Zhan Ying wants to cry without tears and raise the invisible little white flag to surrender.

"Master, I'm wrong. In fact, you are always imposing, but which President is not? What's more, you are the most powerful family in the imperial capital. "

Zhan Ying tried to express the main idea in a euphemistic tone, and finally added a very smart one.

"However, when Miss Gu was here, you were still warm in spring...

referring to Xiao jiu'er, Huo Mingche's brow just opened. After a few seconds of silence, he said to Zhan Ying again.

"You go out."


Zhan Ying responded and turned to go outside. But his heart was so angry that he always felt that the master's eyes were not right when he said something wrong?

When Zhan Ying closes the door, the man's eyes turn to the laptop in front of him.

At the moment, the results of a certain search are displayed on the screen.

#How to make children not afraid of themselves.

#How can you let your girlfriend not be afraid of yourself?

#A hundred ways to express kindness.

#Control your temper.

However, none of the results were what he wanted.

The man looked away and looked at the rolling clouds outside the window. He was an extremely calm and self-discipline person, but he was easily out of control in front of her...

but he did not notice that he was trying to change his nature for Gu jiuci.

At noon, because Aunt Ming went to the old house, Gu jiuci went to the canteen with sichen and Lu Xiaosang.

The combination of these three people appeared in the canteen. Two people who had been isolated, and one who was in the forefront of the waves recently, soon attracted the attention of the whole canteen.

In particular, Gu jiuci's "most beautiful hour light" gags, many people quietly took out their mobile phones to secretly photograph her.

Gu jiuci doesn't think there is anything, but Si Chen is not used to it. Lu Xiaosang is a simple person and obviously disturbed.

"Come on, let's all pack and eat in another place."

The classroom at noon was not very safe. The three men went to the music classroom. The school gave Gu jiuci and Si Chen a key to the practice room in order to prepare for the excellent students.

Halfway through the meal, Lu Xiaosang takes out his mobile phone mysteriously.

"It's said that this Guanyin magic wand app is the most accurate fortune teller. Would you like to have a try?"

"I believe in science, but I don't believe in these superstitions ~"

Si Chen said that he refused, but Lu Xiaosang tried his best to persuade him, so he had to point it out.

"Show me, what did you get?"

Lu Xiaosang came to see the result with great interest.

"Big business boom?"

See this result, Si Chen slightly raises eyebrow.

"It coincides with my idea. It seems very smart."

"You just said that you believe in science ~" Lu Xiaosang glanced at sichen and excitedly handed the mobile phone to Gu jiuci.

"Smoke one and see if the most beautiful hour can make you explode

Gu jiuci has something in mind. At this moment, she stares at her cell phone. Lu Xiaosang grabs her finger and forcibly presses the draw.

The result of the draw soon came out, and Lu Xiaosang read it word by word.

"Your recent love is very good. Obviously, peach blossom has arrived. It's not easy to meet the right person at the right time. Cherish it." Make complaints about

's little Sang Sang.

"What? One should have peach blossom without peach blossom, and one who should have a career does not talk about career, which is not allowed at all!"

"So, don't believe in any fortune telling software, life is to rely on their own abilities ~"

Si Chen summed up with a smile, and Yu Guang saw Gu jiuci, who couldn't keep up her spirits, he stretched out his hand and pushed her shoulder.

"What's the matter with you today, absent-minded since the morning?"

"Is it because I was blackened out that I was in a bad mood?"

Lu Xiaosang speculated.

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