"Miss Lin Luo, the Chinese team is really strong this time!

Now they have won neon country. The momentum is very strong. We can't let them win any more!

Otherwise, it will affect the master's plan! It will affect the Centennial plan of our sun society! "

"I know!"

Lin Luo frowned and looked at Doyle.

"Who will China compete with tomorrow?"

"According to their drawing of lots, tomorrow is the competition with the baseball team. Park Hanguo organized and sent him to participate in the baseball team,

Park Han Guo obeys all your commands! "

"OK! Call Park Han Guo now!"

Lin Luo said coldly. Doyle immediately answered and asked someone to call Park Han Guo.

As soon as Park Han saw Lin Luo, he saluted respectfully.

"Miss Lin Luo!"

"Well, don't talk nonsense to me! Tomorrow is your game against China. Are you sure of winning?"

Lin Luo looked sharply at Park Han state.

"I'm 50% sure. As for myself, I'm 100% sure to win."

Park Hanguo said of himself, confident and proud.

"I don't want 50% confidence. I want you to win!"

The cold voice of the forest is wrapped in rage!

Then she looked at Doyle. Doyle immediately went to Park Han Guo and handed him a tube of powder.

"The security measures of the Chinese team are very strict this time. Their members don't eat or drink outside at all,

Our people can't find a chance to start, so it's up to you! "

Lin Luo stared at Park Han Guo and spoke slowly.

"Your goal is Huo Zheng. In the process of the game, if you find an opportunity, start quickly.

Even if you pay all the price, remember that you are the person who is trained by the organization, and the second is yourself! "

"Yes! Don't worry, Miss Lin Luo. I will complete the task you assigned me!"

Park Hanguo immediately agreed unconditionally.

At the same time,

At the celebration banquet, President Wang Jue came up with the arrangement plan for the next day's competition.

"Tomorrow we will play against the baseball team. Park Hanguo in this team is our strong enemy!

Everyone must be careful! "

Speaking of this, President Wang Jue looked at Huo Zheng solemnly.

"Huo Zheng, tomorrow is your game against Park Han Guo. Both sides play blind chess. How are you prepared?"

"Don't worry."

Huo Zheng's speech was still so brief and determined.

Yang Ruoyu looked at Huo Zheng and said on his own initiative.

"There is no game for me tomorrow. I apply to be your logistics and escort for you."

"OK! If yu has a delicate mind, he can also find some clues.

Today, players in many countries are poisoned, which has sounded an alarm for us! "

Team leader Uncle Li agreed immediately.

"Well, let's have an early rest tonight and have a showdown with our opponents tomorrow!"

President Wang Jue timely stopped the dinner and everyone left one after another.

I don't know what happened. In the end, Huo Zheng and Yang Ruoyu were left.

"Shall I take you back to your room?"

Huo Zheng said subconsciously.

"No, you have to refuel for tomorrow's game!"

Yang Ruoyu blushed, paused shyly, and ran away.

The night wind blew into the door, and Huo Zheng's heart seemed to be gently disturbed by a feather.

The next day's game arrived as scheduled.

In the first two games, Jiang Peiyuan and Tong Lele have won.

Huo Zheng was the third to play against Park Han state.

He this game, related to the overall victory, is very important!

Before the game, Huo Zheng suddenly coughed

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