"Yun'er, you..."

Su Furong didn't expect that her daughter would say such words, and her eyes widened with consternation.

However, Xu yun'er didn't feel that her mother had been hurt by what she had just said. She turned her head and walked away.

She also did not see, Su Furong can only look at her back, silently left tears.


the three-day college entrance examination is finally over.

Gu jiuci only knew that Huo Mingche delayed his important business trip for three days in order to cheer her on.

At the airport, Gu jiuci pulled the corner of the devil's clothes, and his heart was filled with a pang of parting.

Before the big demon went on a business trip, she had no feeling. She didn't know what was going on this time. At the thought that she would not see him for many days, her big house suddenly became empty.

The executives on the side couldn't wait any longer, and they all winked at Ye Kan and Xiang Heng.

Ye Kan and Xiang Heng try their best to wink at Zhan Ying.

"Zhan Ying, go and hurry up!"

"Shit! You want a little life, don't I want a little life? I will urge you to do it! "

Zhan Ying's mouth is still palpitating. Standing in the same place, his feet are like a root. What kind of things can't be saved? Let him do them every time!

Xiang Heng, with a sly smile, took his shoulder to coax him.

"You are the first red man around the boss. You are very rich in fighting experience and life saving experience ~"

"fuck you!"

Zhan Ying rolled her eyes and didn't eat Xiang Heng at all. She looked at the master and Gu jiuci in a sour tone.

"The first red man is absolutely not comparable to the master's heart treasure, I have this self-knowledge."

Gu jiuci has long noticed the restlessness of the three of them, but she is in a bad mood today, that is, she doesn't want Huo Mingche to go.

Finally, she resisted the impulse of being a beauty and disaster, and let go of the devil's clothes and nagging instructions.

"Three meals a day must be eaten on time. I will let Zhan Ying stare at you. If you don't pay attention to your body, I will be angry!"


Man's eyes focused on his small nine son, no matter what she said, she said good.

"You have to send me messages on time, and then have a cold war with me. Believe it or not, I'll give you a green hat when you come back?"

"Dare you?"

The man's tone sank. Gu jiuci didn't realize the danger, so he talked back subconsciously.

"Why don't i... um!"

It's just that before the words can be finished, the chin is gently held by the man's fingers and then sealed with a kiss.

Gu jiuci's pupil suddenly enlarges, after a burst of consternation, falls into the man's starry eyes, and finally... Sink.

Huo Mingche's eyes color immediately deep, originally just a dragonfly kiss, but the girl's initiative, easy to set fire, let him out of control. He quickly buckled the girl's waist, aggressive and aggressive, and deepened the kiss. He would like to rub her into the blood and bone, forever intertwined together, would not be separated.

Executives have tacit agreement to turn around, ye Kan not angry scolded.

"Beauty brings disaster!"

Another ten minutes later, Gu jiuci was almost out of oxygen. The man just let her go and got on the plane.

Gu jiuci touched his heart and watched the devil's private plane across the sky.

After the strong love, it is very lonely.

The huge sense of loss suddenly occupied the whole heart of Gu jiuci, why? He just left, she began to think about him?

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