, and I will never give that kind of bastard the chance to bully my daughter

Mr. Si retorts angrily as if he ordered explosives. Gu jiuci silently gives his father a compliment.

"But is it just a little brawl between children? Although their marriage is a verbal promise, it is also made by our two families since childhood..."

Sima is kind-hearted and hesitant. Gu jiuci guessed that his mother would have such a reaction.

Gu jiuci was just about to say it again when his father's phone rang.

Si Chen's father took out his mobile phone and saw the caller ID, his face suddenly became cold, but he was still connected.

"Yu, you still have the face to call me

Gu jiuci suddenly picked his eyebrows when he heard the speech. Yu Gu's father was really an old fox. How fast the call came!

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