Soon, on the big screen, bagoyalu insulted the Chinese team yesterday.

Yang Ruoyu took the opportunity to grab a referee's microphone and shouted at the crowd.

"I think people all over the world should understand the feud between China and neon.

This history has long been remembered by us and integrated into bone and blood.

But China is a nation that values peace, but Mr. bagoyalu of neon,

Not only did they not reflect on the mistakes made by their predecessors, but they were even proud of their predecessors' mistakes.

Before the game, I had a bet with bagoyalu,

Now, I invite you to join me!

Ask Mr. bagoyalu to fulfill the agreement!

Kneel down and apologize to me! Apologize to our Chinese team and to those Chinese people who died innocently! "

Yang Ruoyu said three apologies, and the atmosphere of justice at the scene was immediately pushed to a climax!


Tong Lele, who raised their arms and shouted, led the players from other countries to shout an apology together!

Hundreds of millions of Chinese descendants in the live broadcasting room also blew up the bullet screen in the live broadcasting room!

There are only two words on the whole screen. Apologize!

"No! I can't apologize! The emperor will kill me!"

Bagoyalu turned pale with fear and fell to the ground on the spot.

But even so, he still did not admit his mistake, and his ugly face was exposed to people all over the world.

Yang Ruoyu actually expected it. After all, neon country has always been shameless.

"If you don't apologize, the whole world can see what kind of nation your neon is!"

At this time, bagoyalu suddenly turned his eyes and foamed at the mouth.

"God! He seems to be poisoned!"

When someone screamed, the staff rushed up and surrounded bagoyalu.

Yang Ruoyu swept coldly. What trick is bagoyalu playing?

But soon, things got serious.

A number of players, not only neon, but also players from several other countries, also fell to the ground and began to foam at the mouth.

Yang Ruoyu's face changed slightly, and things became wrong!

Several players fell to the ground in a row. The staff immediately announced the end of the game, and then began to treat other players.

The neon team immediately picked up balyaru and left. The matter of apology ended like this.

Afterwards, the organizing committee gave an explanation.

Those who foaming at the mouth ate bad food, which led to food poisoning.

But no one believes it.

"Those players must have been poisoned."

"Thanks to our own food, we didn't have such a tragedy."

At the celebration dinner in the evening, President Wang Jue was terrified.

"Yes, thanks to our early prevention, otherwise we would have been recruited!"

In the room upstairs opposite,

"Please, Miss Lin Luo, I'm still useful! Please keep my life!"

Bagoyalu, who died during the day and refused to kneel, knelt in front of the forest, with his head on the ground like a dog.


Linluo waved a whip and beat bagoya deer on the back.

Bagoyalu didn't even dare to cry and kept apologizing.

"If it hadn't been for the next game and you had to stop the United States and France, you would have died!"

Speaking of this, Linluo opened the drawer and threw several white pills on the ground.

Bagoya deer immediately opened its mouth greedily to lick.

"Go away! If you fail again, you'll die!"

"Yes! I promise there will be no next time!"

At this time, Doyle around Lin Luo said respectfully

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