"Ah? How did she get beaten like this? "

Gu nine words pretended to sympathize with a sigh: "Oh, it's hard to say a word."

Lao Gu calmly walked to the living room sofa and sat down. He swept Xu yun'er with a cold eye and said in a sharp voice, "get down on your knees!"

The voice came suddenly, even Gu jiuci was shocked.

Xu yun'er is also free to go out. With the sound of "bang", her knees are heavily knocked on the marble paved ground, and Su Furong's Distressed tears brush down.

However, she looked up at Gu Qingyuan's still iron green face, and held back his silence. She only wept in secret, as if she had been wronged more than Dou E.

Gu jiuci turned his eyes. Besides crying, do you have any other moves?

"Cry, cry, cry! If you do something wrong, you should learn from the past and try to repent! Is crying useful? "

Gu Qingyuan frowned with a headache. He was a soldier. He was the most annoying person in his life to cry. He twisted his brow!

Xu yun'er immediately realized that the move didn't work. She quickly stopped her tears and put on a stubborn look to open her mouth.

"Uncle, you have watched me grow up. Don't you know what kind of character I am? You can't believe those nonsense news on the Internet! I am really wronged! "

Su Furong also immediately said, "yes! Brother in law, you know that the child has been excellent in character and learning since childhood! Now yun'er has been wronged so much, you should make decisions for the child! My sister... My sister is still watching in the sky...

after hearing her last sentence, Gu jiuci's eyes swept Su Furong coldly. This bitch dare to influence Lao Gu with her mother!

Su Furong had just finished her speech when she suddenly felt a cold eye staring at her, which made her tremble. When she looked up to look for that bundle of eyes, she turned to Gu jiuci's dazed and empty eyes.

Maybe she was so nervous that she had hallucinations? How could Gu jiuci, a fool, look at her with that kind of eyes...

Su Furong comforted herself. Unexpectedly, Gu's face became more ugly when she heard what she had just said!

"You have the cheek to mention your sister! Is that how your sister lets you discipline your children? Chao Yun and I watched the child of Si family grow up. If the child had not been wronged by Tianda, the Si family would have issued such a statement! "

Su Furong was startled and fell to her knees as soon as her legs softened.

"Brother in law! Don't get angry. It's me who said the wrong thing. This time, although yun'er has no meaning to the boy, the boy's single love for yun'er has also caused a lot of influence. I will discipline yun'er more strictly in the future. "

Her words seem to be introspective. In fact, every sentence puts the responsibility on Gu.

Gu jiuci shows a disdainful expression. The mother and daughter really treat Lao Gu as an idiot.

"All right

Lao Gu snorted impatiently and pointed to Xu yun'er.

"During this period of time, you should give me a good reaction in my room. I don't have to go to school. I'll prepare for the college entrance examination at home. In my opinion, the entertainment industry doesn't have to break in any more. I'm afraid it will cause more trouble in the future! You'd better take an economic major and let your cousin find you a suitable job in the future

After Gu's words, Xu yun'er's face turned white in an instant and cut her way to entertainment? no Absolutely not!

"Uncle! unable! I will never do that, I promise

Xu yun'er immediately panicked and knelt down to Gu Qingyuan.

"What's more, I've signed a contract. We can't break our word! Even if I'm not an actor anymore, let me finish the part? "


sure enough, Lao Gu was slightly shaken. His family always kept his promise.

Gu jiuci coldly looks at it. Xu Yuner's tactics are circuitous and slow down. When she finishes shooting the most beautiful hour light, the storm has passed. Gu is not so angry, and the matter is over.

But ah ~ with her Gu jiuci in, it's not so easy to pass!

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