Before long, some members of the baseball team disclosed publicly that Park Han Guo was immoral and had many black spots.

For example, insulting competitors, such as going to bad hotels at night for three or four.

For example, bullying the players in the team and an inexplicable amount of money.

The foreign media, coincidentally, made a lot of reports on Park Han Guo's black material,

Overnight, Park Han kingdom became infamous and his spirit was finally destroyed.

game site,

Park Hanguo went crazy, grabbed the referee's microphone, yelled, and then rushed out of the field.

"Smelly fart Zheng, your whole person ability is really getting stronger and stronger. I admire it!"

President Wang Jue applauded and sincerely admired him.

"Attack the heart, and Park Han will never return to the past.

If he doesn't compromise with you, he will become a loser. "

At this time, Huo Zheng's mobile phone suddenly rang. It was a call from Uncle Li.

"Ah Zheng! A great piece of good news, I must tell you quickly!"

"What's the good news?"

"If yu wakes up, come and have a look!"

The next second, Huo Zheng's pupils suddenly enlarged and ran out at once.

He's really sorry!

In order to toss Park Han Guo, he missed Yang Ruoyu wake up!

Huo Zheng rushed all the way to the hospital. At the door of the ward, Uncle Li stopped him.

"Ah Zheng, if yu wakes up, and there are no problems in all intelligence tests, he is basically at his original level.

Just... "

At this point, Uncle Li's expression suddenly became dignified.

Huo Zheng's heart sank suddenly.

"Uncle Li, you go on, I can bear it."


Uncle Li sighed heavily and patted him on the shoulder.

"Just go in and have a look."


Huo Zheng closed his lips tightly, took a deep breath, made full psychological preparation, and pushed open the door of the ward,

Just then, a beam of sunlight shone into the ward,

Yang Ruoyu turned his back to him as if he were studying some difficult problem,

Huo Zheng's hands hanging on both sides were tightly clenched into fists to restrain the excitement at the moment.

He deliberately eased his steps and walked slowly towards the girl,

From a distance, Huo Zheng saw that Yang Ruoyu was analyzing the high number problems they often played before.

And Yang Ruoyu has successfully solved it.

Huo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and the corners of his mouth rose.

"If you are stupid, it seems that you have all recovered."

It seems that Uncle Li is scaring him.

At this time, Yang Ruoyu turned around and smiled at him.

The next second, Huo Leng couldn't laugh.


When Yang Ruoyu saw him, he suddenly shouted with milk, stood up and rushed into his arms!

Huo Zheng raised his subconscious hands high and looked at Yang Ruoyu with shocked eyes.

"What do you call me?!"


Yang Ruoyu raised his head in Huo Zheng's arms. His big clear eyes blinked, as simple and lovely as a child.

Her next sentence frightened Huo Zheng even more.

"Boyfriend, please take me to ice cream. I'm so hungry!"

Huo Zheng's eyes flashed and finally understood what Uncle Li said.

Yang Ruoyu did wake up and her IQ was online, but her EQ degenerated to the stage of a child, and she seemed to have lost some memory.

I thought he was my boyfriend!

Huo Zheng's mood was particularly complex. He pursed his lips and found his voice.

"How do you know I'm your boyfriend?"

Even if he heard that boyfriend, he was happy, but he didn't want to take advantage of Yang Ruoyu.

"Of course..."

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