@Entertainment Auntie: it's just to take the exam, but it's not the exam. As for the so insidious poke, take it out to show off? I just won a little favor, so I turned dark.

@Inside the circle: watch 18 line artists secretly poke and stir fry Xueba people's equipment online, car overturning scene! Ha ha ha ha!

@Today is cool or not: this kind of small artist has no determination at all. If he gets a little favor, he will go away. Do you still want to learn from marketing? I majored in music. There are only two places for Juliet college to enroll in violin major in China. She just goes to mix. She has the ability to send admission notice!

This ID for today's cool comments were immediately praised and forwarded to the first.

The authoritative and real comments of the other party let the passers-by who did not know the situation saw it. The first reaction was that Gu jiuci was disgusted.

But... Gu jiuci has been in charge of all kinds of disobedience for 100 years!

soon, Tang Yu gave the official account of nine words awesome to the interview. Then he used the account of the studio to forward Gu jiuci's microblog, and the copywriting was also very spiritual.

Gu jiuci studio V: Juliet college in China violin professional admission quota is only two, four words, boss cow force! //Gu jiuci V: "JPG"

everyone knows that it's those black netizens who hit each other in the air. Originally, Gu jiuci's fans had no confidence, but now it has been proved that they are trying to forward and praise comments one by one.

Coupled with Tang Yu's planned arrangement, the microblog quickly became popular, and fans took the opportunity to send Gu jiuci's Amway video and photos. In particular, Gu jiuci's early classroom video.

Unknown eating melon passers-by point in, instant circle powder, soon the public opinion situation quickly reversed.

Outside Shangying, Xu Yuner and Jiang Min have just finished the art examination of Shangying performance department.

Jiang Min secretly poked for someone to take her art exam, carefully released the beautiful photos, and bought marketing, but unexpectedly there was no water flower.

On the contrary, she let her assistant black gu jiuci. As a result, Gu jiuci gained a wave of enthusiasm by fighting against the black, which made her gnash her teeth.

"I don't even have a work, so I'm in such a hurry to market! Waiting to be eaten back by marketing! "

Jiang Min, with a black face, turned to wechat and scolded the black sailors she bought for not working.

Walking beside Jiang Min, Xu yun'er is thoughtful. She is relieved that she didn't see Gu jiuci in Shangying today.

It seems that Gu jiuci's acting is really just playing with tickets, and he doesn't intend to specialize in acting.

In this way, without Gu jiuci making trouble, her acting career will be much more smooth.

But this does not mean that she will let go of Gu jiuci casually. She still remembers Gu's affairs!

Gu jiuci, I will let you understand that the entertainment industry is a cruel place!

"Xu yun'er, how do you feel about the exam today?"

Jiang Min suddenly looked at her and inquired.

Xu yun'er knows that Jiang Min's performance today is average and may be erased. In order to please Jiang Min, she deliberately pretends to be very distressed.

"I got stuck when I read the poem, and the examiner didn't seem very happy."

If Jiang Min hadn't introduced her to China entertainment film and television, she would not have held this fool who is more stupid than Gu jiuci.

Jiang Min heard Xu yun'er say so, immediately comfortable in the heart, the mouth has no cover up the sarcastic way.

"Why are you so careless! Now I can only hope that other people don't play well and let you have a bad luck! "

Xu yun'er snorted coldly in her heart. In fact, the effect of her interview was very good, but she pretended to be sad on purpose.

"I hope so."

Jiang Min see Xu Yun Er face is not very good, then perfunctory comfort way.

"It doesn't matter. I didn't take you to Huayu. Even if you can't pass the exam, you can act. If you can't get the heroine, you can play some good things.

You see, you've lost your brokerage contract. Gu jiuci is still in the mood to show her test certificate. Is it my friend who treats you well? "

Jiang Min doesn't know that Xu yun'er and Gu jiuci are not sisters at all. At the moment, she thinks she is wise enough to sow dissension between them.

In Jiang Min's opinion, Xu Yuner is Gu jiuci's most loyal running dog. If he can win Xu Yuner to his side, it is equivalent to cutting off Gu jiuci's right arm.

"Min'er, I'm very grateful to you, but... You'd better not say a CI like that. She must have some difficulties...

Xu yun'er put on her pathetic appearance again. In front of outsiders, she always showed how trusting and tolerant she was to Gu jiuci, which made people who didn't know the truth had a deeper liking for her and hated Gu jiuci more 。

"How can I say hello? You are more stupid than a pig

Jiang Minqi did not hit a place, rolled his eyes and left.

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