Before long, except Yang Ruoyu, the players of other countries with mild diarrhea poisoning woke up.

Mensa announced that the competition would continue.

Park Han Guo began his nightmare journey.

Huo Zheng will come to the next baseball game in person,

He even helped Park Han's opponent give advice. In front of him, Huo Zheng loudly told his opponent about Park Han's weakness.

At the beginning of the game, Huo Zheng sat in the front with cold eyes staring at Park Hanguo.

Like a beast, staring at its prey, ready to swallow it at any time!

In the whole competition, park Hanguo was in an uncertain mood because of Huo Zheng's strong vision and couldn't play well.

After Huo Zheng's kindness, the opponent accurately grasped the weakness of Park Han state,

It makes Park Han Guo feel very uncomfortable.

In that game, park Hanguo failed again.

"It's a joke that the world's top blind chess master lost to an unknown person!"

"Hahaha, it seems that Park Han country is not an invincible myth!"

"The baseball team has always been very water. This park Han country is just bragging. You take it seriously!"

People's ridicule rushed to Park Han Guo like a tide, and Park Han Guo finally couldn't stand it.

He angrily walked towards Huo Zheng and questioned loudly.

"What do you want?"

"Torture you."

Huo Zheng made no secret of his purpose.

If Park Han Guo hadn't deliberately provoked him that day, Yang Ruoyu wouldn't have changed the water for him or drank poisonous water by mistake.

Although he has no evidence to prove that it was Pu Han's poison that day.

But he intuitively felt that the murderer was Park Hanguo.

Now, he has to find a way to force Park Han Guo to admit it.

"Hum! You madman, I'll report you to the Mensa Conference!"

Park Han Guo shouted angrily.

"What did you report me? It was you, not me.

Are you so incompetent that you dare not even admit your failure? "


Park Han Guo was so angry that he was about to explode. He looked around and confirmed that no one was looking at him,

He lowered his voice and asked.

"How on earth can you not stare at me? Tell me your conditions!"

Huo Zheng slightly hooked his lips and the fish took the bait.

"My request is very simple. Did you poison that day? Who is the boss behind you?"

Park Han Guo's face suddenly changed.

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

With that, Park Han Guo left in a hurry with a pale face.

However, his expression has exposed everything!

Huo Zheng's handsome face flashed a cold touch.

Since then, Huo Zheng will be there on time for every game of Park Hanguo.

And before the game, they were all welcomed by Park Han Guo's opponents and arranged to sit in the nearest position to Park Han Guo by the opponent's team.

Throughout the game, Huo Zheng didn't say a word, but it was like a big black cloud that was going to rain,

Shrouded over the head of Park Han.

Gradually, Park Han Guo couldn't concentrate on the chessboard and always looked in the direction of Huo Zheng from time to time.

In the later games, park even made many low-level mistakes, such as playing chess in advance, playing wrong chess and so on.

After losing the game one after another, park's reputation collapsed again and again.

Not only did the whole audience doubt him, but even the face baseball team had plans to abandon him.

Finally, park Hanguo couldn't resist the pressure and announced a temporary suspension.

However, Huo Zheng's Revenge did not end there.

What made Park Han Guo feel more collapsed soon happened

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