"All right, let's go!"

Pompidou made a gesture and the students immediately set up their violins.

Gu jiuci's one handed violin, just adjusting the posture, made everyone wait for a while.

"At this level, do you mean to beat me?"

Daisy's disdainful opening caused others to laugh. Even several teachers shook their heads in disappointment.

Gu jiuci didn't care and adjusted the violin to her most satisfactory state.

The repertoire of violin group is a piece of music with both slow and fast rhythm. It is very difficult to change the speed continuously and to play deep meaning and emotion.

In the beginning, the judges and teachers have stopped five or six people, indicating that they can leave after putting down their violins.

All the others present were wide eyed.

"It's too strict to let others finish playing..."

"but the level of teachers in Juilliard college is very high. Don't you notice that the rest of the music is getting higher and higher?"

"It seems that those who want to mix the fish's eyes with the pearls can't escape!"

Two minutes later, only four people were still holding on.

The hearts of Si Chen and Ji Weiran are all mentioned. The teachers of Juliet college are very strict. Whenever the teacher comes to Gu jiuci's side, the hearts of the Oriental candidates are all mentioned in their voices!

Daisy quickly swept Gu jiuci beside her, and her eyes were all disdainful.

At this time, the judge teacher just stopped the other two candidates. Daisy immediately heard Gu jiuci playing in addition to her own voice, and her face finally turned positive.

Gu jiuci didn't notice anyone else at all. She focused on playing her own music, which she liked very much. She often played with her mother before. She was totally immersed in it, and even forgot that she was playing in the competition.

At first, vice president Pompidou's eyes remained on Daisy's, but gradually, his eyes were attracted by Gu jiuci. But most of the judges praised Daisy and did not look at Gu jiuci.

They played until the end of the song, and the European and American examinees immediately whistled at Daisy to celebrate. In their eyes, Daisy has no suspense is the first.

The students who came with Daisy yelled.

"Mr. Pompidou, please announce the results quickly. We can't wait to celebrate Daisy!"

On the other hand, even Shen Jianxing's face is full of worries. The atmosphere is dull, just like a lost battle.

Daisy raised her head in Pride and scorned Gu jiuci.

"See? Everyone's ears are sharp. "

At this moment Pompidou got up and walked around the table towards the two men.

Daisy excitedly raised the corner of her mouth, even the vice president was moved by her performance, to personally congratulate her!

Sure enough, Pompidou went straight to Daisy with a smile on her face. The European and American people immediately cheered, and Daisy opened her mouth to say hello to the vice president.

However, the next second, Pompidou steps around, toward Gu jiuci.

Daisy's words got stuck in her throat. Her eyes widened and her face was full of consternation. The students in Europe and America were all dumbfounded.

At this time, the vice president of Pompidou beamed at Gu jiuci and said in an unskilled Chinese accent: "Congratulations! You're accepted. "

At this moment, all the eastern examinees were bombed, and Ji Weiran jumped three feet high!

"Great! Gu jiuci, you are so kind! You beat the gold medal winner

Everyone has a kind of excitement and glory, and elation.

"See, Mr. Pompidou is an authoritative musician, even he affirms us!"

At the moment, Daisy's eyes were red and she was embarrassed to leave the place immediately. And those European and American students are like eggplant, which is different from a few minutes ago.

Seeing the final result of the dust settled, everyone left the examination room one after another.

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